9,538 research outputs found

    Uniformly bounded components of normality

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    Suppose that f(z)f(z) is a transcendental entire function and that the Fatou set F(f)F(f)\neq\emptyset. Set B1(f):=supUsupzUlog(z+3)infwUlog(w+3)B_1(f):=\sup_{U}\frac{\sup_{z\in U}\log(|z|+3)}{\inf_{w\in U}\log(|w|+3)} and B2(f):=supUsupzUloglog(z+30)infwUlog(w+3),B_2(f):=\sup_{U}\frac{\sup_{z\in U}\log\log(|z|+30)}{\inf_{w\in U}\log(|w|+3)}, where the supremum supU\sup_{U} is taken over all components of F(f)F(f). If B1(f)<B_1(f)<\infty or B2(f)<B_2(f)<\infty, then we say F(f)F(f) is strongly uniformly bounded or uniformly bounded respectively. In this article, we will show that, under some conditions, F(f)F(f) is (strongly) uniformly bounded.Comment: 17 pages, a revised version, to appear in Mathematical Proceedings Cambridge Philosophical Societ

    Scattering below ground state of 3D focusing cubic fractional Schordinger equation with radial data

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    The aim of this note is to adapt the strategy in [4][See,B.Dodson, J.Murphy, a new proof of scattering below the ground state for the 3D radial focusing cubic NLS, arXiv:1611.04195 ] to prove the scattering of radial solutions below sharp threshold for certain focusing fractional NLS with cubic nonlinearity. The main ingredient is to apply the fractional virial identity proved in [11][See,T.Boulenger, D.Himmelsbach,E.Lenzmann, Blow up for fractional NLS,J.Func.Anal,271(2016),2569-2603] to exclude the concentration of mass near the origin.Comment: This version is an extension of the last version by the first and fourth author, where the dimensional case d=3d=3 is treate

    Competing electronic orders on Kagome lattices at van Hove filling

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    The electronic orders in Hubbard models on a Kagome lattice at van Hove filling are of intense current interest and debate. We study this issue using the singular-mode functional renormalization group theory. We discover a rich variety of electronic instabilities under short range interactions. With increasing on-site repulsion UU, the system develops successively ferromagnetism, intra unit-cell antiferromagnetism, and charge bond order. With nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction VV alone (U=0), the system develops intra-unit-cell charge density wave order for small VV, s-wave superconductivity for moderate VV, and the charge density wave order appears again for even larger VV. With both UU and VV, we also find spin bond order and chiral dx2y2+idxyd_{x^2 - y^2} + i d_{xy} superconductivity in some particular regimes of the phase diagram. We find that the s-wave superconductivity is a result of charge density wave fluctuations and the squared logarithmic divergence in the pairing susceptibility. On the other hand, the d-wave superconductivity follows from bond order fluctuations that avoid the matrix element effect. The phase diagram is vastly different from that in honeycomb lattices because of the geometrical frustration in the Kagome lattice.Comment: 8 pages with 9 color figure