145 research outputs found

    Improving Out-of-Distribution Robustness of Classifiers via Generative Interpolation

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    Deep neural networks achieve superior performance for learning from independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data. However, their performance deteriorates significantly when handling out-of-distribution (OoD) data, where the training and test are drawn from different distributions. In this paper, we explore utilizing the generative models as a data augmentation source for improving out-of-distribution robustness of neural classifiers. Specifically, we develop a simple yet effective method called Generative Interpolation to fuse generative models trained from multiple domains for synthesizing diverse OoD samples. Training a generative model directly on the source domains tends to suffer from mode collapse and sometimes amplifies the data bias. Instead, we first train a StyleGAN model on one source domain and then fine-tune it on the other domains, resulting in many correlated generators where their model parameters have the same initialization thus are aligned. We then linearly interpolate the model parameters of the generators to spawn new sets of generators. Such interpolated generators are used as an extra data augmentation source to train the classifiers. The interpolation coefficients can flexibly control the augmentation direction and strength. In addition, a style-mixing mechanism is applied to further improve the diversity of the generated OoD samples. Our experiments show that the proposed method explicitly increases the diversity of training domains and achieves consistent improvements over baselines across datasets and multiple different distribution shifts

    In-Domain GAN Inversion for Faithful Reconstruction and Editability

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have significantly advanced image synthesis through mapping randomly sampled latent codes to high-fidelity synthesized images. However, applying well-trained GANs to real image editing remains challenging. A common solution is to find an approximate latent code that can adequately recover the input image to edit, which is also known as GAN inversion. To invert a GAN model, prior works typically focus on reconstructing the target image at the pixel level, yet few studies are conducted on whether the inverted result can well support manipulation at the semantic level. This work fills in this gap by proposing in-domain GAN inversion, which consists of a domain-guided encoder and a domain-regularized optimizer, to regularize the inverted code in the native latent space of the pre-trained GAN model. In this way, we manage to sufficiently reuse the knowledge learned by GANs for image reconstruction, facilitating a wide range of editing applications without any retraining. We further make comprehensive analyses on the effects of the encoder structure, the starting inversion point, as well as the inversion parameter space, and observe the trade-off between the reconstruction quality and the editing property. Such a trade-off sheds light on how a GAN model represents an image with various semantics encoded in the learned latent distribution. Code, models, and demo are available at the project page: https://genforce.github.io/idinvert/

    Spatial Steerability of GANs via Self-Supervision from Discriminator

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    Generative models make huge progress to the photorealistic image synthesis in recent years. To enable human to steer the image generation process and customize the output, many works explore the interpretable dimensions of the latent space in GANs. Existing methods edit the attributes of the output image such as orientation or color scheme by varying the latent code along certain directions. However, these methods usually require additional human annotations for each pretrained model, and they mostly focus on editing global attributes. In this work, we propose a self-supervised approach to improve the spatial steerability of GANs without searching for steerable directions in the latent space or requiring extra annotations. Specifically, we design randomly sampled Gaussian heatmaps to be encoded into the intermediate layers of generative models as spatial inductive bias. Along with training the GAN model from scratch, these heatmaps are being aligned with the emerging attention of the GAN's discriminator in a self-supervised learning manner. During inference, human users can intuitively interact with the spatial heatmaps to edit the output image, such as varying the scene layout or moving objects in the scene. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method not only enables spatial editing over human faces, animal faces, outdoor scenes, and complicated indoor scenes, but also brings improvement in synthesis quality.Comment: This manuscript is a journal extension of our previous conference work (arXiv:2112.00718), submitted to TPAM

    Improving GANs with A Dynamic Discriminator

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    Discriminator plays a vital role in training generative adversarial networks (GANs) via distinguishing real and synthesized samples. While the real data distribution remains the same, the synthesis distribution keeps varying because of the evolving generator, and thus effects a corresponding change to the bi-classification task for the discriminator. We argue that a discriminator with an on-the-fly adjustment on its capacity can better accommodate such a time-varying task. A comprehensive empirical study confirms that the proposed training strategy, termed as DynamicD, improves the synthesis performance without incurring any additional computation cost or training objectives. Two capacity adjusting schemes are developed for training GANs under different data regimes: i) given a sufficient amount of training data, the discriminator benefits from a progressively increased learning capacity, and ii) when the training data is limited, gradually decreasing the layer width mitigates the over-fitting issue of the discriminator. Experiments on both 2D and 3D-aware image synthesis tasks conducted on a range of datasets substantiate the generalizability of our DynamicD as well as its substantial improvement over the baselines. Furthermore, DynamicD is synergistic to other discriminator-improving approaches (including data augmentation, regularizers, and pre-training), and brings continuous performance gain when combined for learning GANs.Comment: To appear in NeurIPS 202
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