619 research outputs found

    A postcolonial discourse analysis of Finnish school textbooks: learning about the world from a tourist perspective

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    In this article, we ask how Finnish basic education school textbooks in social science portray tourism and countries with a big tourism sector. We have analyzed the textbook quotes from a postcolonial perspective, using discourse theory analysis. The idea is to challenge what is considered objective information about tourist locations in school textbooks. The results show that even if some ethical questions are at times debated openly, particularly environmental problems at tourist sites, tourism is considered as something predominantly positive. The textbook reader is assumed to be a potential tourist. Some textbook quotes resemble tourist brochures, while people living in tourist locations are given marginal importance. A key argument is that the unequal global power relations between tourists and those living in tourist locations are not challenged. Considering tourism from a postcolonial point of view brings a vital perspective to social science education. There is a need to challenge the positions that are appointed to textbook readers

    Five Grave-stelae from Sudanese Nubia

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    Intercultural education in transition : Nordic perspectives

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    Over the last several decades intercultural education has played a key role in many educational policies and practices, both across the Nordic countries and internationally. In this article we examine current conceptual discourses on intercultural education with an emphasis on developments in the Nordic research context. The analysis shows how the concept of intercultural education and its focus on “culture” has been criticised in the Nordic countries and internationally for the pitfalls of essentialism and relativism. This criticism is linked to a perceived lack of focus on power issues in education, which undermines the development of a social justice-orientated intercultural education. However, the analysis within the Nordic research context shows signs of re-conceptualisations, which includes a widening of the field and the emergence of new and more critically-orientated approaches.Peer reviewe

    Development of the SciRAP Approach for Evaluating the Reliability and Relevance of in vitro Toxicity Data

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    Efficient and successful integration of data generated from non-animal test methods must rely on reliable and relevant data. It is important therefore to develop tools and criteria that facilitate scientifically sound, structured, and transparent evaluation of reliability and relevance of in vitro toxicity data to efficiently inform regulatory hazard and risk assessment. The Science in Risk Assessment and Policy (SciRAP) initiative aims to promote such overarching goals. We present the work to develop and refine the SciRAP tool for evaluation of reliability and relevance of in vitro studies for incorporation on the SciRAP web-based platform ( www.scirap.org ). In the SciRAP approach, reliability evaluation is based on criteria for reporting quality and methodological quality, and is explicitly separated from relevance evaluation. The SciRAP in vitro tool (version 1.0) was tested and evaluated during an expert test round (April 2019-September 2020) on three in vitro studies by thirty-one experts from regulatory authorities, industry and academia from different geographical areas and with various degree of experience in in vitro research and/or human health risk assessment. In addition, the experts answered an online survey to collect their feedback about the general features and desired characteristics of the tool for further refinement. The SciRAP in vitro tool (version 2.0) was revised based on the outcome of the expert test round (study evaluation and online survey) and consists of 24 criteria for evaluating " reporting quality " (reliability), 16 criteria for " methodological quality " (reliability) , and 4 items for evaluating relevance of in vitro studies. Participants were generally positive about the adequacy, flexibility, and user-friendliness of the tool. The expert test round outlined the need to (i) revise the formulation of certain criteria; (ii) provide new or revised accompanying guidance for reporting quality and methodological quality criteria in the " test compounds and controls ," " test system ," and " data collection and analysis " domains; and (iii) provide revised guidance for relevance items, as general measures to reduce inter-expert variability. The SciRAP in vitro tool allows for a structured and transparent evaluation of in vitro studies for use in regulatory hazard and risk assessment of chemicals

    Taking steps towards institutionalizing multicultural education – The national curriculum of Finland

