36 research outputs found

    Dark matter vs. modifications of the gravitational inverse-square law. Results from planetary motion in the solar system

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    Dark matter or modifications of the Newtonian inverse-square law in the solar-system are studied with accurate planetary astrometric data. From extra-perihelion precession and possible changes in the third Kepler's law, we get an upper limit on the local dark matter density, rho_{DM} < 3*10^{-16} kg/m^3 at the 2-sigma confidence level. Variations in the 1/r^2 behavior are considered in the form of either a possible Yukawa-like interaction or a modification of gravity of MOND type. Up to scales of 10^{11} m, scale-dependent deviations in the gravitational acceleration are really small. We examined the MOND interpolating function mu in the regime of strong gravity. Gradually varying mu suggested by fits of rotation curves are excluded, whereas the standard form mu(x)= x/(1+x^2)^{1/2} is still compatible with data. In combination with constraints from galactic rotation curves and theoretical considerations on the external field effect, the absence of any significant deviation from inverse square attraction in the solar system makes the range of acceptable interpolating functions significantly narrow. Future radio ranging observations of outer planets with an accuracy of few tenths of a meter could either give positive evidence of dark matter or disprove modifications of gravity.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Imprints of deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law on the power spectrum of mass fluctuations

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    Deviations from the gravitational inverse-square law would imprint scale-dependent features on the power spectrum of mass density fluctuations. We model such deviations as a Yukawa-like contribution to the gravitational potential and discuss the growth function in a mixed dark matter model with adiabatic initial conditions. Evolution of perturbations is considered in general non-flat cosmological models with a cosmological constant, and an analytical approximation for the growth function is provided. The coupling between baryons and cold dark matter across recombination is negligibly affected by modified gravity physics if the proper cutoff length of the long-range Yukawa-like force is > 10 h^{-1} Mpc. Enhancement of gravity affects the subsequent evolution, boosting large-scale power in a way that resembles the effect of a lower matter density. This phenomenon is almost perfectly degenerate in power-spectrum shape with the effect of a background of massive neutrinos. Back-reaction on density growth from a modified cosmic expansion rate should however also affect the normalization of the power spectrum, with a shape distortion similar to the case of a non-modified background.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; submitted to MNRA

    The basis of nonlocal curvature invariants in quantum gravity theory

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    A complete basis of nonlocal invariants in quantum gravity theory is built to third order in spacetime curvature and matter-field strengths. The nonlocal identities are obtained which reduce this basis for manifolds with dimensionality 2ω<62\omega<6. The present results are used in heat-kernel theory, theory of gauge fields and serve as a basis for the model-independent approach to quantum gravity and, in particular, for the study of nonlocal vacuum effects in the gravitational collapse problem.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX, Alberta Thy 14-9

    Asymptotic behaviours of the heat kernel in covariant perturbation theory

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    The trace of the heat kernel is expanded in a basis of nonlocal curvature invariants of NNth order. The coefficients of this expansion (the nonlocal form factors) are calculated to third order in the curvature inclusive. The early-time and late-time asymptotic behaviours of the trace of the heat kernel are presented with this accuracy. The late-time behaviour gives the criterion of analyticity of the effective action in quantum field theory. The latter point is exemplified by deriving the effective action in two dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, REVTeX, Alberta Thy 45-9

    An exact solution of the metric-affine gauge theory with dilation, shear, and spin charges

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    The spacetime of the metric-affine gauge theory of gravity (MAG) encompasses {\it nonmetricity} and {\it torsion} as post-Riemannian structures. The sources of MAG are the conserved currents of energy-momentum and dilation, shear and spin. We present an exact static spherically symmetric vacuum solution of the theory describing the exterior of a lump of matter carrying mass and dilation, shear and spin charges.Comment: 13 pages, RevTe

    Partial summation of the nonlocal expansion for the gravitational effective action in 4 dimensions

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    The vacuum action for the gravitational field admits a known expansion in powers of the Ricci tensor with nonlocal operator coefficients (form factors). We show that going over to a different basis of curvature invariants makes possible a partial summation of this expansion. Only the form factors of the Weyl-tensor invariants need be calculated. The full action is then uniquely recovered to all orders from the knowledge of the trace anomaly. We present an explicit expression for the partially summed action, and point out simplifications resulting in the vertex functions. An application to the effect of the vacuum gravitational waves is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Some Spinor-Curvature Identities

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    We describe a class of spinor-curvature identities which exist for Riemannian or Riemann-Cartan geometries. Each identity relates an expression quadratic in the covariant derivative of a spinor field with an expression linear in the curvature plus an exact differential. Certain special cases in 3 and 4 dimensions which have been or could be used in applications to General Relativity are noted.Comment: 5 pages Plain TeX, NCU-GR-93-SSC

    Modified Newton's gravity in Finsler Space as a possible alternative to dark matter hypothesis

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    A modified Newton's gravity is obtained as the weak field approximation of the Einstein's equation in Finsler space. It is found that a specified Finsler structure makes the modified Newton's gravity equivalent to the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). In the framework of Finsler geometry, the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies can be deduced naturally without invoking dark matter.Comment: some changes have been added, to be published in Phy. Lett.