37 research outputs found

    Interaction of the S6 Proline Hinge with N-Type and C-Type Inactivation in Kv1.4 Channels

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    AbstractSeveral voltage-gated channels share a proline-valine-proline (proline hinge) sequence motif at the intracellular side of S6. We studied the proline hinge in Kv1.4 channels, which inactivate via two mechanisms: N- and C-type. We mutated the second proline to glycine or alanine: P558A, P558G. These mutations were studied in the presence/absence of the N-terminal to separate the effects of the interaction between the proline hinge and N- and C-type inactivation. Both S6 mutations slowed or removed N- and C-type inactivation, and altered recovery from inactivation. P558G slowed activation and N- and C-type inactivation by nearly an order of magnitude. Sensitivity to extracellular acidosis and intracellular quinidine binding remained, suggesting that transmembrane communication in N- and C-type inactivation was preserved, consistent with our previous findings of major structural rearrangements involving S6 during C-type inactivation. P558A was very disruptive: activation was slowed by more than an order of magnitude, and no inactivation was observed. These results are consistent with our hypothesis that the proline hinge and intracellular S6 movement play a significant role in inactivation and recovery. Computer modeling suggests that both P558G and P558A mutations modify early voltage-dependent steps and make a final voltage-insensitive step that is rate limiting at positive potentials

    Economic evaluation of mobile phone text message interventions to improve adherence to HIV therapy in Kenya

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    A surge in mobile phone availability has fueled low cost short messaging service (SMS) adherence interventions. Multiple systematic reviews have concluded that some SMS-based interventions are effective at improving antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, and they are hypothesized to improve retention in care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of SMS-based adherence interventions and explore the added value of retention benefits

    Identification of IKr Kinetics and Drug Binding in Native Myocytes

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    Determining the effect of a compound on IKr is a standard screen for drug safety. Often the effect is described using a single IC50 value, which is unable to capture complex effects of a drug. Using verapamil as an example, we present a method for using recordings from native myocytes at several drug doses along with qualitative features of IKr from published studies of HERG current to estimate parameters in a mathematical model of the drug effect on IKr. IKr was recorded from canine left ventricular myocytes using ruptured patch techniques. A voltage command protocol was used to record tail currents at voltages from −70 to −20 mV, following activating pulses over a wide range of voltages and pulse durations. Model equations were taken from a published IKr Markov model and the drug was modeled as binding to the open state. Parameters were estimated using a combined global and local optimization algorithm based on collected data with two additional constraints on IKrI–V relation and IKr inactivation. The method produced models that quantitatively reproduce both the control IKr kinetics and dose dependent changes in the current. In addition, the model exhibited use and rate dependence. The results suggest that: (1) the technique proposed here has the practical potential to develop data-driven models that quantitatively reproduce channel behavior in native myocytes; (2) the method can capture important drug effects that cannot be reproduced by the IC50 method. Although the method was developed for IKr, the same strategy can be applied to other ion channels, once appropriate channel-specific voltage protocols and qualitative features are identified

    Vascular Impedance Analysis in Human Pulmonary Circulation

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    ABSTRACT Vascular impedance in human pulmonary circulation is analyzed by the fluid dynamic approach. A model representing the entire system of pulmonary circulation is constructed based on experimentally measured morphometric and elasticity data of the vessels. The pulmonary arteries and veins are considered as elastic tubes. Their impedance follows Womersley's theory and electric analogue. The "sheet-flow" theory is employed to describe the flow in capillaries and thus a microvascular impedance matrix is derived. The input impedance at the main pulmonary artery is calculated under both zone 3 and zone 2 conditions. The results are compared with available experimental data in the literature. INTRODUCTION The objective of this study is to analyze vascular impedance in human lungs by the fluid dynamic approach. This approach has been successfully used in our laboratory to study the pulsatile blood flow in dog [1] and cat lungs We calculate the input impedance at the main pulmonary artery under both zone 2 and zone 3 conditions. For zone 2 conditions, the "waterfall" phenomenon appears and the flow is independent of the venous pressure Here, l is the distance from the point in question to the distal end of the tube where reflection is generated, and k is the complex propagation coefficient. The discontinuity coefficient λ is the ratio of c Z to the terminal impedance T Z , which is the impedance faced by the end of the vessel

    Modeling HERG Isoforms

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    Modeling HERG Gating Transitions

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    Markov models of use-dependence and reverse use-dependence during the mouse cardiac action potential.

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    The fast component of the cardiac transient outward current, I(Ktof), is blocked by a number of drugs. The major molecular bases of I(Ktof) are Kv4.2/Kv4.3 voltage-gated potassium channels. Drugs with similar potencies but different blocking mechanisms have differing effects on action potential duration (APD). We used in silico analysis to determine the effect of I(Ktof)-blocking drugs with different blocking mechanisms on mouse ventricular myocytes. We used our existing mouse model of the action potential, and developed 4 new Markov formulations for I(Ktof), I(Ktos), I(Kur), I(Ks). We compared effects of theoretical I(Ktof)-specific channel blockers: (1) a closed state, and (2) an open channel blocker. At concentrations lower or close to IC(50), the drug which bound to the open state always had a much greater effect on APD than the drug which bound to the closed state. At concentrations much higher than IC(50), both mechanisms had similar effects at very low pacing rates. However, an open state binding drug had a greater effect on APD at faster pacing rates, particularly around 10 Hz. In summary, our data indicate that drug effects on APD are strongly dependent not only on IC(50), but also on the drug binding state