3 research outputs found

    Improved shallow waters tidal estimates using satellite radar altimetry data and numerical modeling

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    Satellite observations can help in the retrieval of constituents in shallow waters. Noise contamination, however, makes smaller constituents irretrievable and large sources of error. Throughout shallow areas, the constituent’s relevancy changes. For example, near an amphidromic point where M2 relevance drops, so does the potential of satellite contribution for improving its accuracy. Moreover, shallow waters are generally influenced by many constituents (>100). Accurately retrieving all these constituents with satellite radar altimeter data alone is not possible. Series length requirements imposed by the Rayleigh criteria to separate constituents are still unavailable. Removing unwanted signals from satellite observations improves least-squares-based harmonic estimates, given an inversion matrix with the same condition number. This variance reduction is the core of the remove compute restore approach commonly used. First, residual harmonic sets are computed with the difference between observations and model background estimates through conventional or weighted least-squares. Then, the residual harmonics are added to the background model estimates. Here we implemented a method that extends the typical approach by including model background estimate and error covariance in the least-squares step. This inclusion helps to weigh between constituents well represented in the model and those that must be updated. To test the method, we designed a semi-synthetic experiment. First, we used tide gauge data to generate a satellite equivalent dataset and compared estimations between the two methods listed above and the model estimate. Next, we applied the method to compute tidal estimates along satellite radar altimeter tracks (T/P Jason) in the 2D Dutch Coastal Shelf Model (DCSMv6) domain. Results from the synthetic experiment show that the second method produces consistently better estimates reducing RSS consistently through temporal cross-validation. In addition, it provides an effective way of keeping as many constituents estimates as the model series can resolve, adding the benefits of satellite observations. Finally, results from the North Sea implementation show the new estimates increase the variance reduction of satellite residuals across the whole domain relative to background tidal estimates. The range of improvements varies between 0 and 3cm, which is significant given already very accurate model background estimates. The benefited areas include the English Channel, the Irish Sea, the English North-Sea Coast, the Bay of Biscay, the German Bight, and the North Atlantic region close to the upper boundary of the model domain.Mathematical PhysicsPhysical and Space GeodesyEnvironmental Fluid Mechanic

    The Evolution of Plume Fronts in the Rhine Region of Freshwater Influence

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    The Rhine region of freshwater influence (ROFI) is strongly stratified, rotational, relatively shallow and has large tides, resulting in a dynamic field of fronts that are formed by multiple processes. We use a 3D numerical model to obtain a conceptual picture of the frontal structure and the processes responsible for generating this multiple front structure in the Rhine ROFI. The horizontal salinity gradient and numerical tracers are used to identify three different types of fronts: outer, inner, tidal plume and relic tidal plume fronts. Tidal plume front (TPF) trajectories together with the tracers demonstrate that TPFs exist for longer than one tidal cycle. A Lagrangian frontogenesis analysis shows that the fronts are strengthened mainly as a result of increased convergence, which is observed to occur at times when tidal straining is large. Additionally the alongshore tidal excursion and the dominance of the tidal currents over the intrinsic frontal propagation speed, trap TPFs within 20 km from the river mouth. Trapping and re-strengthening maintain several fronts at a time in the mid-field region, resulting in a multi-frontal system. The observation of a complex river plume system is expected to be important for cross-shore exchange, transport and coastal ecology.Environmental Fluid Mechanic

    Altimetry-derived tide model for improved tide and water level forecasting along the European continental shelf

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    With the continued rise in global mean sea level, operational predictions of tidal height and total water levels have become crucial for accurate estimations and understanding of sea level processes. The Dutch Continental Shelf Model in Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DCSM-FM) is developed at Deltares to operationally estimate the total water levels to help trigger early warning systems to mitigate against these extreme events. In this study, a regional version of the Empirical Ocean Tide model for the Northwest European Continental Sea (EOT-NECS) is developed with the aim to apply better tidal forcing along the boundary of the regional DCSM-FM. EOT-NECS is developed at DGFI-TUM by using 30 years of multi-mission along-track satellite altimetry to derive tidal constituents which are estimated both empirically and semi-empirically. Compared to the global model, EOT20, EOT-NECS showed a reduction in the root-square-sum error for the eight major tidal constituents of 0.68 cm compared to in situ tide gauges. When applying constituents from EOT-NECS at the boundaries of DCSM-FM, an overall improvement of 0.29 cm was seen in the root-mean-square error of tidal height estimations made by DCSM-FM, with some regions exceeding a 1 cm improvement. Furthermore, of the fourteen constituents tested, eleven showed a reduction of RMS when included at the boundary of DCSM-FM from EOT-NECS. The results demonstrate the importance of using the appropriate tide model(s) as boundary forcings, and in this study, the use of EOT-NECS has a positive impact on the total water level estimations made in the northwest European continental seas.Mathematical Physic