53 research outputs found

    Learning to Optimize under Non-Stationarity

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    We introduce algorithms that achieve state-of-the-art \emph{dynamic regret} bounds for non-stationary linear stochastic bandit setting. It captures natural applications such as dynamic pricing and ads allocation in a changing environment. We show how the difficulty posed by the non-stationarity can be overcome by a novel marriage between stochastic and adversarial bandits learning algorithms. Defining d,BT,d,B_T, and TT as the problem dimension, the \emph{variation budget}, and the total time horizon, respectively, our main contributions are the tuned Sliding Window UCB (\texttt{SW-UCB}) algorithm with optimal O~(d2/3(BT+1)1/3T2/3)\widetilde{O}(d^{2/3}(B_T+1)^{1/3}T^{2/3}) dynamic regret, and the tuning free bandit-over-bandit (\texttt{BOB}) framework built on top of the \texttt{SW-UCB} algorithm with best O~(d2/3(BT+1)1/4T3/4)\widetilde{O}(d^{2/3}(B_T+1)^{1/4}T^{3/4}) dynamic regret

    Efficient and Interpretable Bandit Algorithms

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    Motivated by the importance of explainability in modern machine learning, we design bandit algorithms that are \emph{efficient} and \emph{interpretable}. A bandit algorithm is interpretable if it explores with the objective of reducing uncertainty in the unknown model parameter. To quantify the interpretability, we introduce a novel metric of \textit{uncertainty loss}, which compares the rate of the uncertainty reduction to the theoretical optimum. We propose CODE, a bandit algorithm based on a \textbf{C}onstrained \textbf{O}ptimal \textbf{DE}sign, that is interpretable and maximally reduces the uncertainty. The key idea in \code is to explore among all plausible actions, determined by a statistical constraint, to achieve interpretability. We implement CODE efficiently in both multi-armed and linear bandits and derive near-optimal regret bounds by leveraging the optimality criteria of the approximate optimal design. CODE can be also viewed as removing phases in conventional phased elimination, which makes it more practical and general. We demonstrate the advantage of \code by numerical experiments on both synthetic and real-world problems. CODE outperforms other state-of-the-art interpretable designs while matching the performance of popular but uninterpretable designs, such as upper confidence bound algorithms

    Risk-Aware Linear Bandits: Theory and Applications in Smart Order Routing

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    Motivated by practical considerations in machine learning for financial decision-making, such as risk-aversion and large action space, we initiate the study of risk-aware linear bandits. Specifically, we consider regret minimization under the mean-variance measure when facing a set of actions whose rewards can be expressed as linear functions of (initially) unknown parameters. Driven by the variance-minimizing G-optimal design, we propose the Risk-Aware Explore-then-Commit (RISE) algorithm and the Risk-Aware Successive Elimination (RISE++) algorithm. Then, we rigorously analyze their regret upper bounds to show that, by leveraging the linear structure, the algorithms can dramatically reduce the regret when compared to existing methods. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the algorithms by conducting extensive numerical experiments in a synthetic smart order routing setup. Our results show that both RISE and RISE++ can outperform the competing methods, especially in complex decision-making scenarios

    Learning to Price Supply Chain Contracts against a Learning Retailer

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    The rise of big data analytics has automated the decision-making of companies and increased supply chain agility. In this paper, we study the supply chain contract design problem faced by a data-driven supplier who needs to respond to the inventory decisions of the downstream retailer. Both the supplier and the retailer are uncertain about the market demand and need to learn about it sequentially. The goal for the supplier is to develop data-driven pricing policies with sublinear regret bounds under a wide range of possible retailer inventory policies for a fixed time horizon. To capture the dynamics induced by the retailer's learning policy, we first make a connection to non-stationary online learning by following the notion of variation budget. The variation budget quantifies the impact of the retailer's learning strategy on the supplier's decision-making. We then propose dynamic pricing policies for the supplier for both discrete and continuous demand. We also note that our proposed pricing policy only requires access to the support of the demand distribution, but critically, does not require the supplier to have any prior knowledge about the retailer's learning policy or the demand realizations. We examine several well-known data-driven policies for the retailer, including sample average approximation, distributionally robust optimization, and parametric approaches, and show that our pricing policies lead to sublinear regret bounds in all these cases. At the managerial level, we answer affirmatively that there is a pricing policy with a sublinear regret bound under a wide range of retailer's learning policies, even though she faces a learning retailer and an unknown demand distribution. Our work also provides a novel perspective in data-driven operations management where the principal has to learn to react to the learning policies employed by other agents in the system

    Reinforcement Learning for Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes: The Blessing of (More) Optimism

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    We consider un-discounted reinforcement learning (RL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs) under drifting non-stationarity, i.e., both the reward and state transition distributions are allowed to evolve over time, as long as their respective total variations, quantified by suitable metrics, do not exceed certain variation budgets. We first develop the Sliding Window Upper-Confidence bound for Reinforcement Learning with Confidence Widening (SWUCRL2-CW) algorithm, and establish its dynamic regret bound when the variation budgets are known. In addition, we propose the Bandit-over-Reinforcement Learning (BORL) algorithm to adaptively tune the SWUCRL2-CW algorithm to achieve the same dynamic regret bound, but in a parameter-free manner, i.e., without knowing the variation budgets. Notably, learning non-stationary MDPs via the conventional optimistic exploration technique presents a unique challenge absent in existing (non-stationary) bandit learning settings. We overcome the challenge by a novel confidence widening technique that incorporates additional optimism.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning. Shortened conference version of its journal version (available at: arXiv:1906.02922
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