30 research outputs found

    Secure Remote Cloud File Sharing With Attribute-Based Access Control and Performance Optimization

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    The increasing popularity of remote Cloud File Sharing (CFS) has become a major concern for privacy breach of sensitive data. Aiming at this concern, we present a new resource sharing framework by integrating enterprise-side Attribute-Based Access Control/eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (ABAC/XACML) model, client-side Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) scheme, and cloud-side CFS service. Moreover, the framework workflow is provided to support the encrypted-file writing and reading algorithms in accordance with ABAC/XACML-based access policy and attribute credentials. However, an actual problem of realizing this framework is that policy matrix, derived from access policy, seriously affects the performance of existing CP-ABE from Lattice (CP-ABE-L) schemes. To end it, we present an optimal generation algorithm of Small Policy Matrix (SPM), which only consists of small elements, and generates an all-one reconstruction vector. Based on such a matrix, the improved CP-ABE-L scheme is proposed to reduce the cumulative errors to the minimum and prevent the enlargement of error bounds. Furthermore, we give the optimal estimation of system parameters to implement a valid Error Proportion Allocation (EPA). Our experimental results indicate that our scheme has short size of parameters and enjoys efficient computation and storage overloads. Thus, our new framework with optimization methods is conducive to enhancing the security and efficiency of remote work on CFS. Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Dynamic transfer partial least squares for domain adaptive regression

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    The traditional soft sensor models are based on the independent and identical distribution assumption, which are difficult to adapt to changes in data distribution under multiple operating conditions, resulting in model performance deterioration. The domain adaptive transfer learning methods learn knowledge in different domains by means of distribution alignment, which can reduce the impact of data distribution differences, and effectively improve the generalization ability of the model. However, most of the existing models established by domain adaptation methods are static models, which cannot reflect the dynamic characteristics of the system, and have limited prediction accuracy when applied to dynamic system modeling under multiple operating conditions. The dynamic system modeling methods can effectively extract the dynamic characteristics of the data, but they cannot deal with the concept drift problem caused by the change of data distribution. This paper proposes a new dynamic transfer partial least squares method, which maps the high-dimensional process data into the low-dimensional latent variable subspace, establishes the dynamic regression relationship between the latent variables and the labels, and realizes the systematic dynamic modeling, at the same time, the model adds regular terms for distribution alignment and structure preservation, which realizes dynamic alignment of data distribution difference. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on three publicly available industrial process datasets.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Transport Engineering and Logistic

    The Rationality of Four Metrics of Network Robustness: A Viewpoint of Robust Growth of Generalized Meshes

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    There are quite a number of different metrics of network robustness. This paper addresses the rationality of four metrics of network robustness (the algebraic connectivity, the effective resistance, the average edge betweenness, and the efficiency) by investigating the robust growth of generalized meshes (GMs). First, a heuristic growth algorithm (the Proximity- Growth algorithm) is proposed. The resulting proximity-optimal GMs are intuitively robust and hence are adopted as the benchmark. Then, a generalized mesh (GM) is grown up by stepwise optimizing a given measure of network robustness. The following findings are presented: (1) The algebraic connectivity-optimal GMs deviate quickly from the proximity-optimal GMs, yielding a number of less robust GMs. This hints that the rationality of the algebraic connectivity as a measure of network robustness is still in doubt. (2) The effective resistace-optimal GMs and the average edge betweenness-optimal GMs are in line with the proximity-optimal GMs. This partly justifies the two quantities as metrics of network robustness. (3) The efficiency-optimal GMs deviate gradually from the proximity-optimal GMs, yielding some less robust GMs. This suggests the limited utility of the efficiency as a measure of network robustness.Network Architectures and Service

    Free multi-floor indoor space extraction from complex 3D building models

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    Intelligent navigation and facility management in complex indoor environments are issues at the forefront of geospatial information science. Indoor spaces with fine geometric and semantic descriptions provide a solid foundation for various indoor applications, but it is difficult to comprehensively extract free multi-floor indoor spaces from complex three-dimensional building models, such as those described using CityGML LoD4, with existing methods for the subdivision or extraction of indoor spaces based on vector topology processing. Therefore, this paper elaborates a new voxelbased approach for extracting free multi-floor indoor spaces from 3D building models. It transforms the complicated vector processing tasks into a simple raster process that consists of three steps: voxelization with semantic enhancement, voxel classification, and boundary extraction. Experiments illustrate that the proposed method can automatically and correctly extract free multi-floor indoor spaces, especially two typical kinds of open indoor spaces, namely, lobbies and staircases.Accepted Author ManuscriptUrban Data Scienc

    Policy-driven Data Sharing over Attribute-Based Encryption supporting Dual Membership

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    Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) plays an important role in current secure data sharing through fine-grained customizable policies. However, the existing ABE schemes only support simple predicates, = and ≠, but cannot express a more general membership predicates, ∈ and ∉, in policies. The low expressivity of ABE will enlarge the ciphertext storage and reduce the communication efficiency. To overcome this problem, we propose an ABE supporting Dual Membership (DM-ABE). The core problem for implementing this scheme is how to use cryptographic methods to decide the membership between the verified element and the given set. In order to solve this problem, we design a cryptographic algorithm, called Secure Decision of Membership (SDM), based on aggregation functions. In this algorithm, any set can be aggregated into one cryptographic element, and the verified element and the given set can be converted into another cryptographic element in decision process. The membership between them can be decided by the above two cryptographic elements. Furthermore, we construct the DM-ABE by using SDM. Because of the good expressivity of our DM-ABE, we further propose a novel cryptographic data sharing framework by integrating DM-ABE and attribute-based access control to provide fine-grained access control and security protection for private data. In the security proof of DM-ABE, we prove that the DM-ABE satisfies the semantic security against chosen-plaintext attacks under the DBDHE assumption in the standard model through a unified way, considering both two encryption methods for ∈ and ∉ at the same time. Finally, we analyze our scheme in terms of time and space complexity, and compare it with some existing schemes. The results show that our DM-ABE has a better expressive ability on the boolean logic of general membership predicates, ∈ and ∉.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Indoor Multi-Dimensional Location GML and Its Application for Ubiquitous Indoor Location Services

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    The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Geography Markup Language (GML) standard provides basic types and a framework for defining geo-informational data models such as CityGML and IndoorGML, which provide standard information models for 3D city modelling and lightweight indoor network navigation. Location information, which is the semantic engine that fuses big geo-information data, is however, discarded in these standards. The Chinese national standard of Indoor Multi-Dimensional Location GML (IndoorLocationGML) presented in this study can be used in ubiquitous indoor location intelligent applications for people and robots. IndoorLocationGML is intended as an indoor multi-dimensional location information model and exchange data format standard, mainly for indoor positioning and navigation. This paper introduces the standard’s main features: (1) terminology; (2) indoor location information model using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram; (3) indoor location information markup language based on GML; and (4) use cases. A typical application of the standard is then discussed. This standard is applicable to the expression, storage, and distribution of indoor multi-dimensional location information, and to the seamless integration of indoor–outdoor location information. The reference and basis are therefore relevant to publishers, managers, users, and developers of indoor navigation and location-based services (LBS)Urban Data Scienc

    Tuning electron transfer by crystal facet engineering of BiVO<sub>4</sub> for boosting visible-light driven photocatalytic reduction of bromate

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    Removal of bromate (BrO3−) has gained increasing attention in drinking water treatment process. Photocatalysis technology is an effective strategy for bromate removal. During the photocatalytic reduction of bromate process, the photo-generated electrons are reductive species toward bromate reduction and photo-generated holes responsible for water oxidation. In this study, the monoclinic bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) single crystal was developed as a visible photocatalyst for the effective removal of bromate. The as-synthesized BiVO4 photocatalyst with optimized {010} and {110} facets ratio could achieve almost 100% removal efficiency of BrO3− driven by visible light with a first-order kinetic constant of 0.0368 min−1. As demonstrated by the electron scavenger experiment and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the exposed facets of BiVO4 should account for the high photocatalytic reduction efficiency. Under visible light illumination, the photo-generated electron and holes were spatially transferred to {010} facets and {110} facets, respectively. The BiVO4 single crystal photocatalyst may serve as an attractive photocatalyst by virtue of its response to the visible light, spatially charge transfer and separation as well as high photocatalytic activity, which will make the removal of BrO3− in water much easier, more economical and more sustainable.Accepted Author ManuscriptSanitary Engineerin

    Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and functional properties of additively manufactured NiTi shape memory alloys

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    Additive manufacturing of NiTi shape memory alloys has attracted attention in recent years, due to design flexibility and feasibility to achieve four-dimensional (4D) function response. To obtain customized 4D functional responses in NiTi structures, tailorable phase transformation temperatures and stress windows as well as one-way or two-way shape memory properties are required. To achieve this goal, various heat treatments, including direct aging, annealing and annealing followed by aging, were optimized for the Ti-rich NiTi (Ni49.6Ti (at. %)) fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Microstructural evolution, phase transformation, precipitation and shape memory behaviour were systematically investigated by multiscale correlative microstructural, differential scanning calorimetry analysis and thermomechanical analysis. Based on optimized heat treatments, ∼25 K phase transformation temperature windows and ∼90 MPa stress windows were achieved for the one-way shape memory effect. Solutionized annealing was found to be the most effective way to improve one-way shape memory degradation resistance, due to the reduction of defects and solid solution strengthening. One of the main findings of this study is that the heterogonous microstructures between hard intergranular Ti2NiOx and soft NiTi matrix, induced by solutionized annealing with subsequent aging, result in strain partitioning and enclosing the internal stress state, which was found to promote a pronounced two-way shape memory effect response. The results of this work provide in-depth knowledge on tailoring and designing functional shape memory characteristics via heat treatments, which contributes to expanding L-PBF NiTi application fields, such as biomedical implants, aerospace components, and other advanced engineering applications.Team Vera PopovichQN/AfdelingsbureauTeam Maria Santofimia NavarroTeam Marcel Herman

    A state-of-art review on development and progress of backfill grouting materials for shield tunneling

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    Backfill grouting plays a vital role in shield tunneling. This paper aims to present a comprehensive review of the development and progress of backfill grouting materials specifically designed for shield tunneling. Initially, the various components of grouts, such as pozzolanic materials, filling fine aggregates, and chemical additives, are introduced and discussed in detail. Subsequently, this study investigates critical properties including workability, mechanical properties, and durability of the grouts. Additionally, the principal factors influencing the properties are summarized, along with recommended ranges for specific geological conditions. Furthermore, the paper elucidates the diffusion mechanism of grouting mortars by presenting the current grouting models employed in shield tunneling. Recent advancements in grouting materials are extensively studied and extended, offering new perspectives for future grouting technology in shield tunneling. This study provides valuable insights into overcoming the existing challenges associated with shield tunnel grouting and promoting the evolution of current grouting materials.Geo-engineerin

    On the applicability of Young-Laplace equation for nanoscale liquid drops

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    Debates continue on the applicability of the Young-Laplace equation for droplets, vapor bubbles and gas bubbles in nanoscale. It is more meaningful to find the error range of the Young-Laplace equation in nanoscale instead of making the judgement of its applicability. To do this, for seven liquid argon drops (containing 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, or 2000 particles, respectively) at T = 78 K we determined the radius of surface of tension R (s) and the corresponding surface tension gamma (s) by molecular dynamics simulation based on the expressions of R (s) and gamma (s) in terms of the pressure distribution for droplets. Compared with the two-phase pressure difference directly obtained by MD simulation, the results show that the absolute values of relative error of two-phase pressure difference given by the Young-Laplace equation are between 0.0008 and 0.027, and the surface tension of the argon droplet increases with increasing radius of surface of tension, which supports that the Tolman length of Lennard-Jones droplets is positive and that Lennard-Jones vapor bubbles is negative. Besides, the logic error in the deduction of the expressions of the radius and the surface tension of surface of tension, and in terms of the pressure distribution for liquid drops in a certain literature is corrected