209 research outputs found

    DANSSino: a pilot version of the DANSS neutrino detector

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    DANSSino is a reduced pilot version of a solid-state detector of reactor antineutrinos (to be created within the DANSS project and installed under the industrial 3 GW(th) reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant -- KNPP). Numerous tests performed at a distance of 11 m from the reactor core demonstrate operability of the chosen design and reveal the main sources of the background. In spite of its small size (20x20x100 ccm), the pilot detector turned out to be quite sensitive to reactor antineutrinos, detecting about 70 IBD events per day with the signal-to-background ratio about unity.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.369

    Search for sterile neutrinos at the DANSS experiment

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    DANSS is a highly segmented 1~m3{}^3 plastic scintillator detector. Its 2500 one meter long scintillator strips have a Gd-loaded reflective cover. The DANSS detector is placed under an industrial 3.1~GWth\mathrm{GW_{th}} reactor of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant 350~km NW from Moscow. The distance to the core is varied on-line from 10.7~m to 12.7~m. The reactor building provides about 50~m water-equivalent shielding against the cosmic background. DANSS detects almost 5000 ν~e\widetilde\nu_e per day at the closest position with the cosmic background less than 3%\%. The inverse beta decay process is used to detect ν~e\widetilde\nu_e. Sterile neutrinos are searched for assuming the 4ν4\nu model (3 active and 1 sterile ν\nu). The exclusion area in the Δm142,sin22θ14\Delta m_{14}^2,\sin^22\theta_{14} plane is obtained using a ratio of positron energy spectra collected at different distances. Therefore results do not depend on the shape and normalization of the reactor ν~e\widetilde\nu_e spectrum, as well as on the detector efficiency. Results are based on 966 thousand antineutrino events collected at 3 distances from the reactor core. The excluded area covers a wide range of the sterile neutrino parameters up to sin22θ14<0.01\sin^22\theta_{14}<0.01 in the most sensitive region.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, version accepted for publicatio

    Contamination Control and Assay Results for the Majorana Demonstrator Ultra Clean Components

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    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR is a neutrinoless double beta decay experiment utilizing enriched Ge-76 detectors in 2 separate modules inside of a common solid shield at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. The DEMONSTRATOR has utilized world leading assay sensitivities to develop clean materials and processes for producing ultra-pure copper and plastic components. This experiment is now operating, and initial data provide new insights into the success of cleaning and processing. Post production copper assays after the completion of Module 1 showed an increase in U and Th contamination in finished parts compared to starting bulk material. A revised cleaning method and additional round of surface contamination studies prior to Module 2 construction have provided evidence that more rigorous process control can reduce surface contamination. This article describes the assay results and discuss further studies to take advantage of assay capabilities for the purpose of maintaining ultra clean fabrication and process design.Comment: Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT May 2017, Seoul