29 research outputs found

    A least square method based model for identifying protein complexes in protein-protein interaction network

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    Protein complex formed by a group of physical interacting proteins plays a crucial role in cell activities. Great effort has been made to computationally identify protein complexes from protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. However, the accuracy of the prediction is still far from being satisfactory, because the topological structures of protein complexes in the PPI network are too complicated. This paper proposes a novel optimization framework to detect complexes from PPI network, named PLSMC. The method is on the basis of the fact that if two proteins are in a common complex, they are likely to be interacting. PLSMC employs this relation to determine complexes by a penalized least squares method. PLSMC is applied to several public yeast PPI networks, and compared with several state-of-the-art methods. The results indicate that PLSMC outperforms other methods. In particular, complexes predicted by PLSMC can match known complexes with a higher accuracy than other methods. Furthermore, the predicted complexes have high functional homogeneity

    Mining disease genes using integrated protein–protein interaction and gene–gene co-regulation information

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    AbstractIn humans, despite the rapid increase in disease-associated gene discovery, a large proportion of disease-associated genes are still unknown. Many network-based approaches have been used to prioritize disease genes. Many networks, such as the protein–protein interaction (PPI), KEGG, and gene co-expression networks, have been used. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) have been successfully applied for the determination of genes associated with several diseases. In this study, we constructed an eQTL-based gene–gene co-regulation network (GGCRN) and used it to mine for disease genes. We adopted the random walk with restart (RWR) algorithm to mine for genes associated with Alzheimer disease. Compared to the Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) PPI network alone, the integrated HPRD PPI and GGCRN networks provided faster convergence and revealed new disease-related genes. Therefore, using the RWR algorithm for integrated PPI and GGCRN is an effective method for disease-associated gene mining

    Construction of Complex Features for Computational Predicting ncRNA-Protein Interaction

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    Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) plays important roles in many critical regulation processes. Many ncRNAs perform their regulatory functions by the form of RNA-protein complexes. Therefore, identifying the interaction between ncRNA and protein is fundamental to understand functions of ncRNA. Under pressures from expensive cost of experimental techniques, developing an accuracy computational predictive model has become an indispensable way to identify ncRNA-protein interaction. A powerful predicting model of ncRNA-protein interaction needs a good feature set of characterizing the interaction. In this paper, a novel method is put forward to generate complex features for characterizing ncRNA-protein interaction (named CFRP). To obtain a comprehensive description of ncRNA-protein interaction, complex features are generated by non-linear transformations from the traditional k-mer features of ncRNA and protein sequences. To further reduce the dimensions of complex features, a group of discriminative features are selected by random forest. To validate the performances of the proposed method, a series of experiments are carried on several widely-used public datasets. Compared with the traditional k-mer features, the CFRP complex features can boost the performances of ncRNA-protein interaction prediction model. Meanwhile, the CFRP-based prediction model is compared with several state-of-the-art methods, and the results show that the proposed method achieves better performances than the others in term of the evaluation metrics. In conclusion, the complex features generated by CFRP are beneficial for building a powerful predicting model of ncRNA-protein interaction

    i4mC-EL: Identifying DNA N4-Methylcytosine Sites in the Mouse Genome Using Ensemble Learning

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    As one of important epigenetic modifications, DNA N4-methylcytosine (4mC) plays a crucial role in controlling gene replication, expression, cell cycle, DNA replication, and differentiation. The accurate identification of 4mC sites is necessary to understand biological functions. In the paper, we use ensemble learning to develop a model named i4mC-EL to identify 4mC sites in the mouse genome. Firstly, a multifeature encoding scheme consisting of Kmer and EIIP was adopted to describe the DNA sequences. Secondly, on the basis of the multifeature encoding scheme, we developed a stacked ensemble model, in which four machine learning algorithms, namely, BayesNet, NaiveBayes, LibSVM, and Voted Perceptron, were utilized to implement an ensemble of base classifiers that produce intermediate results as input of the metaclassifier, Logistic. The experimental results on the independent test dataset demonstrate that the overall rate of predictive accurate of i4mC-EL is 82.19%, which is better than the existing methods. The user-friendly website implementing i4mC-EL can be accessed freely at the following

