572 research outputs found

    Constructing Smaller Pauli Twirling Sets for Arbitrary Error Channels

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    Twirling is a technique widely used for converting arbitrary noise channels into Pauli channels in error threshold estimations of quantum error correction codes. It is vitally useful both in real experiments and in classical quantum simulations. Minimising the size of the twirling gate set increases the efficiency of simulations and in experiments it might reduce both the number of runs required and the circuit depth (and hence the error burden). Conventional twirling uses the full set of Pauli gates as the set of twirling gates. This article provides a theoretical background for Pauli twirling and a way to construct a twirling gate set with a number of members comparable to the size of the Pauli basis of the given error channel, which is usually much smaller than the full set of Pauli gates. We also show that twirling is equivalent to stabiliser measurements with discarded measurement results, which enables us to further reduce the size of the twirling gate set.Comment: Fixed typos, added another example and improve presentation

    Quantum Error Mitigation using Symmetry Expansion

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    Even with the recent rapid developments in quantum hardware, noise remains the biggest challenge for the practical applications of any near-term quantum devices. Full quantum error correction cannot be implemented in these devices due to their limited scale. Therefore instead of relying on engineered code symmetry, symmetry verification was developed which uses the inherent symmetry within the physical problem we try to solve. In this article, we develop a general framework named symmetry expansion which provides a wide spectrum of symmetry-based error mitigation schemes beyond symmetry verification, enabling us to achieve different balances between the estimation bias and the sampling cost of the scheme. We show that certain symmetry expansion schemes can achieve a smaller estimation bias than symmetry verification through cancellation between the biases due to the detectable and undetectable noise components. A practical way to search for such a small-bias scheme is introduced. By numerically simulating the Fermi-Hubbard model for energy estimation, the small-bias symmetry expansion we found can achieve an estimation bias 6 to 9 times below what is achievable by symmetry verification when the average number of circuit errors is between 1 to 2. The corresponding sampling cost for random shot noise reduction is just 2 to 6 times higher than symmetry verification. Beyond symmetries inherent to the physical problem, our formalism is also applicable to engineered symmetries. For example, the recent scheme for exponential error suppression using multiple noisy copies of the quantum device is just a special case of symmetry expansion using the permutation symmetry among the copies

    Multi-exponential Error Extrapolation and Combining Error Mitigation Techniques for NISQ Applications

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    Noise in quantum hardware remains the biggest roadblock for the implementation of quantum computers. To fight the noise in the practical application of near-term quantum computers, instead of relying on quantum error correction which requires large qubit overhead, we turn to quantum error mitigation, in which we make use of extra measurements. Error extrapolation is an error mitigation technique that has been successfully implemented experimentally. Numerical simulation and heuristic arguments have indicated that exponential curves are effective for extrapolation in the large circuit limit with an expected circuit error count around unity. In this article, we extend this to multi-exponential error extrapolation and provide more rigorous proof for its effectiveness under Pauli noise. This is further validated via our numerical simulations, showing orders of magnitude improvements in the estimation accuracy over single-exponential extrapolation. Moreover, we develop methods to combine error extrapolation with two other error mitigation techniques: quasi-probability and symmetry verification, through exploiting features of these individual techniques. As shown in our simulation, our combined method can achieve low estimation bias with a sampling cost multiple times smaller than quasi-probability while without needing to be able to adjust the hardware error rate as required in canonical error extrapolation

    A Practical Framework for Quantum Error Mitigation

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    Quantum error mitigation is expected to play a crucial role in the practical applications of quantum machines for the foreseeable future. Thus it is important to put the numerous quantum error mitigation schemes proposed under a coherent framework that can highlight their underlying connections while providing guidance for their practical performance. In this article, we construct a general framework named linear quantum error mitigation that includes most of the state-of-the-art quantum error mitigation schemes. Within the framework, quantum error mitigation can be effectively viewed as extracting the error-mitigated state out of the noisy state. The fraction of error-mitigated state that is successfully extracted, called extraction rate, will indicate the cost-effectiveness of the given mitigation scheme. Using the framework, we can derive and compare the fidelity boost, sampling overhead and extraction rate across various mitigation schemes under practical assumptions. The structure, insights and intuitions provided by the framework can serve as a basis for further developments of new schemes

