282 research outputs found

    Low field phase diagram of spin-Hall effect in the mesoscopic regime

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    When a mesoscopic two dimensional four-terminal Hall cross-bar with Rashba and/or Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is subjected to a perpendicular uniform magnetic field BB, both integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) and mesoscopic spin-Hall effect (MSHE) may exist when disorder strength WW in the sample is weak. We have calculated the low field "phase diagram" of MSHE in the (B,W)(B,W) plane for disordered samples in the IQHE regime. For weak disorder, MSHE conductance GsHG_{sH} and its fluctuations rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) vanish identically on even numbered IQHE plateaus, they have finite values on those odd numbered plateaus induced by SOI, and they have values GSH=1/2G_{SH}=1/2 and rms(GSH)=0rms(G_{SH})=0 on those odd numbered plateaus induced by Zeeman energy. For moderate disorder, the system crosses over into a regime where both GsHG_{sH} and rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) are finite. A larger disorder drives the system into a chaotic regime where GsH=0G_{sH}=0 while rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) is finite. Finally at large disorder both GsHG_{sH} and rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) vanish. We present the physics behind this ``phase diagram".Comment: 4 page, 3 figure

    Universal spin-Hall conductance fluctuations in two dimensions

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    We report a theoretical investigation on spin-Hall conductance fluctuation of disordered four terminal devices in the presence of Rashba or/and Dresselhaus spin-orbital interactions in two dimensions. As a function of disorder, the spin-Hall conductance GsHG_{sH} shows ballistic, diffusive and insulating transport regimes. For given spin-orbit interactions, a universal spin-Hall conductance fluctuation (USCF) is found in the diffusive regime. The value of the USCF depends on the spin-orbit coupling tsot_{so}, but is independent of other system parameters. It is also independent of whether Rashba or Dresselhaus or both spin-orbital interactions are present. When tsot_{so} is comparable to the hopping energy tt, the USCF is a universal number ∼0.18e/4π\sim 0.18 e/4\pi. The distribution of GsHG_{sH} crosses over from a Gaussian distribution in the metallic regime to a non-Gaussian distribution in the insulating regime as the disorder strength is increased.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 figure

    Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Graphene Proximity Coupled to an Antiferromagnetic Insulator

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    We propose realizing the quantum anomalous Hall effect by proximity coupling graphene to an antiferromagnetic insulator that provides both broken time-reversal symmetry and spin-orbit coupling. We illustrate our idea by performing ab initio calculations for graphene adsorbed on the (111) surface of BiFeO3. In this case, we find that the proximity-induced exchange field in graphene is about 70 meV, and that a topologically nontrivial band gap is opened by Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The size of the gap depends on the separation between the graphene and the thin film substrate, which can be tuned experimentally by applying external pressure.Comment: 5pages, 5 figure

    Topological Corner States in Graphene by Bulk and Edge Engineering

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    Two-dimensional higher-order topology is usually studied in (nearly) particle-hole symmetric models, so that an edge gap can be opened within the bulk one. But more often deviates the edge anticrossing even into the bulk, where corner states are difficult to pinpoint. We address this problem in a graphene-based Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological insulator with spin-orbit coupling and in-plane magnetization both originating from substrates through a Slater-Koster multi-orbital model. The gapless helical edge modes cross inside the bulk, where is also located the magnetization-induced edge gap. After demonstrating its second-order nontriviality in bulk topology by a series of evidence, we show that a difference in bulk-edge onsite energy can adiabatically tune the position of the crossing/anticrossing of the edge modes to be inside the bulk gap. This can help unambiguously identify two pairs of topological corner states with nonvanishing energy degeneracy for a rhombic flake. We further find that the obtuse-angle pair is more stable than the acute-angle one. These results not only suggest an accessible way to "find" topological corner states, but also provide a higher-order topological version of "bulk-boundary correspondence"
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