10,109 research outputs found

    Rayleigh-Ritz majorization error bounds of the mixed type

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    The absolute change in the Rayleigh quotient (RQ) for a Hermitian matrix with respect to vectors is bounded in terms of the norms of the residual vectors and the angle between vectors in [\doi{10.1137/120884468}]. We substitute multidimensional subspaces for the vectors and derive new bounds of absolute changes of eigenvalues of the matrix RQ in terms of singular values of residual matrices and principal angles between subspaces, using majorization. We show how our results relate to bounds for eigenvalues after discarding off-diagonal blocks or additive perturbations.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. Accepted to SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application

    Angles between subspaces and their tangents

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    Principal angles between subspaces (PABS) (also called canonical angles) serve as a classical tool in mathematics, statistics, and applications, e.g., data mining. Traditionally, PABS are introduced via their cosines. The cosines and sines of PABS are commonly defined using the singular value decomposition. We utilize the same idea for the tangents, i.e., explicitly construct matrices, such that their singular values are equal to the tangents of PABS, using several approaches: orthonormal and non-orthonormal bases for subspaces, as well as projectors. Such a construction has applications, e.g., in analysis of convergence of subspace iterations for eigenvalue problems.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Accepted to Journal of Numerical Mathematic

    Explicit model predictive control accuracy analysis

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) can efficiently control constrained systems in real-time applications. MPC feedback law for a linear system with linear inequality constraints can be explicitly computed off-line, which results in an off-line partition of the state space into non-overlapped convex regions, with affine control laws associated to each region of the partition. An actual implementation of this explicit MPC in low cost micro-controllers requires the data to be "quantized", i.e. represented with a small number of memory bits. An aggressive quantization decreases the number of bits and the controller manufacturing costs, and may increase the speed of the controller, but reduces accuracy of the control input computation. We derive upper bounds for the absolute error in the control depending on the number of quantization bits and system parameters. The bounds can be used to determine how many quantization bits are needed in order to guarantee a specific level of accuracy in the control input.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to IEEE CDC 201

    Efficient Cluster Algorithm for Spin Glasses in Any Space Dimension

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    Spin systems with frustration and disorder are notoriously difficult to study both analytically and numerically. While the simulation of ferromagnetic statistical mechanical models benefits greatly from cluster algorithms, these accelerated dynamics methods remain elusive for generic spin-glass-like systems. Here we present a cluster algorithm for Ising spin glasses that works in any space dimension and speeds up thermalization by at least one order of magnitude at temperatures where thermalization is typically difficult. Our isoenergetic cluster moves are based on the Houdayer cluster algorithm for two-dimensional spin glasses and lead to a speedup over conventional state-of-the-art methods that increases with the system size. We illustrate the benefits of the isoenergetic cluster moves in two and three space dimensions, as well as the nonplanar chimera topology found in the D-Wave Inc.~quantum annealing machine.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Structural Small Open-Economy Model for Canada

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    The authors develop a small open-economy dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium (DSGE) model in an attempt to understand the dynamic relationships in Canadian macroeconomic data. The model differs from most recent DSGE models in two key ways. First, for prices and wages, the authors use the time-dependent staggered contracting model of Dotsey, King, and Wolman (1999) and Wolman (1999), rather than the Calvo (1983) specification. Second, to model investment, the authors adopt Edge's (2000a, b) framework of time-to-build with ex-post inflexibilities. The model's parameters are chosen to minimize the distance between the structural model's impulse responses to interest rate, demand (consumption), and exchange rate shocks and those from an estimated vector autoregression (VAR). The majority of the model's theoretical impulse responses fall within the 5 and 95 per cent confidence intervals generated by the VAR.Business fluctuations and cycles; Economic models; Inflation and prices
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