48 research outputs found

    A Discriminatively Learned CNN Embedding for Person Re-identification

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    We revisit two popular convolutional neural networks (CNN) in person re-identification (re-ID), i.e, verification and classification models. The two models have their respective advantages and limitations due to different loss functions. In this paper, we shed light on how to combine the two models to learn more discriminative pedestrian descriptors. Specifically, we propose a new siamese network that simultaneously computes identification loss and verification loss. Given a pair of training images, the network predicts the identities of the two images and whether they belong to the same identity. Our network learns a discriminative embedding and a similarity measurement at the same time, thus making full usage of the annotations. Albeit simple, the learned embedding improves the state-of-the-art performance on two public person re-ID benchmarks. Further, we show our architecture can also be applied in image retrieval

    Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space

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    People live in a 3D world. However, existing works on person re-identification (re-id) mostly consider the semantic representation learning in a 2D space, intrinsically limiting the understanding of people. In this work, we address this limitation by exploring the prior knowledge of the 3D body structure. Specifically, we project 2D images to a 3D space and introduce a novel parameter-efficient Omni-scale Graph Network (OG-Net) to learn the pedestrian representation directly from 3D point clouds. OG-Net effectively exploits the local information provided by sparse 3D points and takes advantage of the structure and appearance information in a coherent manner. With the help of 3D geometry information, we can learn a new type of deep re-id feature free from noisy variants, such as scale and viewpoint. To our knowledge, we are among the first attempts to conduct person re-identification in the 3D space. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that the proposed method (1) eases the matching difficulty in the traditional 2D space, (2) exploits the complementary information of 2D appearance and 3D structure, (3) achieves competitive results with limited parameters on four large-scale person re-id datasets, and (4) has good scalability to unseen datasets.Comment: The code is available at https://github.com/layumi/person-reid-3

    Unsupervised Scene Adaptation with Memory Regularization in vivo

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    We consider the unsupervised scene adaptation problem of learning from both labeled source data and unlabeled target data. Existing methods focus on minoring the inter-domain gap between the source and target domains. However, the intra-domain knowledge and inherent uncertainty learned by the network are under-explored. In this paper, we propose an orthogonal method, called memory regularization in vivo to exploit the intra-domain knowledge and regularize the model training. Specifically, we refer to the segmentation model itself as the memory module, and minor the discrepancy of the two classifiers, i.e., the primary classifier and the auxiliary classifier, to reduce the prediction inconsistency. Without extra parameters, the proposed method is complementary to the most existing domain adaptation methods and could generally improve the performance of existing methods. Albeit simple, we verify the effectiveness of memory regularization on two synthetic-to-real benchmarks: GTA5 -> Cityscapes and SYNTHIA -> Cityscapes, yielding +11.1% and +11.3% mIoU improvement over the baseline model, respectively. Besides, a similar +12.0% mIoU improvement is observed on the cross-city benchmark: Cityscapes -> Oxford RobotCar.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Towards Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation

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    Domain adaptation is to transfer the shared knowledge learned from the source domain to a new environment, i.e., target domain. One common practice is to train the model on both labeled source-domain data and unlabeled target-domain data. Yet the learned models are usually biased due to the strong supervision of the source domain. Most researchers adopt the early-stopping strategy to prevent over-fitting, but when to stop training remains a challenging problem since the lack of the target-domain validation set. In this paper, we propose one efficient bootstrapping method, called Adaboost Student, explicitly learning complementary models during training and liberating users from empirical early stopping. Adaboost Student combines the deep model learning with the conventional training strategy, i.e., adaptive boosting, and enables interactions between learned models and the data sampler. We adopt one adaptive data sampler to progressively facilitate learning on hard samples and aggregate "weak" models to prevent over-fitting. Extensive experiments show that (1) Without the need to worry about the stopping time, AdaBoost Student provides one robust solution by efficient complementary model learning during training. (2) AdaBoost Student is orthogonal to most domain adaptation methods, which can be combined with existing approaches to further improve the state-of-the-art performance. We have achieved competitive results on three widely-used scene segmentation domain adaptation benchmarks.Comment: 10 pages, 7 tables, 5 figure

    Improving Person Re-identification by Attribute and Identity Learning

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    Person re-identification (re-ID) and attribute recognition share a common target at learning pedestrian descriptions. Their difference consists in the granularity. Most existing re-ID methods only take identity labels of pedestrians into consideration. However, we find the attributes, containing detailed local descriptions, are beneficial in allowing the re-ID model to learn more discriminative feature representations. In this paper, based on the complementarity of attribute labels and ID labels, we propose an attribute-person recognition (APR) network, a multi-task network which learns a re-ID embedding and at the same time predicts pedestrian attributes. We manually annotate attribute labels for two large-scale re-ID datasets, and systematically investigate how person re-ID and attribute recognition benefit from each other. In addition, we re-weight the attribute predictions considering the dependencies and correlations among the attributes. The experimental results on two large-scale re-ID benchmarks demonstrate that by learning a more discriminative representation, APR achieves competitive re-ID performance compared with the state-of-the-art methods. We use APR to speed up the retrieval process by ten times with a minor accuracy drop of 2.92% on Market-1501. Besides, we also apply APR on the attribute recognition task and demonstrate improvement over the baselines.Comment: Accepted to Pattern Recognition (PR