766 research outputs found

    Vacuum Energy, EoS, and the Gluon Condensate at Finite Baryon Density in QCD

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    The Equation of States (EoS) plays the crucial role in all studies of neutron star properties. Still, a microscopical understanding of EoS remains largely an unresolved problem. We use 2-color QCD as a model to study the dependence of vacuum energy (gluon condensate in QCD) as function of chemical potential \mu\ll \Lambda_{QCD} where we find very strong and unexpected dependence on μ\mu. We present the arguments suggesting that similar behavior may occur in 3-color QCD in the color superconducting phases. Such a study may be of importance for analysis of EoS when phenomenologically relevant parameters (within such models as MIT Bag model or NJL model) are fixed at zero density while the region of study lies at much higher densities not available for terrestrial tests.Comment: Talk at " Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII", Ponta Delgada, September 2-7, 200

    Revealing Randall-Sundrum Hidden Valleys

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    We study 5D gauge symmetries in the Randall-Sundrum geometry that are hidden from the standard model through either small 5D gauge coupling, or through vanishing quantum numbers for the standard model fields. Geometric warping of 5D gravity creates a TeV scale bridge from the standard model to the hidden sector gauge fields. We apply these concepts to a revival of the electroweak axion model, in which the dynamics of Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking occur at the TeV scale.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Intrinsic Strange/Charmed Quarks Inside of a Strangeless/Charmless Hadron

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    We discuss few, apparently different, but actually tightly related problems: a)Strangeness in the nucleon; b) B --> eta' decays; c)Intrinsic charm in the proton spin problem. We argue that all these problems have a common origin and related to the OZI rule violation in 0^{\pm} vacuum channels . It leads to a noticeable role of a nonvalence component with 0^{\pm} quantum numbers in a hadron.}Comment: Talk given at the ``HADRON 97'' BNL, Brookhaven, August 24-28, 1997, To be published in the proceeding
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