32 research outputs found

    Family characteristics, phylogenetic reconstruction, and potential applications of the plant BAHD acyltransferase family

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    The BAHD acyltransferase family is a class of proteins in plants that can acylate a variety of primary and specialized secondary metabolites. The typically acylated products have greatly improved stability, lipid solubility, and bioavailability and thus show significant differences in their physicochemical properties and pharmacological activities. Here, we review the protein structure, catalytic mechanism, and phylogenetic reconstruction of plant BAHD acyltransferases to describe their family characteristics, acylation reactions, and the processes of potential functional differentiation. Moreover, the potential applications of the BAHD family in human activities are discussed from the perspectives of improving the quality of economic plants, enhancing the efficacy of medicinal plants, improving plant biomass for use in biofuel, and promoting stress resistance of land plants. This review provides a reference for the research and production of plant BAHD acyltransferases

    The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Lycoris radiata

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    Lycoris radiata, widely known as red spider lily. It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and has highly ornamental and medical value. Here, we assembled the complete chloroplast genome sequence by high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics, which will provide more genomic information to the analysis of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship. The full length of chloroplast genome is 158,335 bp, composed of a large single-copy region (LSC) of 86,612 bp, a small single-copy region (SSC) of 18,261 bp, and a pair of inverted repeats (IR) of 26,731 bp. A total of 137 genes were annotated, including 87 protein-coding genes, 42 tRNA, and 8 rRNA genes. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the close relationship between L. radiata and L. squamigera in the Amaryllidaceae family

    Complete chloroplast genome of Lycoris sprengeri (Amaryllidaceae) and genetic comparison

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    Lycoris sprengeri is native to China and has various variations. It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family, which contains abundant alkaloids for medical use and also was planted as garden bulbous flowers. In this study, we assembled the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of L. sprengeri by DNA sequencing, which will improve the complete cp genomic information for analysis of phylogenetic relationships and germplasm identification in Lycoris. The whole cp genome is 158,687 bp, which contained a large single-copy region (LSC) of 86,489 bp, a small single-copy region (SSC) of 18,540 bp, and a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26,829 bp. A total of 137 genes were annotated, including 87 protein coding genes (PCGs), 42 tRNA, and 8 rRNA genes. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the close relationship of three species of Lycoris (L. sprengeri, L. radiate, and L. squamigera) in the Amaryllidaceae family

    Complete Chloroplast Genomes and Comparative Analyses of L. chinensis, L. anhuiensis, and L. aurea (Amaryllidaceae)

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    The genus Lycoris (about 20 species) includes important medicinal and ornamental plants. Due to the similar morphological features and insufficient genomic resources, germplasm identification and molecular phylogeny analysis are very limited. Here, we sequenced the complete chloroplast genomes of L. chinensis, L. anhuiensis, and L. aurea; they have very similar morphological traits that make it difficult to identify. The full length of their cp genomes was nearly 158k bp with the same guanine-cytosine content of 37.8%. A total of 137 genes were annotated, including 87 protein-coding genes, 42 tRNAs, and eight rRNAs. A comparative analysis revealed the conservation in sequence size, GC content, and gene content. Some variations were observed in repeat structures, gene expansion on the IR-SC (Inverted Repeat-Single-Copy) boundary regions. Together with the cpSSR (chloroplast simple sequence repeats), these genetic variations are useful to develop molecular markers for germplasm identification. Phylogenetic analysis showed that seven Lycoris species were clustered into a monophyletic group, and closed to Narcissus in Amaryllidaceae. L. chinensis, L. anhuiensis, and L. longituba were clustered together, suggesting that they were very likely to be derived from one species, and had the same ancestor with L. squamigera. Our results provided information on the study of genetic diversity, origins or relatedness of native species, and the identification of cultivars

    High-throughput sequencing of small RNAs and analysis of differentially expressed microRNAs associated with pistil development in Japanese apricot

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous, small, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by mediating gene silencing at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels in high plants. However, the diversity of miRNAs and their roles in floral development in Japanese apricot (<it>Prunus mume</it> Sieb. et Zucc) remains largely unexplored. Imperfect flowers with pistil abortion seriously decrease production yields. To understand the role of miRNAs in pistil development, pistil development-related miRNAs were identified by Solexa sequencing in Japanese apricot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Solexa sequencing was used to identify and quantitatively profile small RNAs from perfect and imperfect flower buds of Japanese apricot. A total of 22,561,972 and 24,952,690 reads were sequenced from two small RNA libraries constructed from perfect and imperfect flower buds, respectively. Sixty-one known miRNAs, belonging to 24 families, were identified. Comparative profiling revealed that seven known miRNAs exhibited significant differential expression between perfect and imperfect flower buds. A total of 61 potentially novel miRNAs/new members of known miRNA families were also identified by the presence of mature miRNAs and corresponding miRNA*s in the sRNA libraries. Comparative analysis showed that six potentially novel miRNAs were differentially expressed between perfect and imperfect flower buds. Target predictions of the 13 differentially expressed miRNAs resulted in 212 target genes. Gene ontology (GO) annotation revealed that high-ranking miRNA target genes are those implicated in the developmental process, the regulation of transcription and response to stress.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study represents the first comparative identification of miRNAomes between perfect and imperfect Japanese apricot flowers. Seven known miRNAs and six potentially novel miRNAs associated with pistil development were identified, using high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs. The findings, both computationally and experimentally, provide valuable information for further functional characterisation of miRNAs associated with pistil development in plants.</p

    Transcriptome Sequencing Reveals Regulatory Mechanisms of Taxol Synthesis in Taxus wallichiana var. Mairei

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    Taxol is one of the most potent and effective anticancer drugs and is originally isolated from Taxus species. To investigate the specific regulatory mechanisms of taxol synthesis in Taxus wallichiana var. mairei, RNA-seq was conducted to reveal the differences in transcriptional levels between wild type (WT) and “Jinxishan” (JXS), a cultivar selected from a population of Taxus mairei that shows about 3-fold higher taxol content in the needles than WT. Our results indicated that high expressions of the genes taxadienol acetyltransferase (TAT), taxadiene 5-alpha hydroxylase (T5H), 5-alpha-taxadienol-10-beta-hydroxylase (T10OH), and 2-debenzoyl-7,13-diacetylbaccatin III-2-O-benzoyl-transferase (DBBT), which catalyze a series of key acetylation and hydroxylation steps, are the main cause of high taxol content in JXS. Moreover, in the present study, the activation of jasmonic acid (JA) signal transduction and its crosstalk with gibberellin (GA), auxin, and ethylene (ET) explained the elevation of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from the taxol biosynthesis pathway. This also indicates that taxol biosynthesis in T. mairei is associated with the balance of cell development and defense. TF-encoding (transcriptional factor) genes, represented by the ethylene-responsive transcription factor (ERF), basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH), MYB, and WRKY families, were detected as differentially expressed between JXS and WT, further indicating that the regulation of hormone signaling on taxol biosynthesis genes was mediated by transcription factors (TFs). To our knowledge, this is the first study to illustrate the regulatory mechanisms of taxol synthesis in a new cultivar of T. mairei with a high taxol content in its needles. These transcriptome data provide reasonable explanations for the variation of taxol content between WT and JXS

    Complete chloroplast genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Populus deltoides Caihong

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    Colored-leaf plants are increasingly popular, which has higher ecological, economic and social benefits. Caihong poplar, one of colored-leaf plants from Populus deltoides, has been widely used in courtyard embellishment, road greening, garden set King and so on. In this study, the complete chloroplast genome of Caihong poplar was evaluated, and the total chloroplast genome size of which is 156,957 bp in length with 36.69% GC content, including large single-copy region (LSC) of 85,096 bp, a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 27,649 bp each, and a small single-copy region (SSC) of 16,563 bp. There were 22 tRNA genes, 83 protein-coding genes, and four rRNA genes. The phylogenetic analysis with 22 species indicated that Caihong poplar was closely clustered with Populus deltoides Zhonglin 2025. In conclusion, the complete chloroplast genomes of Caihong poplar in this study provided valuable genomic resources for further phylogeny and species identification in the Populus family

    Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Populus deltoides Zhonglin 2025

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    The complete chloroplast genome of Populus deltoides was characterized by reference-based assembly using whole-genome sequencing data. The total chloroplast genome size of Populus deltoides included a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 27,649 bp each, a small single-copy region (SSC) of 16,563 bp, and large single-copy region (LSC) of 85,096 bp, which was 156,957 bp in length. A total of 109 genes were predicted from the chloroplast genome, including 83 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, and four rRNA genes. The GC content of chloroplast genome for Populus deltoides was 36.68%. The phylogenetic analysis based on the reported chloroplast genomes of Populus showed that the chloroplast of the Populus deltoides is most closely related to the Populus fremontii. The complete chloroplast genome of Populus deltoides provides new insights into Populus evolutionary and genomic studies

    Recent Research Progress in Taxol Biosynthetic Pathway and Acylation Reactions Mediated by Taxus Acyltransferases

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    Taxol is one of the most effective anticancer drugs in the world that is widely used in the treatments of breast, lung and ovarian cancer. The elucidation of the taxol biosynthetic pathway is the key to solve the problem of taxol supply. So far, the taxol biosynthetic pathway has been reported to require an estimated 20 steps of enzymatic reactions, and sixteen enzymes involved in the taxol pathway have been well characterized, including a novel taxane-10β-hydroxylase (T10βOH) and a newly putative β-phenylalanyl-CoA ligase (PCL). Moreover, the source and formation of the taxane core and the details of the downstream synthetic pathway have been basically depicted, while the modification of the core taxane skeleton has not been fully reported, mainly concerning the developments from diol intermediates to 2-debenzoyltaxane. The acylation reaction mediated by specialized Taxus BAHD family acyltransferases (ACTs) is recognized as one of the most important steps in the modification of core taxane skeleton that contribute to the increase of taxol yield. Recently, the influence of acylation on the functional and structural diversity of taxanes has also been continuously revealed. This review summarizes the latest research advances of the taxol biosynthetic pathway and systematically discusses the acylation reactions supported by Taxus ACTs. The underlying mechanism could improve the understanding of taxol biosynthesis, and provide a theoretical basis for the mass production of taxol