131 research outputs found

    Common and Individual Structure of Brain Networks

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    This article focuses on the problem of studying shared- and individual-specific structure in replicated networks or graph-valued data. In particular, the observed data consist of nn graphs, Gi,i=1,…,nG_i, i=1,\ldots,n, with each graph consisting of a collection of edges between VV nodes. In brain connectomics, the graph for an individual corresponds to a set of interconnections among brain regions. Such data can be organized as a V×VV \times V binary adjacency matrix AiA_i for each ii, with ones indicating an edge between a pair of nodes and zeros indicating no edge. When nodes have a shared meaning across replicates i=1,…,ni=1,\ldots,n, it becomes of substantial interest to study similarities and differences in the adjacency matrices. To address this problem, we propose a method to estimate a common structure and low-dimensional individual-specific deviations from replicated networks. The proposed Multiple GRAph Factorization (M-GRAF) model relies on a logistic regression mapping combined with a hierarchical eigenvalue decomposition. We develop an efficient algorithm for estimation and study basic properties of our approach. Simulation studies show excellent operating characteristics and we apply the method to human brain connectomics data.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Phase-Amplitude Separation and Modeling of Spherical Trajectories

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    This paper studies the problem of separating phase-amplitude components in sample paths of a spherical process (longitudinal data on a unit two-sphere). Such separation is essential for efficient modeling and statistical analysis of spherical longitudinal data in a manner that is invariant to any phase variability. The key idea is to represent each path or trajectory with a pair of variables, a starting point and a Transported Square-Root Velocity Curve (TSRVC). A TSRVC is a curve in the tangent (vector) space at the starting point and has some important invariance properties under the L2 norm. The space of all such curves forms a vector bundle and the L2 norm, along with the standard Riemannian metric on S2, provides a natural metric on this vector bundle. This invariant representation allows for separating phase and amplitude components in given data, using a template-based idea. Furthermore, the metric property is useful in deriving computational procedures for clustering, mean computation, principal component analysis (PCA), and modeling. This comprehensive framework is demonstrated using two datasets: a set of bird-migration trajectories and a set of hurricane paths in the Atlantic ocean

    Bayesian Clustering of Shapes of Curves

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    Unsupervised clustering of curves according to their shapes is an important problem with broad scientific applications. The existing model-based clustering techniques either rely on simple probability models (e.g., Gaussian) that are not generally valid for shape analysis or assume the number of clusters. We develop an efficient Bayesian method to cluster curve data using an elastic shape metric that is based on joint registration and comparison of shapes of curves. The elastic-inner product matrix obtained from the data is modeled using a Wishart distribution whose parameters are assigned carefully chosen prior distributions to allow for automatic inference on the number of clusters. Posterior is sampled through an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure based on the Chinese restaurant process to infer (1) the posterior distribution on the number of clusters, and (2) clustering configuration of shapes. This method is demonstrated on a variety of synthetic data and real data examples on protein structure analysis, cell shape analysis in microscopy images, and clustering of shaped from MPEG7 database

    Robust Comparison of Kernel Densities on Spherical Domains

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    While spherical data arises in many contexts, including in directional statistics, the current tools for density estimation and population comparison on spheres are quite limited. Popular approaches for comparing populations (on Euclidean domains) mostly involvea two-step procedure: (1) estimate probability density functions (pdfs) from their respective samples, most commonly using the kernel density estimator, and, (2) compare pdfs using a metric such as the L2 norm. However, both the estimated pdfs and their differences depend heavily on the chosen kernels, bandwidths, and sample sizes. Here we develop a framework for comparing spherical populations that is robust to these choices. Essentially, we characterize pdfs on spherical domains by quantifying their smoothness. Our framework uses a spectral representation, with densities represented by their coefficients with respect to the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator on a sphere. The change in smoothness, akin to using different kernel bandwidths, is controlled by exponential decays in coefficient values. Then we derive a proper distance for comparing pdf coefficients while equalizing smoothness levels, negating influences of sample size and bandwidth. This signifies a fair and meaningful comparisons of populations, despite vastly different sample sizes, and leads to a robust and improved performance. We demonstrate this framework using examples of variables on S1 and S2, and evaluate its performance using a number of simulations and real data experiments

    Discovering Common Change-Point Patterns in Functional Connectivity Across Subjects

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    This paper studies change-points in human brain functional connectivity (FC) and seeks patterns that are common across multiple subjects under identical external stimulus. FC relates to the similarity of fMRI responses across different brain regions when the brain is simply resting or performing a task. While the dynamic nature of FC is well accepted, this paper develops a formal statistical test for finding {\it change-points} in times series associated with FC. It represents short-term connectivity by a symmetric positive-definite matrix, and uses a Riemannian metric on this space to develop a graphical method for detecting change-points in a time series of such matrices. It also provides a graphical representation of estimated FC for stationary subintervals in between the detected change-points. Furthermore, it uses a temporal alignment of the test statistic, viewed as a real-valued function over time, to remove inter-subject variability and to discover common change-point patterns across subjects. This method is illustrated using data from Human Connectome Project (HCP) database for multiple subjects and tasks

