3 research outputs found

    Analysis of international experience in the field of building information modelling of transport infrastructure objects

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    In this paper, the authors consider the current state and level of implementation of building information modeling applied to transport infrastructure at the stages of their life cycle in Russia and abroad. Possible prerequisites for the transfer of knowledge and technologies of building information modeling from the civil and industrial facilities to the field of transport construction are highlighted according to the accumulated experience in the design, construction and operation of such facilities in various countries and Russia. Special emphasis is placed on examples of the world’s largest implemented or ongoing projects for the construction of transport infrastructure. The experience of implementing these projects was analyzed from the point of view of the software used in relation to all stages of the life cycle of transport infrastructure objects: design, construction and subsequent operation. The prospects for the development of data exchange formats in the context of the existing problem of mutual integration of BIM and GIS for transport infrastructure objects to ensure their complementarity and compatibility are also considered. The functional levels of the use of various software within the framework of companies implementing project activities using information modeling technologies are highlighted. A list of criteria characterizing the level of information modeling technologies integration to transport infrastructure objects into the activities of participants in the life cycle of these objects is highlighted. A review of the regulatory framework of information modeling in construction in Russia is carried out, and the main differences in this area with the regulatory regulation of this area in the European Union are noted. Conclusions are made about the key reference points for the development of information modeling of transport infrastructure facilities on a national scale, leading customer companies and contractors

    Development of the information modeling (BIM) conceptusing Big Data technologies for the implementation of the life cycle management system for capital construction of transport infrastructure

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    The development of a scientific concept of information modeling in the tasks of managing the capital construction objects’ life cycle is the key to the successful transition of Russian Railways Holding to digital methods of managing and controlling transport infrastructure. The result of the presented complex project implementation will be the scientific basis for the life cycle information modeling concept and information modeling methodology implementation at its stages. Taking into account the rapid increase in the volume of construction information, the development of automatic systems for collecting, processing and storing information, it is proposed to apply Big Data technologies. The project results are planned to be used as a basis for the pilot information modeling technologies’ development at the stages of the railway infrastructure construction objects’ life cycle

    A lifecycle management system for capital construction facilities based on a digital cloud platform implementing information modeling methods and technologies

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    The first is the introduction of information modeling technology (IMT) capital construction facilities (CCF) at all stages of the life cycle (LC), as well as information modeling of urban areas for the tasks of urban building and planning. The second is the digitalization of procedures and services in the field of construction, the formation of unified accessible data sets and information platforms that implement a unified information space for the construction industry. To implement the presented tasks, it is proposed to create a distributed life cycle control system for capital construction facilities (DCS LC CCF) and form a digital cloud platform (digital infrastructure) for the implementation of investment and construction projects based on the use of information modeling technologies, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics