37 research outputs found

    Design of an innovation platform for manufacturing SMES

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    This paper reports on the conception of a collaborative, internet-based innovation platform with semantic capabilities, which implements a new methodology for the adoption of a systematic innovation process in globally-acting networked SMEs. The main objective of the innovation platform is to stimulate the generation of ideas, the selection of good ideas and their ultimate implementation. The platform will support SMEs to manage and implement the complex innovation processes arisen in a networked environment, taking into account their internal and external links, by enabling an open multi-agent focused innovation system, facilitating customer, provider, supplier and employee- focused innovation. The solution is specifically focused on the needs of manufacturing SMEs and will observe product, process and management innovation. The paper presents the key elements of the innovation model and makes references to a novel approach concerning the development of a robust and flexible Central Knowledge Repository for the innovation platform

    Design and development of an emulated human cognition using novel 3D neural networks

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    This paper describes the development of an Emulated Human Cognition (EHC) which is designed and based on a replicated human brain with a right- and a left- hand lobe, one a deductive side and the other a generic one. Right-hand lobe consists of a newly designed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a multi-hidden layer topology. Left-hand lobe is a newly designed 3-dimensional cellular neural network. The input variables presented to the EHC are immediately analysed for it to decide which lobe should be activated. The EHC, when fully developed, has almost an unlimited memory capacity and is capable of immediate recall of any data in its almost unlimited memory locations. EHC has been used in several applications where neural networks have been used to establish relationship between two or more sets of variables. In this paper the EHC has been used to forecast demand for a given product

    Development of a neural network mathematical model for demand forecasting in fluctuating markets

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    Research has shown that Neural Networks (NNs) when trained appropriately are the best forecasting system compared to conventional techniques. Research has shown that there is no system to accurately forecast sudden changes in demand for a given product. This paper reports on the development of a recovery method when a sudden change in demand has taken place. This error in forecasting demand leads to either excessive inventories of the product or shortages of it and can lead to substantial financial losses for the company producing or marketing the product. Two recovery methods have been developed and described in this paper: RZ recovery and Exponential Smoothing (ES). In the RZ recovery once a sudden change has taken place, a ‘soft’ Poke-Yoke (PY) system is setup warning the company that the normal forecasting system can no longer be relied upon and a recovery system needs to be initiated, with re-forecasting initiated

    Optimisation of Economic Order Quantity Using Neural Networks Approach

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    Bu makalede. Geri yayılımlı Yapay Sinir Ağ (YSA) yapıları gerçek bir araba parçası sağlayan bir firmaya uygulanmıştır. Klasik yaklaşım, istenen talepleri Ekonomik Sipariş Miktarı (ESM) ile belirlemektir. YSA’nm eğitilebilir olması ve büyük meblağlı setleri paralel ve hızlı çözebilmesi geleceğe dönük siparişleri tahmin etme şansı doğurmaktadır. Burada gerçek bir firmanın akış şeması, ana satıcı firmalarla bağıntıları YSA yaklaşımı ile optimise edilmiş ve yeni bir YSA önerilmiştir. Sonuçların çok doğruya yakın bulunmuş olması, YSA modelinin gelecek vadetmesini sağlamaktadır.In this paper, a Back Propagation-Artificial Neural Network (BP-ANN) has been adapted for predicting the required car parts quantities in a real and major auto parts supplier chain. The conventional approach to determine the parts requirements is the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method. The ability of neural models to learn, particularly their capability of handling large amounts of data simultaneously as well as their fast response time, are the characteristics desired for predictive and forecasting purposes. Here, the actual data obtained from a major auto parts supplier chain, involving a multi-layer system of supplying auto parts to car dealers, have been used to optimise and develop a BP-ANN model. The model has shown promising results in predicting parts orders with high degree of accuracy

    Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy From Sewage Treatment in the UK

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    Bu makale, su şirketlerinde bulunan biyogaz tesislerinin verim ve kısıtlamalarını değerlendirmeğe çalışmaktadır. Bu da, ortalama olarak, üretilen çamur ve bunun sonunda elde edilen biyogaz üretim işlemlerinin kapasitesini ölçmekten geçmektedir. Aynı zamanda, üretilen elektriğin miktarı ile yapılan işin kullanılan enerji bakımından, kendi kendine yeterliliği incelenmiştir.This paper is an attempt to assess the performance and limitations of Biogas Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants available to the water companies. This includes measuring the capacity of an average Sewage Treatment work (STW) for producing sludge and ultimately producing Biogas. It also investigates the amount of electricity produced and the works self-sufficiency in terms of energy utilised

    A multilevel evolutionary algorithm for optimizing numerical functions

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    This is a study on the effects of multilevel selection (MLS) theory in optimizing numerical functions. Based on this theory, a Multilevel Evolutionary Optimization algorithm (MLEO) is presented. In MLEO, a species is subdivided in cooperative populations and then each population is subdivided in groups, and evolution occurs at two levels so called individual and group levels. A fast population dynamics occurs at individual level. At this level, selection occurs among individuals of the same group. The popular genetic operators such as mutation and crossover are applied within groups. A slow population dynamics occurs at group level. At this level, selection happens among groups of a population. The group level operators such as regrouping, migration, and extinction-colonization are applied among groups. In regrouping process, all the groups are mixed together and then new groups are formed. The migration process encourages an individual to leave its own group and move to one of its neighbour groups. In extinction-colonization process, a group is selected as extinct, and replaced by offspring of a colonist group. In order to evaluate MLEO, the proposed algorithms were used for optimizing a set of well known numerical functions. The preliminary results indicate that the MLEO theory has positive effect on the evolutionary process and provide an efficient way for numerical optimization

