79 research outputs found

    Dynamic generation of spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson junctions

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    We analyze the formation of squeezed states in a condensate of ultracold bosonic atoms confined by a double-well potential. The emphasis is set on the dynamical formation of such states from initially coherent many-body quantum states. Two cases are described: the squeezing formation in the evolution of the system around the stable point, and in the short time evolution in the vicinity of an unstable point. The latter is shown to produce highly squeezed states on very short times. On the basis of a semiclassical approximation to the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, we are able to predict the amount of squeezing, its scaling with NN and the speed of coherent spin formation with simple analytical formulas which successfully describe the numerical Bose-Hubbard results. This new method of producing highly squeezed spin states in systems of ultracold atoms is compared to other standard methods in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, revised discussion + added reference

    Aluminum arsenide cleaved-edge overgrown quantum wires

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    We report conductance measurements in quantum wires made of aluminum arsenide, a heavy-mass, multi-valley one-dimensional (1D) system. Zero-bias conductance steps are observed as the electron density in the wire is lowered, with additional steps observable upon applying a finite dc bias. We attribute these steps to depopulation of successive 1D subbands. The quantum conductance is substantially reduced with respect to the anticipated value for a spin- and valley-degenerate 1D system. This reduction is consistent with disorder-induced, intra-wire backscattering which suppresses the transmission of 1D modes. Calculations are presented to demonstrate the role of strain in the 1D states of this cleaved-edge structure.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Spin-Waves in the Mid-Infrared Spectrum of Antiferromagnetic YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.0_{6.0}

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    The mid-infrared spin-wave spectrum of antiferromagnetic YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.0_{6.0}\ was determined by infrared transmission and reflection measurements (\bbox{k} \!\! \parallel c) at T ⁣= ⁣10 ⁣T\!=\!10\!~K.\@ Excitation of single magnons of the optical branch was observed at Eop ⁣= ⁣178.0 ⁣E_{\text{op}}\!=\!178.0\!~meV.\@ Two further peaks at 346 ⁣346\!~meV ( ⁣1.94Eop\approx\!1.94\,E_{\text{op}}) and 470 ⁣470\!~meV ( ⁣2.6Eop\approx\!2.6\,E_{\text{op}}) both belong to the two-magnon spectrum. Linear spin wave theory is in good agreement with the measured two-magnon spectrum, and allows to determine the exchange constant JJ to be about 120 ⁣120\!~meV, whereas the intrabilayer coupling J12J_{12} is approximately 0.55J0.55\,J.Comment: 3 figures in uuencoded for

    Theory of semiconductor quantum-wire based single- and two-qubit gates

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    A GaAs/AlGaAs based two-qubit quantum device that allows the controlled generation and straightforward detection of entanglement by measuring a stationary current-voltage characteristic is proposed. We have developed a two-particle Green's function method of open systems and calculate the properties of three-dimensional interacting entangled systems non-perturbatively. We present concrete device designs and detailed, charge self-consistent predictions. One of the qubits is an all-electric Mach-Zehnder interferometer that consists of two electrostatically defined quantum wires with coupling windows, whereas the second qubit is an electrostatically defined double quantum dot located in a second two-dimensional electron gas beneath the quantum wires. We find that the entanglement of the device can be controlled externally by tuning the tunneling coupling between the two quantum dots.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, RevTex4 two-column format, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlinear atom interferometer surpasses classical precision limit

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    Interference is fundamental to wave dynamics and quantum mechanics. The quantum wave properties of particles are exploited in metrology using atom interferometers, allowing for high-precision inertia measurements [1, 2]. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art time standard is based on an interferometric technique known as Ramsey spectroscopy. However, the precision of an interferometer is limited by classical statistics owing to the finite number of atoms used to deduce the quantity of interest [3]. Here we show experimentally that the classical precision limit can be surpassed using nonlinear atom interferometry with a Bose-Einstein condensate. Controlled interactions between the atoms lead to non-classical entangled states within the interferometer; this represents an alternative approach to the use of non-classical input states [4-8]. Extending quantum interferometry [9] to the regime of large atom number, we find that phase sensitivity is enhanced by 15 per cent relative to that in an ideal classical measurement. Our nonlinear atomic beam splitter follows the "one-axis-twisting" scheme [10] and implements interaction control using a narrow Feshbach resonance. We perform noise tomography of the quantum state within the interferometer and detect coherent spin squeezing with a squeezing factor of -8.2dB [11-15]. The results provide information on the many-particle quantum state, and imply the entanglement of 170 atoms [16]

    Rabi flopping induces spatial demixing dynamics

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    We experimentally investigate the mixing/demixing dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of a linear coupling between two internal states. The observed amplitude reduction of the Rabi oscillations can be understood as a result of demixing dynamics of dressed states as experimentally confirmed by reconstructing the spatial profile of dressed state amplitudes. The observations are in quantitative agreement with numerical integration of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations without free parameters, which also reveals the criticality of the dynamics on the symmetry of the system. Our observations demonstrate new possibilities for changing effective atomic interactions and studying critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electron interference and entanglement in coupled 1D systems with noise

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    We estimate the role of noise in the formation of entanglement and in the appearance of single- and two-electron interference in systems of coupled one-dimensional channels semiconductors. Two cases are considered: a single-particle interferometer and a two-particle interferometer exploiting Coulomb interaction. In both of them, environmental noise yields a randomization of the carrier phases. Our results assess how that the complementarity relation linking single-particle behavior to nonlocal quantities, such as entanglement and environment-induced decoherence, acts in electron interferometry. We show that, in a experimental implementation of the setups examined, one- and two-electron detection probability at the output drains can be used to evaluate the decoherence phenomena and the degree of entanglement.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. v2: added some references and corrected tex