    Low-Rank Representation over the Manifold of Curves

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    In machine learning it is common to interpret each data point as a vector in Euclidean space. However the data may actually be functional i.e.\ each data point is a function of some variable such as time and the function is discretely sampled. The naive treatment of functional data as traditional multivariate data can lead to poor performance since the algorithms are ignoring the correlation in the curvature of each function. In this paper we propose a method to analyse subspace structure of the functional data by using the state of the art Low-Rank Representation (LRR). Experimental evaluation on synthetic and real data reveals that this method massively outperforms conventional LRR in tasks concerning functional data

    Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling on Covariance Valued Data

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    Analysis of structural and functional connectivity (FC) of human brains is of pivotal importance for diagnosis of cognitive ability. The Human Connectome Project (HCP) provides an excellent source of neural data across different regions of interest (ROIs) of the living human brain. Individual specific data were available from an existing analysis (Dai et al., 2017) in the form of time varying covariance matrices representing the brain activity as the subjects perform a specific task. As a preliminary objective of studying the heterogeneity of brain connectomics across the population, we develop a probabilistic model for a sample of covariance matrices using a scaled Wishart distribution. We stress here that our data units are available in the form of covariance matrices, and we use the Wishart distribution to create our likelihood function rather than its more common usage as a prior on covariance matrices. Based on empirical explorations suggesting the data matrices to have low effective rank, we further model the center of the Wishart distribution using an orthogonal factor model type decomposition. We encourage shrinkage towards a low rank structure through a novel shrinkage prior and discuss strategies to sample from the posterior distribution using a combination of Gibbs and slice sampling. We extend our modeling framework to a dynamic setting to detect change points. The efficacy of the approach is explored in various simulation settings and exemplified on several case studies including our motivating HCP data. We extend our modeling framework to a dynamic setting to detect change points.Comment: Some key references are missing in the old version which are corrected in this versio

    Learning Signal Subgraphs from Longitudinal Brain Networks with Symmetric Bilinear Logistic Regression

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    Modern neuroimaging technologies, combined with state-of-the-art data processing pipelines, have made it possible to collect longitudinal observations of an individual's brain connectome at different ages. It is of substantial scientific interest to study how brain connectivity varies over time in relation to human cognitive traits. In brain connectomics, the structural brain network for an individual corresponds to a set of interconnections among brain regions. We propose a symmetric bilinear logistic regression to learn a set of small subgraphs relevant to a binary outcome from longitudinal brain networks as well as estimating the time effects of the subgraphs. We enforce the extracted signal subgraphs to have clique structure which has appealing interpretations as they can be related to neurological circuits. The time effect of each signal subgraph reflects how its predictive effect on the outcome varies over time, which may improve our understanding of interactions between the aging of brain structure and neurological disorders. Application of this method on longitudinal brain connectomics and cognitive capacity data shows interesting discovery of relevant interconnections among a small set of brain regions in frontal and temporal lobes with better predictive performance than competitors.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figure

    Tensor network factorizations: Relationships between brain structural connectomes and traits

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    Advanced brain imaging techniques make it possible to measure individuals' structural connectomes in large cohort studies non-invasively. The structural connectome is initially shaped by genetics and subsequently refined by the environment. It is extremely interesting to study relationships between structural connectomes and environment factors or human traits, such as substance use and cognition. Due to limitations in structural connectome recovery, previous studies largely focus on functional connectomes. Questions remain about how well structural connectomes can explain variance in different human traits. Using a state-of-the-art structural connectome processing pipeline and a novel dimensionality reduction technique applied to data from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), we show strong relationships between structural connectomes and various human traits. Our dimensionality reduction approach uses a tensor characterization of the connectome and relies on a generalization of principal components analysis. We analyze over 1100 scans for 1076 subjects from the HCP and the Sherbrooke test-retest data set, as well as 175175 human traits that measure domains including cognition, substance use, motor, sensory and emotion. We find that structural connectomes are associated with many traits. Specifically, fluid intelligence, language comprehension, and motor skills are associated with increased cortical-cortical brain structural connectivity, while the use of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are associated with decreased cortical-cortical connectivity

    Video-Based Action Recognition Using Rate-Invariant Analysis of Covariance Trajectories

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    Statistical classification of actions in videos is mostly performed by extracting relevant features, particularly covariance features, from image frames and studying time series associated with temporal evolutions of these features. A natural mathematical representation of activity videos is in form of parameterized trajectories on the covariance manifold, i.e. the set of symmetric, positive-definite matrices (SPDMs). The variable execution-rates of actions implies variable parameterizations of the resulting trajectories, and complicates their classification. Since action classes are invariant to execution rates, one requires rate-invariant metrics for comparing trajectories. A recent paper represented trajectories using their transported square-root vector fields (TSRVFs), defined by parallel translating scaled-velocity vectors of trajectories to a reference tangent space on the manifold. To avoid arbitrariness of selecting the reference and to reduce distortion introduced during this mapping, we develop a purely intrinsic approach where SPDM trajectories are represented by redefining their TSRVFs at the starting points of the trajectories, and analyzed as elements of a vector bundle on the manifold. Using a natural Riemannain metric on vector bundles of SPDMs, we compute geodesic paths and geodesic distances between trajectories in the quotient space of this vector bundle, with respect to the re-parameterization group. This makes the resulting comparison of trajectories invariant to their re-parameterization. We demonstrate this framework on two applications involving video classification: visual speech recognition or lip-reading and hand-gesture recognition. In both cases we achieve results either comparable to or better than the current literature
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