1,639 research outputs found

    Veps Wedding Terminology in the Etymological and Linguo-Geographical Aspects (Veps vs. Russian)

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    The relevance and novelty of the study is based on the material of the “Linguistic Atlas of the Vepsian Language” (St. Petersburg, 2019), an etymological and linguo-geographical analysis of terms important from the point of view of spiritual culture that characterize the group of wedding vocabulary. The terms in question (designations of a wedding, bride and groom) fit both in the cultural background and in the language processes that were reflected in the formation of the dialectal areas of the Veps language. The results of a comparative analysis indicate the impact of the Russian language on a significant group of Veps dialects, which led to the supplantation and replacement of the main terms of the wedding ceremony with Russian lexemes ( wedding, bridegroom, bride ). The study emphasizes the peculiarity of the eastern (Belozersky) dialects (the periphery of the Veps language range), which retained their own terms for the names of the analyzed concepts. It is shown that these dialects are characterized by the conservation of archaic characters, the presence of rare (in this case, sai) and etymologically darkened (oluh) lexical items, which so far have not been able to detect etymons in related languages. The authors believe that this fact, coupled with other features of dialects, may indicate traces of the substrate, the origins of which have yet to be clarified

    Magic of Words: Lexemes with Semantics ‘Spell’ and ‘to Spell’ in Vepsian (Etymological-Semantic and Linguo-Geographical Aspects)

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    A comparative analysis of the Veps language lexemes with the semantics ‘spell’ (puheg, puitoomine), as well as verbs with the meaning ‘to spell; pronounce incantations. The relevance of the study is due to the significance of the spell tradition for the worldview of the Vepsian people and the possibility of identifying the semantic and etymological features of the vocabulary group associated with this sphere of life. The names of the concept of “spell” (puheg, puitoomine) are analyzed, where the lexeme puheg, unlike the Russian term spell (< to spell < to speak), is associated not with speaking, but with a kind of “blowing” words from the mouth in the process of speaking. It is known from the literature, about a similar phenomenon that is characteristic of one of the Russian dialects of the Komi Republic (blowing words), about which the authors of this article believe that it may be a kind of tracing paper from the Baltic-Finnish languages, in which such a phenomenon is represented more widely, although they do not exclude and some universality in the development of languages. In the presented author's development, attention is paid to the etymology and semantic nuances of the lexemes sana and vajeh with the meaning ‘word’, one of which (sana) also intersects with the magic of the words of the world of spells in its semantics. The etymological aspects of the verbs of “magical action” (puhuda, puiteida, otvedaida) are analyzed in the study, where both original stems and borrowings from the Russian language are manifested. Linguistic maps illustrate the breadth of distribution of the analyzed terms in the dialects of the Vepsian

    “Let You Have Nine Sons and One Daughter”: Naming a Young Man and a Girl in the Veps Ethnolinguistic Space

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    The results of a comparative analysis of the vocabulary of a thematic group of Vepsian-speaking naming concepts of “boy” and “girl” are presented in the article. The authors believe that it is the historical realities of life and the special position of males in the Russian state, primarily associated with the allotment of land, reflected in the formation of vocabulary of the Veps language of this group. The question is raised about the Vepsian special desire to present and embody in language images certain complete, terminological, correspondences to Russian naming, which initiated the appearance of borrowings from the Russian language and Russian dialects. Attention is drawn to the studies of etymologists regarding the lexeme denoting a boy, a young man, which is considered to be Russian borrowing in the Veps and Karelian languages: Veps. priha Kar. Brih

    “Forest Nose”, “Nose of Wind”, “Curse of Water”: Mythology at the Service of the Nomination (Vepsian Names for Diseases Emanating from Forest Spirits, Water and Wind)

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    Vepsian designations of some diseases, according to popular beliefs, sent to a person by three active elements — forest spirits (mec), water (vezi) and wind (tullei) — for disobedience, bad behavior in the forest, in the water, in  nature are considered. The authors note that all names are complex words with a mythological background that are of interest in relation to the principles of the nomination. It is indicated that the first components of such  words are usually referred to as “subject of influence”; the second components are the naming of the “result of the action”: -/nena ‘nose; letters. edge of impact’, -/išketiž ‘impact, blow’, -/tegend ~ -/tegotiž ‘directed punishment, deed’, -/ehtind ‘sending illness’. The presented analysis results indicate that only the components -/kibu, -/kibuine ‘pain’ and -/pagan ‘rotten; pagan’ (< paganyi (nasty) Russian) are neutral and, obviously, their activation is due to the spread of Christianity. It is emphasized that, most likely, for this reason -/pagan has become quite often  replaced by all other parts of complex names of diseases. The question is raised that the studied Vepsian names of diseases, in addition, can be considered as a kind of moral code of behavior of the ancient Vepsians, since they  illustrate the punishments that could be imposed by the elements of the forest, water and wind for inappropriate  human behavior

    Социальная ответственность бизнеса: усиление стоимости бренда и влияние на финансовые показатели компании