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    Internationally multicultural education research has pointed to the need to move from superficial to social justice-oriented multicultural education. However, realising this goal in policy and practice is a challenge. This study takes Finland as a case and examines the discursive developments of multicultural education in its national curriculum 1994–2014. Despite being a country which is known for emphasising equity and equality in education, superficial forms of multicultural education have prevailed. However, the results of this study show that the curricular discourse is clearly moving towards social justice education where multicultural perspectives are an integrated part of the curriculum. The 2014 curriculum, which came into effect 2016, emerges as a policy which aims to foster ethical and respectful students with a sense of fairness and an open attitude towards all kinds of diversity. The challenge for Finland is to ensure implementation and advance transformativeness in future curriculum reforms.Peer reviewe

    Early glaciological and Quaternary Geology cooperation

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    The article depicts the author’s experiences of Glaciology and Quaternary Geology research between Finland and the People’s Republic of China. The focus is on a visit to a glaciological station in Tianshan in 1988. The climate is continental displaying warming-up and increased precipitation since the end of the 1980’s. The data collected here is of utmost importance when analysing the future development of the glaciers. Some associations to the historic Silk Roads are made having implications on the Belt and Road strategy launched by the Chinese. As to problems of sea and lake ice, Finland and the P. R. China have found issues of mutual interest resulting in continuing cooperation in the Arctic and in ice-covered areas of China. New forms of bilateral collaboration such as university education and training have evolved encompassing coming generations

    Separately together : A systems theoretical analysis of the structuration of Nordic defence cooperation within NORDEFCO

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    Pohjoismainen puolustusyhteistö on 2010-luvun toisella puoliskolla tiivistynyt merkittävästi. Tutkielma luo katsauksen pohjoismaisen puolustusyhteistyön rakentumiseen analysoimalla, miten sen keskeisin monenvälinen foorumi, Nordic Defense Cooperation (NORDEFCO) luo käsityksen ympäristöstään ja toimii sen puitteissa. Tutkielma valaisee monenvälisen puolustusyhteistyön puitteistumista pohjoismaisessa kontekstissa, joka on monella tapaa historiallisesti, poliittisesti ja kulttuurisesti uniikki alue. Analyysi perustuu Niklas Luhmannin systeemisen yhteiskuntateorian soveltamiseen maailmanpolitiikan tutkimuksessa. Teoriavalinta sijoittuu osaksi maailmanpolitiikan tutkimuksessa tapahtunutta käännettä relationaalisen yhteiskuntateorian pariin. Tässä huomio keskitetään tutkittavien objektien sisäisiin ja välisiin suhteisiin, sekä toimijoiden ja toimijuuden rakentumiseen näiden suhteiden kautta. Luhmannin yhteiskuntateoria tarjoaa tähän erittäin hienosyisen ja kattavan lähestymistavan, joka ottaa huomioon modernin yhteiskuntajärjestelmän globaalin luonteen ja pitkälle edenneen toiminnallisen eriytymisen. Tutkielman aineistona toimivat NORDEFCOn itse keskeisimmiksi määrittelemänsä julkiset asiakirjat sekä sen poliittisen ohjauskomitean (PSC) sihteeristössä toimivien, neljää Pohjoismaata edustavien virkahenkilöiden puolirakenteellisestut haastattelut. Aineisto koodattiin, analysoitiin ja teemoiteltiin laadullisin menetelmin, järjestelmäteoriaan pohjaavan tutkimussapluunan ohjaamana. Tutkielma osoittaa, miten NORDEFCOn toiminta mahdollistaa toiminnallisesti itsenäisten yhteiskunnallisten alajärjestelmien, kuten politiikan ja sotilasalan, välisen kommunikaation “kääntämisen” toiselle järjestelmälle ymmärrettävään muotoon. Kommunikaatioon liittyvät vahvasti valtion hallinnan haasteet globalisoituvassa ja territoriosta irtautuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Analyysi osoittaa kehityksen yhteyksiä itsenäiseen teknologiajärjestelmään, ja viittaa siihen, että hallintaa luodaan standardoinnin kautta. Esiin nousee myös, että yhteistyötä edesauttaa muilla sektoreilla tehty yhteistyö ja jaettujen kulttuuristen elementtien, kuten kielen, mahdollistama paikallinen ongelmanratkaisu

    Revolution och kontrarevolution i Ryssland och Finland

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