2 research outputs found

    Vegetable Fertility Management Trial

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    Many organic vegetable producers have been relying heavily on livestock composts as a source of fertility on farm. Often, high rates of compost are applied to meet the nitrogen (N) needs of crops. When this strategy is implemented it can lead to over application of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). As an example, a grower may apply poultry manure at 6 tons ac-1 for 3 consecutive years. This contributes 225 lbs ac-1 of P per year, where vegetable crop removal of P ranges from 10-80 lbs ac-1 per season. In this scenario, there is an over application of P, leading to an excess of 900 lbs ac-1 in 3 years in cases where the soil already had sufficient P levels. After multiple seasons of using composts, P levels may accumulate in the soil to the point where applying additional P poses an environmental risk to nearby waterways. Phosphorus loading and associated risk depends on soil type, slope, and proximity to water. However, with impending water quality regulations, farmers will be required to account for their nutrient balance

    Cannabidiol Hemp Plant Spacing x Planting Date Trial

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    Hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis sativa L. The crop is one of historical importance in the U.S. and re-emerging worldwide importance as medical providers and manufacturers seek hemp as a renewable and sustainable resource for a wide variety of consumer and industrial products. Hemp grown for all types of end-use (health supplement, fiber, and seed) contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Some hemp varieties intended to produce a health supplement contain relatively high concentrations of a compound called cannabidiol (CBD), potentially 10-15%. The compound CBD has purported benefits such as relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, seizures, spasms, and other conditions. The CBD compound is the most concentrated in the female flower buds of the plant, however, it is also in the leaves and other plant parts as well. To grow hemp for CBD production, the crop is generally grown intensively as a specialty crop and the flowers are cultivated for maximum growth. The CBD oil is extracted and incorporated into topical products (salves, lip balm, lotion) and food and is available in pill capsules, powder form, and more, which can be found in the market today. Industrial hemp is poised to be a “new” cash crop and market opportunity for Vermont farms that is versatile and suitable as a rotation crop with other specialty crops, small grains, and grasses