23 research outputs found

    Detecting and counting minutiae in human fingerprint

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    Human fingerprint is unique to every person and can be used easily for identification purposes. People leave fingerprints almost everywhere and that's why using fingerprint databases for investigation is so common. Fingerprints can be used in many important and vital applications: providing vital security, and sometimes fingerprint may be distorted (deformed) because it was taken from somewhere where the place was wood plank, wall or door hand, so we need to enhance the image, in this paper we will introduce  LBP enhancement for better minutiae detection and counting, and it will be showed how to construct a fingerprint identifier (features) to be used later as a key to retrieve or recognize the fingerprint

    Solving multiple linear regression problem using artificial neural network

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    Multiple linear regressions are an important tool used to find the relationship between a set of variables used in various scientific experiments. In this article we are going to introduce a simple method of solving a multiple rectilinear regressions (MLR) problem that uses an artificial neural network to find the accurate and expected output from MLR problem. Different artificial neural network (ANN) types with different architecture will be tested, the error between the target outputs and the calculated ANN outputs will be investigated. A recommendation of using a certain type of ANN based on the experimental results will be raised

    Analysis of color image features extraction using texture methods

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    A digital color images are the most important types of data currently being traded; they are used in many vital and important applications. Hence, the need for a small data representation of the image is an important issue. This paper will focus on analyzing different methods used to extract texture features for a color image. These features can be used as a primary key to identify and recognize the image. The proposed discrete wave equation DWE method of generating color image key will be presented, implemented and tested. This method showed that the percentage of reduction in the key size is 85% compared with other methods

    Developing digital signal clustering method using local binary pattern histogram

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    In this paper we presented a new approach to manipulate a digital signal in order to create a features array, which can be used as a signature to retrieve the signal. Each digital signal is associated with the local binary pattern (LBP) histogram; this histogram will be calculated based on LBP operator, then k-means clustering was used to generate the required features for each digital signal. The proposed method was implemented, tested and the obtained experimental results were analyzed. The results showed the flexibility and accuracy of the proposed method. Althoug different parameters of the digital signal were changed during implementation, the results obtained showed the robustness of the proposed method

    Wave File Features Extraction using Reduced LBP

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    In this work, we present a novel approach for extracting features of a digital wave file. This approach will be presented, implemented and tested. A signature or a key to any wave file will be created.  This signature will be reduced to minimize the efforts of digital signal processing applications. Hence, the features array can be used as key to recover a wave file from a database consisting of several wave files using reduced Local binary patterns (RLBP). Experimental results are presented and show that The proposed RLBP method is at least 3 times faster than CSLBP method, which mean that the proposed method is more efficient

    A new method for voice signal features creation

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    Digital audio is one of the most important types of data at present. It is used in several applications, such as human knowledge and many security and banking applications. A digital voice signal is usually of a large size where the acoustic signal consists of a set of values distributed in one column (one channel) (mono signal) or distributed in two columns (two channels) (stereo signal), these values usually are the results of sampling and quantization of the original analogue voice signal. In this paper we will introduce a method which can be used to create a signature or key, which can be used later to identify or recognize the wave file. The proposed method will be implemented and tested to show the accuracy and flexibility of this method

    A Simple, Accurate and Highly Secure Method to Encrypt-Decrypt Digital Images

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    The digital image may be important and has a secret character, which requires not understanding it when looking at the naked eye or not understanding the contents. So seeking a method of digital image encryption-decryption is a very important task. In this paper we will introduce a new method of digital image encryption-decryption, which will be very simple, highly secure and accurate and highly efficien