    A Method for Identifying Vesicle Transport Proteins Based on LibSVM and MRMD

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    With the development of computer technology, many machine learning algorithms have been applied to the field of biology, forming the discipline of bioinformatics. Protein function prediction is a classic research topic in this subject area. Though many scholars have made achievements in identifying protein by different algorithms, they often extract a large number of feature types and use very complex classification methods to obtain little improvement in the classification effect, and this process is very time-consuming. In this research, we attempt to utilize as few features as possible to classify vesicular transportation proteins and to simultaneously obtain a comparative satisfactory classification result. We adopt CTDC which is a submethod of the method of composition, transition, and distribution (CTD) to extract only 39 features from each sequence, and LibSVM is used as the classification method. We use the SMOTE method to deal with the problem of dataset imbalance. There are 11619 protein sequences in our dataset. We selected 4428 sequences to train our classification model and selected other 1832 sequences from our dataset to test the classification effect and finally achieved an accuracy of 71.77%. After dimension reduction by MRMD, the accuracy is 72.16%

    PredAmyl-MLP: Prediction of Amyloid Proteins Using Multilayer Perceptron

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    Amyloid is generally an aggregate of insoluble fibrin; its abnormal deposition is the pathogenic mechanism of various diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and type II diabetes. Therefore, accurately identifying amyloid is necessary to understand its role in pathology. We proposed a machine learning-based prediction model called PredAmyl-MLP, which consists of the following three steps: feature extraction, feature selection, and classification. In the step of feature extraction, seven feature extraction algorithms and different combinations of them are investigated, and the combination of SVMProt-188D and tripeptide composition (TPC) is selected according to the experimental results. In the step of feature selection, maximum relevant maximum distance (MRMD) and binomial distribution (BD) are, respectively, used to remove the redundant or noise features, and the appropriate features are selected according to the experimental results. In the step of classification, we employed multilayer perceptron (MLP) to train the prediction model. The 10-fold cross-validation results show that the overall accuracy of PredAmyl-MLP reached 91.59%, and the performance was better than the existing methods

    Identification of Human Enzymes Using Amino Acid Composition and the Composition of k-Spaced Amino Acid Pairs

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    Enzymes are proteins that can efficiently catalyze specific biochemical reactions, and they are widely present in the human body. Developing an efficient method to identify human enzymes is vital to select enzymes from the vast number of human proteins and to investigate their functions. Nevertheless, only a limited amount of research has been conducted on the classification of human enzymes and nonenzymes. In this work, we developed a support vector machine- (SVM-) based predictor to classify human enzymes using the amino acid composition (AAC), the composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs (CKSAAP), and selected informative amino acid pairs through the use of a feature selection technique. A training dataset including 1117 human enzymes and 2099 nonenzymes and a test dataset including 684 human enzymes and 1270 nonenzymes were constructed to train and test the proposed model. The results of jackknife cross-validation showed that the overall accuracy was 76.46% for the training set and 76.21% for the test set, which are higher than the 72.6% achieved in previous research. Furthermore, various feature extraction methods and mainstream classifiers were compared in this task, and informative feature parameters of k-spaced amino acid pairs were selected and compared. The results suggest that our classifier can be used in human enzyme identification effectively and efficiently and can help to understand their functions and develop new drugs

    Revealing protein functions based on relationships of interacting proteins and GO terms

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    Abstract Background In recent years, numerous computational methods predicted protein function based on the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. These methods supposed that two proteins share the same function if they interact with each other. However, it is reported by recent studies that the functions of two interacting proteins may be just related. It will mislead the prediction of protein function. Therefore, there is a need for investigating the functional relationship between interacting proteins. Results In this paper, the functional relationship between interacting proteins is studied and a novel method, called as GoDIN, is advanced to annotate functions of interacting proteins in Gene Ontology (GO) context. It is assumed that the functional difference between interacting proteins can be expressed by semantic difference between GO term and its relatives. Thus, the method uses GO term and its relatives to annotate the interacting proteins separately according to their functional roles in the PPI network. The method is validated by a series of experiments and compared with the concerned method. The experimental results confirm the assumption and suggest that GoDIN is effective on predicting functions of protein. Conclusions This study demonstrates that: (1) interacting proteins are not equal in the PPI network, and their function may be same or similar, or just related; (2) functional difference between interacting proteins can be measured by their degrees in the PPI network; (3) functional relationship between interacting proteins can be expressed by relationship between GO term and its relatives