4,214 research outputs found

    Genetic incorporation of D-Lysine into diketoreductase in Escherichia coli cells

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    D-Lysine has been genetically introduced into diketoreductase in E. coli cells by utilization of an orthogonal Ph tRNA /Lysyl-tRNA synthetase pair. This is the first report on the genetic incoporation of D-amino acids into proteins, which may be generally applicable to a wide variety of applications

    Standard Model Mass Spectrum in Inflationary Universe

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    We work out the Standard Model (SM) mass spectrum during inflation with quantum corrections, and explore its observable consequences in the squeezed limit of non-Gaussianity. Both non-Higgs and Higgs inflation models are studied in detail. We also illustrate how some inflationary loop diagrams can be computed neatly by Wick-rotating the inflation background to Euclidean signature and by dimensional regularization.Comment: 62 pages, JHEP accepted versio

    Neutrino Signatures in Primordial Non-Gaussianities

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    We study the cosmological collider phenomenology of neutrinos in an effective field theory. The mass spectrum of neutrinos and their characteristic oscillatory signatures in the squeezed limit bispectrum are computed. Both dS-covariant and slow-roll corrections are considered, so is the scenario of electroweak symmetry breaking during inflation. Interestingly, we show that the slow-roll background of the inflaton provides a chemical potential for the neutrino production. The chemical potential greatly amplifies the oscillatory signal and makes the signal observably large for heavy neutrinos without the need of fine tuning.Comment: 31 pages, JHEP accepted versio

    The disappearance of a narrow Mg II absorption system in quasar SDSS J165501.31+260517.4

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    In this letter, we present for the first time, the discovery of the disappearance of a narrow Mg II λλ2796,2803\lambda\lambda2796,2803 absorption system from the spectra of quasar SDSS J165501.31+260517.4 (ze=1.8671z_{\rm e}=1.8671). This absorber is located at zabs=1.7877z_{\rm abs} =1.7877, and has a velocity offset of 8,423 km s18,423\rm ~km~s^{-1} with respect to the quasar. According to the velocity offset and the line variability, this narrow Mg II λλ2796,2803\lambda\lambda2796,2803 absorption system is likely intrinsic to the quasar. Since the corresponding UV continuum emission and the absorption lines of another narrow Mg II λλ2796,2803\lambda\lambda2796,2803 absorption system at zabs=1.8656z_{\rm abs}=1.8656 are very stable, we think that the disappearance of the absorption system is unlikely to be caused by the change in ionization of absorption gas. Instead, it likely arises from the motion of the absorption gas across the line of sight

    On Factorizations of Upper Triangular Nonnegative Matrices of Order Three

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    Let T3(N0) denote the semigroup of 3×3 upper triangular matrices with nonnegative integral-valued entries. In this paper, we investigate factorizations of upper triangular nonnegative matrices of order three. Firstly, we characterize the atoms of the subsemigroup S of the matrices in T3(N0) with nonzero determinant and give some formulas. As a consequence, problems 4a and 4c presented by Baeth et al. (2011) are each half-answered for the case n=3. And then, we consider some factorization cases of matrix A in S with ρ(A)=1 and give formulas for the minimum factorization length of some special matrices in S