4,822 research outputs found

    High-ordered spectral characterization of unicyclic graphs

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    In this paper we will apply the tensor and its traces to investigate the spectral characterization of unicyclic graphs. Let GG be a graph and GmG^m be the mm-th power (hypergraph) of GG. The spectrum of GG is referring to its adjacency matrix, and the spectrum of GmG^m is referring to its adjacency tensor. The graph GG is called determined by high-ordered spectra (DHS for short) if, whenever HH is a graph such that HmH^m is cospectral with GmG^m for all mm, then HH is isomorphic to GG. In this paper we first give formulas for the traces of the power of unicyclic graphs, and then provide some high-ordered cospectral invariants of unicyclic graphs. We prove that a class of unicyclic graphs with cospectral mates is DHS, and give two examples of infinitely many pairs of cospectral unicyclic graphs but with different high-ordered spectra

    Steady Bell state generation via magnon-photon coupling

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    We show that parity-time (PT\mathcal{PT}) symmetry can be spontaneously broken in the recently reported energy level attraction of magnons and cavity photons. In the PT\mathcal{PT}-broken phase, magnon and photon form a high-fidelity Bell state with maximum entanglement. This entanglement is steady and robust against the perturbation of environment, in contrast to the general wisdom that expects instability of the hybridized state when the symmetry is broken. This anomaly is further understood by the compete of non-Hermitian evolution and particle number conservation of the hybridized system. As a comparison, neither PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetry broken nor steady magnon-photon entanglement is observed inside the normal level repulsion case. Our results may open a novel window to utilize magnon-photon entanglement as a resource for quantum technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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