739 research outputs found

    Bulk and edge quasihole tunneling amplitudes in the Laughlin state

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    The tunneling between the Laughlin state and its quasihole excitations are studied by using the Jack polynomial. We find a universal analytical formula for the tunneling amplitude, which can describe both bulk and edge quasihole excitations. The asymptotic behavior of the tunneling amplitude reveals the difference and the crossover between bulk and edge states. The effects of the realistic coulomb interaction with a background-charge confinement potential and disorder are also discussed. The stability of the tunneling amplitude manifests the topological nature of fractional quantum Hall liquids.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure

    Effect of Osmotic Dehydration as a Pre -Treatment on Air Fried Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Chips

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    Air frying is a modern frying technique that promises low oil content of fried products. However, the main limitation of air frying is that it requires a longer operating time than deep fat frying. Previous studies found that osmotic dehydration is beneficial as frying pre-treatment to improve the quality of fried products and reduce frying time, but to date, there is no study investigating its application in air frying. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of osmotic dehydration as pre-treatment on the quality of air-fried sweet potato chips. Sweet potatoes were cut into slices with the same thickness, and then soaked in distilled water, 5% sodium chloride solution, and 10% sodium chloride solution for one hour. The potato slices were then air fried at two temperatures: 160˚ and 180˚C for 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 minutes. Then, moisture content, colour, texture, diameter shrinkage and thickness expansion were analysed. The moisture content of air fried chips decreased with the increasing of frying time. The osmo-dehydrated sample showed lower moisture content which could the reduce frying time from 12 mins to 9 mins at 160ºC. Osmo-dehydrated sweet potato slices produce paler chips, but the treatment preserved the red and yellow colour of the sample. Air fried sweet potatoes that were osmotically dehydrated samples shrank more in diameter than the control samples. The increased thickness of chips was caused by crust formation and the bubbles formed at the surface due to the barrier formed by the tight surface, resulting in vapour expansion inside the pores of the chips. The hardness of pre-treated chips increased significantly with decreasing moisture content. Using osmotic dehydration pre-treatment in the air frying process can yield promising results in less frying time and better retention in terms of red and yellow colour

    Ground state and edge excitations of quantum Hall liquid at filling factor 2/3

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    We present a numerical study of fractional quantum Hall liquid at Landau level filling factor ν=2/3\nu=2/3 in a microscopic model including long-range Coulomb interaction and edge confining potential, based on the disc geometry. We find the ground state is accurately described by the particle-hole conjugate of a ν=1/3\nu=1/3 Laughlin state. We also find there are two counter-propagating edge modes, and the velocity of the forward-propagating mode is larger than the backward-propagating mode. The velocities have opposite responses to the change of the background confinement potential. On the other hand changing the two-body Coulomb potential has qualitatively the same effect on the velocities; for example we find increasing layer thickness (which softens of the Coulomb interaction) reduces both the forward mode and the backward mode velocities.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Fractional quantum Hall effect at ν=5/2\nu = 5/2: Ground states, non-Abelian quasiholes, and edge modes in a microscopic model

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    We present a comprehensive numerical study of a microscopic model of the fractional quantum Hall system at filling fraction ν=5/2\nu = 5/2, based on the disc geometry. Our model includes Coulomb interaction and a semi-realistic confining potential. We also mix in some three-body interaction in some cases to help elucidate the physics. We obtain a phase diagram, discuss the conditions under which the ground state can be described by the Moore-Read state, and study its competition with neighboring stripe phases. We also study quasihole excitations and edge excitations in the Moore-Read--like state. From the evolution of edge spectrum, we obtain the velocities of the charge and neutral edge modes, which turn out to be very different. This separation of velocities is a source of decoherence for a non-Abelian quasihole/quasiparticle (with charge ±e/4\pm e/4) when propagating at the edge; using numbers obtained from a specific set of parameters we estimate the decoherence length to be around four microns. This sets an upper bound for the separation of the two point contacts in a double point contact interferometer, designed to detect the non-Abelian nature of such quasiparticles. We also find a state that is a potential candidate for the recently proposed anti-Pfaffian state. We find the speculated anti-Pfaffian state is favored in weak confinement (smooth edge) while the Moore-Read Pfaffian state is favored in strong confinement (sharp edge).Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; Estimate of e/4 quasiparticle/hole coherence length when propagating along the edge modified in response to a recent revision of Ref. 25, and minor changes elsewher

    The Universal Edge Physics in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids

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    The chiral Luttinger liquid theory for fractional quantum Hall edge transport predicts universal power-law behavior in the current-voltage (II-VV) characteristics for electrons tunneling into the edge. However, it has not been unambiguously observed in experiments in two-dimensional electron gases based on GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructures or quantum wells. One plausible cause is the fractional quantum Hall edge reconstruction, which introduces non-chiral edge modes. The coupling between counterpropagating edge modes can modify the exponent of the II-VV characteristics. By comparing the ν=1/3\nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall states in modulation-doped semiconductor devices and in graphene devices, we show that the graphene-based systems have an experimental accessible parameter region to avoid the edge reconstruction, which is suitable for the exploration of the universal edge tunneling exponent predicted by the chiral Luttinger liquid theory.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Asymptotic sign free in interacting fermion models

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    As an intrinsically-unbiased approach, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) is of vital importance in understanding correlated phases of matter. Unfortunately, it often suffers notorious sign problem when simulating interacting fermion models. Here, we show for the first time that there exist interacting fermion models whose sign problem becomes less severe for larger system sizes and eventually disappears in the thermodynamic limit, which we dub as "asymptotic sign free". We demonstrate asymptotically-free sign in determinant QMC for various interacting models. Moreover, based on renormalization-group-like ideas we propose a heuristic understanding of the feature of asymptotic sign free. We believe that asymptotic sign free behavior could shed new lights to deepening our understanding of sign problem. More importantly, it can provide a promising way to decipher intriguing physics in correlated models which were conventionally thought not accessible by QMC.Comment: 4.5 pages plus supplemental material, 5 figure
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