    A Multi - Dimensional Quality System for Application in Higher Education

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    Bu yazı, Yüksek Eğitim çevresinde ve araştırmalarında genel kalite modelinin uygulanabilmesi için Uluslararası Standart Organizasyon (ISO) 9000 ihtiyaçlarının bu modelde nasıl rol oynayacağını ortaya çıkarmaktadır.ISO terimi eğitim terimlerine çevrilmiş ve faaliyet planlarının gelişiminin tamamlanmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Genel model ve ISO sisteminin özelliklerini gösteren klavuz tamamlanmıştır. Sonra ki aşama ise bu sürecin, uygulama ve pratikte nasıl yerine getirileceğidir. Üniversite çeşitli Genel ve ISO modellerinin içinden uygulanabilir olanı deneme amaçlı olarak şeçmiş; bu iki yaklaşımın nasıl bütünleşeceğini ve daha nelerin gerekli olabileceğini düşünmüştür. Özel Danışmanlar, Yüksek Eğitim Kurumlarının ISO 9000 sistemine adapte olabileceğinden emindirler.The paper introduces a generic quality model for application in higher education environment and investigates the role that the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9000 requirements could play in such a model. The ISO terms have been translated into education terms and priority action plans have been developed to aid implementation. The generic model and the ISO system have been complemented with a quality manual. The latter identifies a number of processes and how these processes can be implemented in theory and in practice. A university has been selected to test the applicability of the various elements of the generic and ISO models and how the two approaches could be integrated and what else needs to be considered. Special references are made to higher education institutions that have adapted an ISO 9000 based system

    Developing a Quality Criteria for Applications in the Higher Education Sector in Turkey

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    Bu makale, Türkiye’de yüksek öğrenim kuramlarında kalite olgusunun yerleştirilmesi ve sürekli geliştirilmesinde kullanılmak üzere bir kalite kriterleri tetkik ve değerlendirme listesi sunmaktadır. Bu listenin kurum amaçlarına ulaşmada, gerek insan ve gerekse de diğer kaynakların kullanımını belirleyen yönetim stratejilerine temel teşkil etmesi beklenmektedir.This paper is an attempt to propose a quality criteria check-list for private academic institutions of higher education in Turkey. The check-list is expected to form the basis for a management strategy that harnesses the human and material resources of these organisations in the most effective way to achieve academic objectives

    Developing a System of Quality Assurance for the Higher Education Sector in Turkey

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    Bu tez YÖK (Yüksek Öğrenim Kurulu) tarafından başlatılan Pilot Programın sonucunun anahatlarını vermektedir. Türkiye’deki Yüksek Öğrenim sisteminin İngiliz kalite garantisine adaptasyonunu içermektedir. İngiliz kalite garantisi sisteminin detayları sunulmuştur. Avrupa’da ve ABD’de kullanılan modellere özel referanslar verilmiştir.This paper outlines the outcome of the pilot programme initiated by YÖK (Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu - The Council of Higher Education) adapting the British quality assurance system of higher education to Turkey. The details of the British system of quality assurance are presented. Special references are made to models used in Europe and in the United States of America

    A Multi - Dimensional Quality System for Application in Higher Education

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    Bu yazı, Yüksek Eğitim çevresinde ve araştırmalarında genel kalite modelinin uygulanabilmesi için Uluslararası Standart Organizasyon (ISO) 9000 ihtiyaçlarının bu modelde nasıl rol oynayacağını ortaya çıkarmaktadır.ISO terimi eğitim terimlerine çevrilmiş ve faaliyet planlarının gelişiminin tamamlanmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Genel model ve ISO sisteminin özelliklerini gösteren klavuz tamamlanmıştır. Sonra ki aşama ise bu sürecin, uygulama ve pratikte nasıl yerine getirileceğidir. Üniversite çeşitli Genel ve ISO modellerinin içinden uygulanabilir olanı deneme amaçlı olarak şeçmiş; bu iki yaklaşımın nasıl bütünleşeceğini ve daha nelerin gerekli olabileceğini düşünmüştür. Özel Danışmanlar, Yüksek Eğitim Kurumlarının ISO 9000 sistemine adapte olabileceğinden emindirler.The paper introduces a generic quality model for application in higher education environment and investigates the role that the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 9000 requirements could play in such a model. The ISO terms have been translated into education terms and priority action plans have been developed to aid implementation. The generic model and the ISO system have been complemented with a quality manual. The latter identifies a number of processes and how these processes can be implemented in theory and in practice. A university has been selected to test the applicability of the various elements of the generic and ISO models and how the two approaches could be integrated and what else needs to be considered. Special references are made to higher education institutions that have adapted an ISO 9000 based system