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    The article aims to identify the influence of corporate social responsibility on the relationship between brand value and the company’s financial performance. The methodological basis of the work is an empirical study of an open data sample on 78 American companies for 2000-2019. The authors analyzed 962 observations from the Thomson Reuters Eikon database. The Interbrand consulting agency was the source for determining the brand value. Built by the authors, three regression models rely on panel data and control an extended set of accounting and corporate variables. The evaluation of the models employs a fixed effects model. The authors conclude that corporate investments in social responsibility activities have a positive indirect effect on the company’s financial performance, such as return on assets and market capitalization: the influence of brand value on these indicators increases due to a high level of corporate social responsibility and ethical behavior. The study showed that the level of corporate social responsibility neither enhances nor it weakens the influence of the brand on the return on equity. The study results may be of practical use to owners, top management of companies and investors when making the company’s strategy and investment decisions. Moreover, the research materials can be used by public authorities to stimulate the corporate social responsibility. The prospects for future research may relate to lifting the current restrictions: research on samples that include more heterogeneous companies and/or companies from different countries.Цель исследования — выявление влияния корпоративной социальной ответственности на взаимосвязь между стоимостью бренда и финансовыми показателями компании. Методологической основой работы стало эмпирическое исследование выборки открытых данных по 78 американским компаниям за период с 2000 по 2019 г. Всего проанализировано 962 наблюдения, источником выступила база ThomsonReutersEikon. Для определения стоимости бренда использована информация консалтингового агентства Interbrand. На основе панельных данных построены три регрессионных модели, в которых контролируется расширенный набор бухгалтерских и корпоративных переменных. Оценка полученных регрессионных моделей выполнена с использованием модели с фиксированными эффектами. В результате исследования сделан вывод, что инвестиции компаний в деятельность, связанную с социальной ответственностью, оказывают положительное непрямое влияние на такие финансовые показатели компании, как рентабельность активов и рыночную капитализацию: влияние стоимости бренда на эти показатели усиливается, если компания характеризуется высоким уровнем социально ответственного и этического поведения. В то же время исследование показало, что уровень социальной ответственности компании как не усиливает, так и не ослабляет влияние бренда на рентабельность собственного капитала. Полученные результаты имеют практическую направленность и могут быть использованы собственниками, топ-менеджментом компаний и инвесторами при формировании стратегии компании и принятии инвестиционных решений. Кроме того, материалы исследования могут быть использованы органами государственной власти для стимулирования социальной ответственности бизнеса. Перспективы будущих исследований могут быть связаны с устранением тех ограничений, которые имеет наше исследование: например, путем проведения исследований на выборках, включающих более разнородные компании и/или компании разных стран

    Spin excitations of the correlated semiconductor FeSi probed by THz radiation

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    By direct measurements of the complex optical conductivity σ(ν)\sigma(\nu) of FeSi we have discovered a broad absorption peak centered at frequency ν0(4.2K)32cm1\nu_{0}(4.2 K) \approx 32 cm^{-1} that develops at temperatures below 20 K. This feature is caused by spin-polaronic states formed in the middle of the gap in the electronic density of states. We observe the spin excitations between the electronic levels split by the exchange field of He=34±6TH_{e}=34\pm 6 T. Spin fluctuations are identified as the main factor determining the formation of the spin polarons and the rich magnetic phase diagram of FeSi.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are widespread respiratory allergic diseases. In some territories of the Russian Federation, the dominant cause of pollinosis is ragweed. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and immunological efficacy of ASIT with the allergen Ambrosia artemisiifolia in patients sensitized to Ambrosia trifida in the Samara region. Patients with proven sensitization to Ambrosia trifida was held immunotherapy with Ambrosia artemisiifolia allergoid preseason. After treatment, patients had a decrease in the severity of symptoms of allergic rhinitis according to VAS (p = 0.00001), a decrease in the need for medications (p = 0.0003), as well as the need for corticosteroids against the background of therapy from 34.6% to 0% (p = 0.00001). In 8% of cases, the result of treatment was good, in 69% satisfactory, in 23% unsatisfactory. In the control group, there were no changes in the severity of symptoms (p = 0.858). Also, in the control group, the need for medications remained unchanged and 14.3% of patients continued to use corticosteroids.After ASIT, there was a decrease in the level of IL-4 (p = 0.002), and a decrease in the ratio of IL-4/ IL-10 (p = 0.0063); at the same time, changes in the level of other cytokines (IL-10; IFNγ) were statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Before treatment, the levels of IL-4/ IL-10 in both groups were comparable, and after treatment, the differences became statistically significant (p = 0.031). We did not get a statistically significant change in the level of IgG4 Amb a 1 or IgG4 Amb trifida. There was no correlation between the level of individual cytokines and the results of treatment. As a result of the conducted ASIT, positive clinical and immunological results were obtained. In most patients, the disease has acquired a controlled course. At the same time, the lack of excellent and low number of good results of ASIT is probably due to the intraspecific allergenic properties of ragweed