12 research outputs found

    Larch Cellulose Shows Significantly Depleted Hydrogen Isotope Values With Respect to Evergreen Conifers in Contrast to Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes

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    The analysis of the stable isotope of the tree-ring cellulose is an important tool for paleo climatic investigations. Long tree-ring chronologies consist predominantly of oaks and conifers in Europe, including larch trees (Larix decidua) and cembran pines (Pinus cembra) that form very long tree ring chronologies in the Alps and grow at the treeline, where tree growth is mainly determined by temperature variations. We analyzed δ13C, δ18O and δ2H isotopes in the cellulose extracted from tree-rings of wood samples collected at high altitude in the Swiss and Tyrol Alps, covering the whole Holocene period. We found that larch cellulose was remarkably more depleted in deuterium than that of cembran pine, with mean δ2H values of −113.4 ± 9.7‰ for larch and of −65.4 ± 11.3‰ for cembran pine. To verify if these depleted values were specific to larch or a property of the deciduous conifers, we extended the analysis to samples from various living conifer species collected at the Bern Botanical Garden. The results showed that not only the larch, but also all the samples of the deciduous larch family had a cellulose composition that was highly depleted in δ2H with regard to the other evergreen conifers including cembran pine, a difference that we attribute to a faster metabolism of the deciduous conifers. The δ18O values were not statistically different among the species, in agreement with the hypothesis that they are primary signals of the source water. While the δ13C values were slightly more depleted for larch than for cembran pine, likely due to metabolic differences of the two species. We conclude that the deciduous larch conifers have specific metabolic hydrogen fractionations and that the larch unique signature of δ2H is useful to recognize it from other conifers in subfossil wood samples collected for paleoclimatic studies. For climate information the absolute δ2H values of larch should be considered carefully and separate from other species

    Research Data Management Workshop at RCS18

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    The customised training «Research Data Management Workshop at RCS18» was held in the form of a workshop at the EPFL & ETHZ Summer School on Reproducibility in Computational Sciences 2018. The presentation contains information on the importance and basics of research data management, an overview of rules and regulations, data management planning, data sharing and long-term preservation of research data. Due to anonymization, the content of individual slides within this presentation might have been modified before publication. The customised training «Research Data Management Workshop at RCS18» was held in the form of a workshop at the EPFL & ETHZ Summer School on Reproducibility in Computational Sciences 2018. The presentation contains information on the importance and basics of research data management, an overview of rules and regulations, data management planning, data sharing and long-term preservation of research data. Due to anonymization, the content of individual slides within this presentation might have been modified before publication

    Research Data Management - Novel Requirements according to the SNSF

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    The customised training «Research Data Management – Novel Requirements according to the SNSF» was held in the form of a seminar. The presentation contains information on the SNSF Policy on Open Research Data, data management planning, the content of data management plans for the SNSF and an overview of ETH services for research data management. Due to anonymization, the content of individual slides within this presentation might have been modified before publication

    Preliminary evaluation of the potential of tree-ring cellulose content as a novel supplementary proxy in dendroclimatology

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    Cellulose content (CC (%)) in tree rings is usually utilised as a tool to control the quality of the α-cellulose extraction from tree rings in the preparation of stable-isotope analysis in wooden tissues. Reported amounts of CC (%) are often limited to mean values per tree. For the first time, CC (%) series from two high-Alpine species, Larix decidua Mill. (European Larch, LADE) and Pinus cembra L. (Swiss stone pine, PICE) are investigated in modern wood samples and Holocene wood remains from the Early and mid-Holocene. Modern CC (%) series reveal a species-specific low-frequency trend independent of their sampling site over the past 150 years. Climate–cellulose relationships illustrate the ability of CC (%) to record temperature in both species but for slightly different periods within the growing season. The Holocene CC (%) series illustrate diverging low-frequency trends in both species, independent of sampling site characteristics (latitude, longitude and elevation). Moreover, potential age trends are not apparent in the two coniferous species. The arithmetic mean of CC (%) series in the Early and mid-Holocene indicate low CC (%) succeeding cold events. In conclusion, CC (%) in tree rings show high potential to be established as novel supplementary proxy in dendroclimatology

    Investigating Masking Effects of Age Trends on the Correlations among Tree Ring Proxies

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    Age-related trends are present in tree-ring widths (TRW), but their presence in tree rings isotope is debated. It is unclear how cambial age influences the relationships between TRW and isotopes. Tree-ring isotopes of alpine larch and cembran-pine trees showed only trends in the juvenile period (>100 years), which might mask the inter-relations between tree-ring proxies during cambial age. This work tries to unmask the age-trend influences by examining the correlations in TRW—stable isotopes with and without age-trend correction. The non-detrended and linear-detrended values of TRW, of δD and δ18O showed significant correlations for ages up to 100 years, but not afterward. However, the correlation values, after spline or first-difference time-series detrending, were not age-related. Thus, detrending methods affect the correlations in the juvenile phase and may affect climate-related interpretations. The correlations between TRW and δ13C were not age-related, while those among the isotopes were significant throughout the ages. The correlation between δ13C and δD was the exception, as it became significant only after age > 100 years, suggesting a different use of reserves in the juvenile phase. In conclusion, the relationships among the tree-ring parameters are stable in all the different detrend scenarios after the juvenile phase, and they can be used together in multi-proxy paleoclimatic studies. The data of the juvenile phase can be used after spline-detrending or first-difference time-series calculation, depending on the purpose of the analysis to remove age-related trends. The work also provides clues on the possible causes of juvenile age trends