631 research outputs found

    A possible Macronova in the late afterglow of the `long-short' burst GRB 060614

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    Long-duration (>2>2 s) γ\gamma-ray bursts that are believed to originate from the death of massive stars are expected to be accompanied by supernovae. GRB 060614, that lasted 102 s, lacks a supernova-like emission down to very stringent limits and its physical origin is still debated. Here we report the discovery of near-infrared bump that is significantly above the regular decaying afterglow. This red bump is inconsistent with even the weakest known supernova. However, it can arise from a Li-Paczy\'{n}ski macronova −- the radioactive decay of debris following a compact binary merger. If this interpretation is correct GRB 060614 arose from a compact binary merger rather than from the death of a massive star and it was a site of a significant production of heavy r-process elements. The significant ejected mass favors a black hole-neutron star merger but a double neutron star merger cannot be ruled out.Comment: Minor revision; The version published in Nature Communication

    HyperDID: Hyperspectral Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Deep Feature Embedding

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    The dissection of hyperspectral images into intrinsic components through hyperspectral intrinsic image decomposition (HIID) enhances the interpretability of hyperspectral data, providing a foundation for more accurate classification outcomes. However, the classification performance of HIID is constrained by the model's representational ability. To address this limitation, this study rethinks hyperspectral intrinsic image decomposition for classification tasks by introducing deep feature embedding. The proposed framework, HyperDID, incorporates the Environmental Feature Module (EFM) and Categorical Feature Module (CFM) to extract intrinsic features. Additionally, a Feature Discrimination Module (FDM) is introduced to separate environment-related and category-related features. Experimental results across three commonly used datasets validate the effectiveness of HyperDID in improving hyperspectral image classification performance. This novel approach holds promise for advancing the capabilities of hyperspectral image analysis by leveraging deep feature embedding principles. The implementation of the proposed method could be accessed soon at https://github.com/shendu-sw/HyperDID for the sake of reproducibility.Comment: Submitted to IEEE TGR

    Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of z~0.7 Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We analyze the infrared (IR) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for 10micron < lambda(rest) < 100micron for ~600 galaxies at z~0.7 in the extended Chandra Deep Field South by stacking their Spitzer 24, 70 and 160micron images. We place interesting constraints on the average IR SED shape in two bins: the brightest 25% of z~0.7 galaxies detected at 24micron, and the remaining 75% of individually-detected galaxies. Galaxies without individual detections at 24micron were not well-detected at 70micron and 160micron even through stacking. We find that the average IR SEDs of z~0.7 star-forming galaxies fall within the diversity of z~0 templates. While dust obscuration Lir/Luv seems to be only a function of star formation rate (SFR; ~ Lir+Luv), not of redshift, the dust temperature of star-forming galaxies (with SFR ~ 10 solar mass per year) at a given IR luminosity was lower at z~0.7 than today. We suggest an interpretation of this phenomenology in terms of dust geometry: intensely star-forming galaxies at z~0 are typically interacting, and host dense centrally-concentrated bursts of star formation and warm dust temperatures. At z~0.7, the bulk of intensely star-forming galaxies are relatively undisturbed spirals and irregulars, and we postulate that they have large amounts of widespread lower-density star formation, yielding lower dust temperatures for a given IR luminosity. We recommend what IR SEDs are most suitable for modeling intermediate redshift galaxies with different SFRs.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    The physical properties of star-forming galaxies with strong [oiii]lines at z=3.25

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    We present an analysis of physical properties of 34 [O III] emission-line galaxies (ELGs) at z = 3.254 ± 0.029 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). These ELGs are selected from deep narrow H2S(1) and broad Ks imaging of 383 arcmin2 obtained with CFHT/WIRCam. We construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from U to Ks to derive the physical properties of ELGs. These [O III] ELGs are identified as starburst galaxies with strong [O III] lines of LOIII ∼ 1042.6–1044.2 erg s−1 and have stellar masses of M* ∼ 109.0–1010.6 Me and star formation rates of ∼10–210 Me yr−1 . Our results show that 24% of our sample galaxies are dusty with AV > 1 mag and EW([O III])rest ∼ 70–500 Å, which are often missed in optically selected [O III] ELG samples

    Mercury, Cadmium and Lead Biogeochemistry in the Soil–Plant–Insect System in Huludao City

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    Mercury, cadmium, and lead concentrations of ashed plants and insects samples were investigated and compared with those of soil to reveal their biogeochemical processes along food chains in Huludao City, Liaoning Province, China. Concentration factors of each fragments of the soil–plant–the herbivorous insect–the carnivorous insect food chain were 0.18, 6.57, and 7.88 for mercury; 6.82, 2.01, and 0.48 for cadmium; 1.47, 2.24, and 0.57 for lead, respectively. On the whole, mercury was the most largely biomagnified, but cadmium and lead were not greatly accumulated in the carnivorous insects as expected when the food chain extended to the secondary consumers. Results indicated that concentration factors depended on metals and insects species of food chains

    Bis(2,2′-bipyridyl-κ2 N,N′)(sulfato-κ2 O,O′)cobalt(II) ethane-1,2-diol monosolvate

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    The title compound, [Co(SO4)(C10H8N2)2]·C2H6O2, has the Co2+ ion in a distorted octa­hedral CoN4O2 coordination geometry. A twofold rotation axis passes through the Co and S atoms, and through the mid-point of the C—C bond of the ethane­diol mol­ecule. In the crystal, the [CoSO4(C10H8N2)2] and C2H6O2 units are held together by a pair of O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds
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