691 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Side-Tuning for Vision Transformers

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    Fine-tuning pre-trained Vision Transformers (ViT) has consistently demonstrated promising performance in the realm of visual recognition. However, adapting large pre-trained models to various tasks poses a significant challenge. This challenge arises from the need for each model to undergo an independent and comprehensive fine-tuning process, leading to substantial computational and memory demands. While recent advancements in Parameter-efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) have demonstrated their ability to achieve superior performance compared to full fine-tuning with a smaller subset of parameter updates, they tend to overlook dense prediction tasks such as object detection and segmentation. In this paper, we introduce Hierarchical Side-Tuning (HST), a novel PETL approach that enables ViT transfer to various downstream tasks effectively. Diverging from existing methods that exclusively fine-tune parameters within input spaces or certain modules connected to the backbone, we tune a lightweight and hierarchical side network (HSN) that leverages intermediate activations extracted from the backbone and generates multi-scale features to make predictions. To validate HST, we conducted extensive experiments encompassing diverse visual tasks, including classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Notably, our method achieves state-of-the-art average Top-1 accuracy of 76.0% on VTAB-1k, all while fine-tuning a mere 0.78M parameters. When applied to object detection tasks on COCO testdev benchmark, HST even surpasses full fine-tuning and obtains better performance with 49.7 box AP and 43.2 mask AP using Cascade Mask R-CNN

    Inferring the Direction of Introgression Using Genomic Sequence Data

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    Genomic data are informative about the history of species divergence and interspecific gene flow, including the direction, timing, and strength of gene flow. However, gene flow in opposite directions generates similar patterns in multilocus sequence data, such as reduced sequence divergence between the hybridizing species. As a result, inference of the direction of gene flow is challenging. Here we investigate the information about the direction of gene flow present in genomic sequence data using likelihood-based methods under the multispecies-coalescentwith-introgression model. We analyze the case of two species, and use simulation to examine cases with three or four species. We find that it is easier to infer gene flow from a small population to a large one than in the opposite direction, and easier to infer inflow (gene flow from outgroup species to an ingroup species) than outflow (gene flow from an ingroup species to an outgroup species). It is also easier to infer gene flow if there is a longer time of separate evolution between the initial divergence and subsequent introgression. When introgression is assumed to occur in the wrong direction, the time of introgression tends to be correctly estimated and the Bayesian test of gene flow is often significant, while estimates of introgression probability can be even greater than the true probability. We analyze genomic sequences from Heliconius butterflies to demonstrate that typical genomic datasets are informative about the direction of interspecific gene flow, as well as its timing and strength

    BeautifulPrompt: Towards Automatic Prompt Engineering for Text-to-Image Synthesis

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    Recently, diffusion-based deep generative models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) have shown impressive results in text-to-image synthesis. However, current text-to-image models often require multiple passes of prompt engineering by humans in order to produce satisfactory results for real-world applications. We propose BeautifulPrompt, a deep generative model to produce high-quality prompts from very simple raw descriptions, which enables diffusion-based models to generate more beautiful images. In our work, we first fine-tuned the BeautifulPrompt model over low-quality and high-quality collecting prompt pairs. Then, to ensure that our generated prompts can generate more beautiful images, we further propose a Reinforcement Learning with Visual AI Feedback technique to fine-tune our model to maximize the reward values of the generated prompts, where the reward values are calculated based on the PickScore and the Aesthetic Scores. Our results demonstrate that learning from visual AI feedback promises the potential to improve the quality of generated prompts and images significantly. We further showcase the integration of BeautifulPrompt to a cloud-native AI platform to provide better text-to-image generation service in the cloud.Comment: emnlp 202

    DualToken-ViT: Position-aware Efficient Vision Transformer with Dual Token Fusion

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    Self-attention-based vision transformers (ViTs) have emerged as a highly competitive architecture in computer vision. Unlike convolutional neural networks (CNNs), ViTs are capable of global information sharing. With the development of various structures of ViTs, ViTs are increasingly advantageous for many vision tasks. However, the quadratic complexity of self-attention renders ViTs computationally intensive, and their lack of inductive biases of locality and translation equivariance demands larger model sizes compared to CNNs to effectively learn visual features. In this paper, we propose a light-weight and efficient vision transformer model called DualToken-ViT that leverages the advantages of CNNs and ViTs. DualToken-ViT effectively fuses the token with local information obtained by convolution-based structure and the token with global information obtained by self-attention-based structure to achieve an efficient attention structure. In addition, we use position-aware global tokens throughout all stages to enrich the global information, which further strengthening the effect of DualToken-ViT. Position-aware global tokens also contain the position information of the image, which makes our model better for vision tasks. We conducted extensive experiments on image classification, object detection and semantic segmentation tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of DualToken-ViT. On the ImageNet-1K dataset, our models of different scales achieve accuracies of 75.4% and 79.4% with only 0.5G and 1.0G FLOPs, respectively, and our model with 1.0G FLOPs outperforms LightViT-T using global tokens by 0.7%
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