    Psychophysical Responses Comparison in Spatial Visual, Audiovisual, and Auditory BCI-Spelling Paradigms

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    The paper presents a pilot study conducted with spatial visual, audiovisual and auditory brain-computer-interface (BCI) based speller paradigms. The psychophysical experiments are conducted with healthy subjects in order to evaluate a difficulty and a possible response accuracy variability. We also present preliminary EEG results in offline BCI mode. The obtained results validate a thesis, that spatial auditory only paradigm performs as good as the traditional visual and audiovisual speller BCI tasks.Comment: The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 201

    Mitigating Coherent Noise Using Pauli Conjugation

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    Coherent noise can be much more damaging than incoherent (probabilistic) noise in the context of quantum error correction. One solution is to use twirling to turn coherent noise into incoherent Pauli channels. In this Article, we show that some of the coherence of the noise channel can actually be used to improve its logical fidelity by simply sandwiching the noise with a chosen pair of Pauli gates, which we call Pauli conjugation. Using the optimal Pauli conjugation, we can achieve a higher logical fidelity than using twirling and doing nothing. We devise a way to search for the optimal Pauli conjugation scheme and apply it to Steane code, 9-qubit Shor code and distance-3 surface code under global coherent ZZ noise. The optimal conjugation schemes show improvement in logical fidelity over twirling while the weights of the conjugation gates we need to apply are lower than the average weight of the twirling gates. In our example noise and codes, the concatenated threshold obtained using conjugation is consistently higher than the twirling threshold and can be up to 1.5 times higher than the original threshold where no mitigation is applied. Our simulations show that Pauli conjugation can be robust against gate errors. With the help of logical twirling, the undesirable coherence in the noise channel can be removed and the advantages of conjugation over twirling can persist as we go to multiple rounds of quantum error correction.Comment: Added explanations about the mechanism of conjugation

    Biased Estimator Channels for Classical Shadows

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    Extracting classical information from quantum systems is of fundamental importance, and classical shadows allow us to extract a large amount of information using relatively few measurements. Conventional shadow estimators are unbiased and thus approach the true mean in the infinite-sample limit. In this work, we consider a biased scheme, intentionally introducing a bias by rescaling the conventional classical shadows estimators can reduce the error in the finite-sample regime. The approach is straightforward to implement and requires no quantum resources. We analytically prove average case as well as worst- and best-case scenarios, and rigorously prove that it is, in principle, always worth biasing the estimators. We illustrate our approach in a quantum simulation task of a 1212-qubit spin-ring problem and demonstrate how estimating expected values of non-local perturbations can be significantly more efficient using our biased scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    A Silicon Surface Code Architecture Resilient Against Leakage Errors

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    Spin qubits in silicon quantum dots are one of the most promising building blocks for large scale quantum computers thanks to their high qubit density and compatibility with the existing semiconductor technologies. High fidelity single-qubit gates exceeding the threshold of error correction codes like the surface code have been demonstrated, while two-qubit gates have reached 98\% fidelity and are improving rapidly. However, there are other types of error --- such as charge leakage and propagation --- that may occur in quantum dot arrays and which cannot be corrected by quantum error correction codes, making them potentially damaging even when their probability is small. We propose a surface code architecture for silicon quantum dot spin qubits that is robust against leakage errors by incorporating multi-electron mediator dots. Charge leakage in the qubit dots is transferred to the mediator dots via charge relaxation processes and then removed using charge reservoirs attached to the mediators. A stabiliser-check cycle, optimised for our hardware, then removes the correlations between the residual physical errors. Through simulations we obtain the surface code threshold for the charge leakage errors and show that in our architecture the damage due to charge leakage errors is reduced to a similar level to that of the usual depolarising gate noise. Spin leakage errors in our architecture are constrained to only ancilla qubits and can be removed during quantum error correction via reinitialisations of ancillae, which ensure the robustness of our architecture against spin leakage as well. Our use of an elongated mediator dots creates spaces throughout the quantum dot array for charge reservoirs, measuring devices and control gates, providing the scalability in the design
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