167 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Inference of a Partially Linear Model in Time Series

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    We introduce a new methodology to conduct simultaneous inference of the nonparametric component in partially linear time series regression models where the nonparametric part is a multivariate unknown function. In particular, we construct a simultaneous confidence region (SCR) for the multivariate function by extending the high-dimensional Gaussian approximation to dependent processes with continuous index sets. Our results allow for a more general dependence structure compared to previous works and are widely applicable to a variety of linear and nonlinear autoregressive processes. We demonstrate the validity of our proposed methodology by examining the finite-sample performance in the simulation study. Finally, an application in time series, the forward premium regression, is presented, where we construct the SCR for the foreign exchange risk premium from the exchange rate and macroeconomic data.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figure

    A novel facial expression recognition based on the curevlet features

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    Curvelet transform has been recently proved to be a powerful tool for multi-resolution analysis on images. In this paper we propose a new approach for facial expression recognition based on features extracted via curvelet transform. First curvelet transform is presented and its advantages in image analysis are described. Then the coefficients of curvelet in selected scales and angles are used as features for image analysis. Consequently the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) are used to reduce and optimize the curvelet features. Finally we use the nearest neighbor classifier to recognize the facial expressions based on these features. The experimental results on JAFFE and Cohn Kanade two benchmark databases show that the proposed approach outperforms the PCA and LDA techniques on the original image pixel values as well as its counterparts with the wavelet features

    Double-Flow-based Steganography without Embedding for Image-to-Image Hiding

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    As an emerging concept, steganography without embedding (SWE) hides a secret message without directly embedding it into a cover. Thus, SWE has the unique advantage of being immune to typical steganalysis methods and can better protect the secret message from being exposed. However, existing SWE methods are generally criticized for their poor payload capacity and low fidelity of recovered secret messages. In this paper, we propose a novel steganography-without-embedding technique, named DF-SWE, which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks and produces diverse and natural stego images. Specifically, DF-SWE employs a reversible circulation of double flow to build a reversible bijective transformation between the secret image and the generated stego image. Hence, it provides a way to directly generate stego images from secret images without a cover image. Besides leveraging the invertible property, DF-SWE can invert a secret image from a generated stego image in a nearly lossless manner and increases the fidelity of extracted secret images. To the best of our knowledge, DF-SWE is the first SWE method that can hide large images and multiple images into one image with the same size, significantly enhancing the payload capacity. According to the experimental results, the payload capacity of DF-SWE achieves 24-72 BPP is 8000-16000 times compared to its competitors while producing diverse images to minimize the exposure risk. Importantly, DF-SWE can be applied in the steganography of secret images in various domains without requiring training data from the corresponding domains. This domain-agnostic property suggests that DF-SWE can 1) be applied to hiding private data and 2) be deployed in resource-limited systems

    Boundary refinement network for colorectal polyp segmentation in colonoscopy images

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    Precise polyp segmentation is vitally essential for detection and diagnosis of early colorectal cancer. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have brought infinite possibilities for this task. However, polyps usually vary greatly in shape and size and contain ambiguous boundary, bringing tough challenges to precise segmentation. In this letter, we introduce a novel Boundary Refinement Network (BRNet) for polyp segmentation. To be specific, we first introduce a boundary generation module (BGM) to generate boundary map by fusing both low-level spatial details and high-level concepts. Then, we utilize the boundary-guided refinement module to refine the polyp-aware features at each layer with the help of boundary cues from the BGM and the prediction from the adjacent high layer. Through top-down deep supervision, our BRNet can localize the polyp regions accurately with clear boundary. Extensive experiments are carried out on five datasets, and the results indicate the effectiveness of our BRNet over seven recently reported methods
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