3,010 research outputs found

    Taylor coefficients and series involving harmonic numbers

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    During 2022--2023 Z.-W. Sun posed many conjectures on infinite series with summands involving generalized harmonic numbers. Motivated by this, we deduce 3131 series identities involving harmonic numbers, three of which were previously conjectured by the second author. For example, we obtain that βˆ‘k=1∞(βˆ’1)kk2(2kk)(3kk)(7kβˆ’22kβˆ’1Hkβˆ’1(2)βˆ’34k2)=Ο€4720. \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k}{k^2{2k \choose k}{3k \choose k}} \big( \frac{7 k-2}{2 k-1} H_{k-1}^{(2)}-\frac{3}{4 k^2} \big)=\frac{\pi^4}{720}. and βˆ‘k=1∞1k2(2kk)2(30kβˆ’11k(2kβˆ’1)(H2kβˆ’1(3)+2Hkβˆ’1(3))+278k4)=4ΞΆ(3)2, \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{1}{k^2 {2k \choose k}^2} \left( \frac{30k-11}{k(2k-1)} (H_{2k-1}^{(3)} + 2 H_{k-1}^{(3)}) + \frac{27}{8k^4} \right) = 4 \zeta(3)^2, where Hn(m)H_n^{(m)} denotes βˆ‘0<j≀njβˆ’m\sum_{0<j \le n}j^{-m}.Comment: add some new serie

    Broadband optical nonreciprocity via nonreciprocal band structure

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    As a promising approach for optical nonreciprocity without magnetic materials, optomechanically induced nonreciprocity has great potential for all-optical controllable isolators and circulators on chips. However, as a very important issue in practical applications, the bandwidth for nonreciprocal transmission with high isolation has not been fully investigated yet. In this study we review the nonreciprocity in a Brillouin optomechanical system with single cavity and point out the challenge in achieving broad bandwidth with high isolation. To overcome this challenge, we propose a one dimensional optomechanical array to realize broadband optical nonreciprocity via nonreciprocal band structure. We exploit nonreciprocal band structure by the stimulated Brillouin scattering induced transparency with directional optical pumping, and show that it is possible to demonstrate optical nonreciprocity with both broad bandwidth and high isolation. Such Brillouin optomechanical lattices with nonreciprocal band structure, offer an avenue to explore nonreciprocal collective effects in different electromagnetic and mechanical frequency regimes, such as nonreciprocal topological photonic and phononic phases.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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