447 research outputs found

    The localization of single pulse in VLBI observation

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    In our previous work, we propose a cross spectrum based method to extract single pulse signals from RFI contaminated data, which is originated from geodetic VLBI postprocessing. This method fully utilizes fringe phase information of the cross spectrum and hence maximizes signal power, however the localization was not discussed in that work yet. As the continuation of that work, in this paper, we further study how to localize single pulses using astrometric solving method. Assuming that the burst is a point source, we derive the burst position by solving a set of linear equations given the relation between residual delay and offset to a priori position. We find that the single pulse localization results given by both astrometric solving and radio imaging are consistent within 3 sigma level. Therefore we claim that it is possible to derive the position of a single pulse with reasonable precision based on only 3 or even 2 baselines with 4 milliseconds integration. The combination of cross spectrum based detection and the localization proposed in this work then provide a thorough solution for searching single pulse in VLBI observation. According to our calculation, our pipeline gives comparable accuracy as radio imaging pipeline. Moreover, the computational cost of our pipeline is much smaller, which makes it more practical for FRB search in regular VLBI observation. The pipeline is now publicly available and we name it as "VOLKS", which is the acronym of "VLBI Observation for frb Localization Keen Searcher".Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Data Augmentation in Human-Centric Vision

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    This survey presents a comprehensive analysis of data augmentation techniques in human-centric vision tasks, a first of its kind in the field. It delves into a wide range of research areas including person ReID, human parsing, human pose estimation, and pedestrian detection, addressing the significant challenges posed by overfitting and limited training data in these domains. Our work categorizes data augmentation methods into two main types: data generation and data perturbation. Data generation covers techniques like graphic engine-based generation, generative model-based generation, and data recombination, while data perturbation is divided into image-level and human-level perturbations. Each method is tailored to the unique requirements of human-centric tasks, with some applicable across multiple areas. Our contributions include an extensive literature review, providing deep insights into the influence of these augmentation techniques in human-centric vision and highlighting the nuances of each method. We also discuss open issues and future directions, such as the integration of advanced generative models like Latent Diffusion Models, for creating more realistic and diverse training data. This survey not only encapsulates the current state of data augmentation in human-centric vision but also charts a course for future research, aiming to develop more robust, accurate, and efficient human-centric vision systems

    True Knowledge Comes from Practice: Aligning LLMs with Embodied Environments via Reinforcement Learning

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    Despite the impressive performance across numerous tasks, large language models (LLMs) often fail in solving simple decision-making tasks due to the misalignment of the knowledge in LLMs with environments. On the contrary, reinforcement learning (RL) agents learn policies from scratch, which makes them always align with environments but difficult to incorporate prior knowledge for efficient explorations. To narrow the gap, we propose TWOSOME, a novel general online framework that deploys LLMs as decision-making agents to efficiently interact and align with embodied environments via RL without requiring any prepared datasets or prior knowledge of the environments. Firstly, we query the joint probabilities of each valid action with LLMs to form behavior policies. Then, to enhance the stability and robustness of the policies, we propose two normalization methods and summarize four prompt design principles. Finally, we design a novel parameter-efficient training architecture where the actor and critic share one frozen LLM equipped with low-rank adapters (LoRA) updated by PPO. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate TWOSOME. i) TWOSOME exhibits significantly better sample efficiency and performance compared to the conventional RL method, PPO, and prompt tuning method, SayCan, in both classical decision-making environment, Overcooked, and simulated household environment, VirtualHome. ii) Benefiting from LLMs' open-vocabulary feature, TWOSOME shows superior generalization ability to unseen tasks. iii) Under our framework, there is no significant loss of the LLMs' original ability during online PPO finetuning.Comment: Accepted by ICLR202

    Adapter Learning in Pretrained Feature Extractor for Continual Learning of Diseases

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    Currently intelligent diagnosis systems lack the ability of continually learning to diagnose new diseases once deployed, under the condition of preserving old disease knowledge. In particular, updating an intelligent diagnosis system with training data of new diseases would cause catastrophic forgetting of old disease knowledge. To address the catastrophic forgetting issue, a novel adapter-based strategy is proposed to help effectively learn a set of new diseases at each round (or task) of continual learning, without changing the shared feature extractor. The learnable lightweight task-specific adapter(s) can be flexibly designed (e.g., two convolutional layers) and then added to the pretrained and fixed feature extractor. Together with a specially designed task-specific head which absorbs all previously learned old diseases as a single 'out-of-distribution' category, task-specific adapter(s) can help the pretrained feature extractor more effectively extract discriminative features between diseases. In addition, a simple yet effective fine-tuning is applied to collaboratively fine-tune multiple task-specific heads such that outputs from different heads are comparable and consequently the appropriate classifier head can be more accurately selected during model inference. Extensive empirical evaluations on three image datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method in continual learning of new diseases. The source code will be released publicly.Comment: 10 page

    Individual and Structural Graph Information Bottlenecks for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) graph generalization are critical for many real-world applications. Existing methods neglect to discard spurious or noisy features of inputs, which are irrelevant to the label. Besides, they mainly conduct instance-level class-invariant graph learning and fail to utilize the structural class relationships between graph instances. In this work, we endeavor to address these issues in a unified framework, dubbed Individual and Structural Graph Information Bottlenecks (IS-GIB). To remove class spurious feature caused by distribution shifts, we propose Individual Graph Information Bottleneck (I-GIB) which discards irrelevant information by minimizing the mutual information between the input graph and its embeddings. To leverage the structural intra- and inter-domain correlations, we propose Structural Graph Information Bottleneck (S-GIB). Specifically for a batch of graphs with multiple domains, S-GIB first computes the pair-wise input-input, embedding-embedding, and label-label correlations. Then it minimizes the mutual information between input graph and embedding pairs while maximizing the mutual information between embedding and label pairs. The critical insight of S-GIB is to simultaneously discard spurious features and learn invariant features from a high-order perspective by maintaining class relationships under multiple distributional shifts. Notably, we unify the proposed I-GIB and S-GIB to form our complementary framework IS-GIB. Extensive experiments conducted on both node- and graph-level tasks consistently demonstrate the superior generalization ability of IS-GIB. The code is available at https://github.com/YangLing0818/GraphOOD.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE