100 research outputs found

    Introspective Deep Metric Learning for Image Retrieval

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    This paper proposes an introspective deep metric learning (IDML) framework for uncertainty-aware comparisons of images. Conventional deep metric learning methods produce confident semantic distances between images regardless of the uncertainty level. However, we argue that a good similarity model should consider the semantic discrepancies with caution to better deal with ambiguous images for more robust training. To achieve this, we propose to represent an image using not only a semantic embedding but also an accompanying uncertainty embedding, which describes the semantic characteristics and ambiguity of an image, respectively. We further propose an introspective similarity metric to make similarity judgments between images considering both their semantic differences and ambiguities. The proposed IDML framework improves the performance of deep metric learning through uncertainty modeling and attains state-of-the-art results on the widely used CUB-200-2011, Cars196, and Stanford Online Products datasets for image retrieval and clustering. We further provide an in-depth analysis of our framework to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of IDML. Code is available at: https://github.com/wzzheng/IDML.Comment: The extended version of this paper is accepted to T-PAMI. Source code available at https://github.com/wzzheng/IDM

    LiDAR-HMR: 3D Human Mesh Recovery from LiDAR

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    In recent years, point cloud perception tasks have been garnering increasing attention. This paper presents the first attempt to estimate 3D human body mesh from sparse LiDAR point clouds. We found that the major challenge in estimating human pose and mesh from point clouds lies in the sparsity, noise, and incompletion of LiDAR point clouds. Facing these challenges, we propose an effective sparse-to-dense reconstruction scheme to reconstruct 3D human mesh. This involves estimating a sparse representation of a human (3D human pose) and gradually reconstructing the body mesh. To better leverage the 3D structural information of point clouds, we employ a cascaded graph transformer (graphormer) to introduce point cloud features during sparse-to-dense reconstruction. Experimental results on three publicly available databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Code: https://github.com/soullessrobot/LiDAR-HMR/Comment: Code is available at: https://github.com/soullessrobot/LiDAR-HMR

    SelfOcc: Self-Supervised Vision-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction

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    3D occupancy prediction is an important task for the robustness of vision-centric autonomous driving, which aims to predict whether each point is occupied in the surrounding 3D space. Existing methods usually require 3D occupancy labels to produce meaningful results. However, it is very laborious to annotate the occupancy status of each voxel. In this paper, we propose SelfOcc to explore a self-supervised way to learn 3D occupancy using only video sequences. We first transform the images into the 3D space (e.g., bird's eye view) to obtain 3D representation of the scene. We directly impose constraints on the 3D representations by treating them as signed distance fields. We can then render 2D images of previous and future frames as self-supervision signals to learn the 3D representations. We propose an MVS-embedded strategy to directly optimize the SDF-induced weights with multiple depth proposals. Our SelfOcc outperforms the previous best method SceneRF by 58.7% using a single frame as input on SemanticKITTI and is the first self-supervised work that produces reasonable 3D occupancy for surround cameras on nuScenes. SelfOcc produces high-quality depth and achieves state-of-the-art results on novel depth synthesis, monocular depth estimation, and surround-view depth estimation on the SemanticKITTI, KITTI-2015, and nuScenes, respectively. Code: https://github.com/huang-yh/SelfOcc.Comment: Code is available at: https://github.com/huang-yh/SelfOc

    Modified Instantaneous Power Control with Phase Compensation and Current-limited Function under Unbalanced Grid Faults

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    OPERA: Omni-Supervised Representation Learning with Hierarchical Supervisions

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    The pretrain-finetune paradigm in modern computer vision facilitates the success of self-supervised learning, which tends to achieve better transferability than supervised learning. However, with the availability of massive labeled data, a natural question emerges: how to train a better model with both self and full supervision signals? In this paper, we propose Omni-suPErvised Representation leArning with hierarchical supervisions (OPERA) as a solution. We provide a unified perspective of supervisions from labeled and unlabeled data and propose a unified framework of fully supervised and self-supervised learning. We extract a set of hierarchical proxy representations for each image and impose self and full supervisions on the corresponding proxy representations. Extensive experiments on both convolutional neural networks and vision transformers demonstrate the superiority of OPERA in image classification, segmentation, and object detection. Code is available at: https://github.com/wangck20/OPERA.Comment: Source code available at: https://github.com/wangck20/OPER

    Separation and Validation of Bond-Wire and Solder Layer Failure Modes in IGBT Modules

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    Exploring Unified Perspective For Fast Shapley Value Estimation

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    Shapley values have emerged as a widely accepted and trustworthy tool, grounded in theoretical axioms, for addressing challenges posed by black-box models like deep neural networks. However, computing Shapley values encounters exponential complexity in the number of features. Various approaches, including ApproSemivalue, KernelSHAP, and FastSHAP, have been explored to expedite the computation. We analyze the consistency of existing works and conclude that stochastic estimators can be unified as the linear transformation of importance sampling of feature subsets. Based on this, we investigate the possibility of designing simple amortized estimators and propose a straightforward and efficient one, SimSHAP, by eliminating redundant techniques. Extensive experiments conducted on tabular and image datasets validate the effectiveness of our SimSHAP, which significantly accelerates the computation of accurate Shapley values

    Token-Label Alignment for Vision Transformers

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    Data mixing strategies (e.g., CutMix) have shown the ability to greatly improve the performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). They mix two images as inputs for training and assign them with a mixed label with the same ratio. While they are shown effective for vision transformers (ViTs), we identify a token fluctuation phenomenon that has suppressed the potential of data mixing strategies. We empirically observe that the contributions of input tokens fluctuate as forward propagating, which might induce a different mixing ratio in the output tokens. The training target computed by the original data mixing strategy can thus be inaccurate, resulting in less effective training. To address this, we propose a token-label alignment (TL-Align) method to trace the correspondence between transformed tokens and the original tokens to maintain a label for each token. We reuse the computed attention at each layer for efficient token-label alignment, introducing only negligible additional training costs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method improves the performance of ViTs on image classification, semantic segmentation, objective detection, and transfer learning tasks. Code is available at: https://github.com/Euphoria16/TL-Align.Comment: Source code available at https://github.com/Euphoria16/TL-Alig

    PointOcc: Cylindrical Tri-Perspective View for Point-based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction

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    Semantic segmentation in autonomous driving has been undergoing an evolution from sparse point segmentation to dense voxel segmentation, where the objective is to predict the semantic occupancy of each voxel in the concerned 3D space. The dense nature of the prediction space has rendered existing efficient 2D-projection-based methods (e.g., bird's eye view, range view, etc.) ineffective, as they can only describe a subspace of the 3D scene. To address this, we propose a cylindrical tri-perspective view to represent point clouds effectively and comprehensively and a PointOcc model to process them efficiently. Considering the distance distribution of LiDAR point clouds, we construct the tri-perspective view in the cylindrical coordinate system for more fine-grained modeling of nearer areas. We employ spatial group pooling to maintain structural details during projection and adopt 2D backbones to efficiently process each TPV plane. Finally, we obtain the features of each point by aggregating its projected features on each of the processed TPV planes without the need for any post-processing. Extensive experiments on both 3D occupancy prediction and LiDAR segmentation benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed PointOcc achieves state-of-the-art performance with much faster speed. Specifically, despite only using LiDAR, PointOcc significantly outperforms all other methods, including multi-modal methods, with a large margin on the OpenOccupancy benchmark. Code: https://github.com/wzzheng/PointOcc.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/wzzheng/PointOc