414 research outputs found

    Deep Image Harmonization

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    Compositing is one of the most common operations in photo editing. To generate realistic composites, the appearances of foreground and background need to be adjusted to make them compatible. Previous approaches to harmonize composites have focused on learning statistical relationships between hand-crafted appearance features of the foreground and background, which is unreliable especially when the contents in the two layers are vastly different. In this work, we propose an end-to-end deep convolutional neural network for image harmonization, which can capture both the context and semantic information of the composite images during harmonization. We also introduce an efficient way to collect large-scale and high-quality training data that can facilitate the training process. Experiments on the synthesized dataset and real composite images show that the proposed network outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods

    Accurate and lightweight dehazing via multi-receptive-field non-local network and novel contrastive regularization

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    Recently, deep learning-based methods have dominated image dehazing domain. Although very competitive dehazing performance has been achieved with sophisticated models, effective solutions for extracting useful features are still under-explored. In addition, non-local network, which has made a breakthrough in many vision tasks, has not been appropriately applied to image dehazing. Thus, a multi-receptive-field non-local network (MRFNLN) consisting of the multi-stream feature attention block (MSFAB) and cross non-local block (CNLB) is presented in this paper. We start with extracting richer features for dehazing. Specifically, we design a multi-stream feature extraction (MSFE) sub-block, which contains three parallel convolutions with different receptive fields (i.e., 1×11\times 1, 3×33\times 3, 5×55\times 5) for extracting multi-scale features. Following MSFE, we employ an attention sub-block to make the model adaptively focus on important channels/regions. The MSFE and attention sub-blocks constitute our MSFAB. Then, we design a cross non-local block (CNLB), which can capture long-range dependencies beyond the query. Instead of the same input source of query branch, the key and value branches are enhanced by fusing more preceding features. CNLB is computation-friendly by leveraging a spatial pyramid down-sampling (SPDS) strategy to reduce the computation and memory consumption without sacrificing the performance. Last but not least, a novel detail-focused contrastive regularization (DFCR) is presented by emphasizing the low-level details and ignoring the high-level semantic information in the representation space. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MRFNLN model outperforms recent state-of-the-art dehazing methods with less than 1.5 Million parameters.Comment: submitted to IEEE TCYB for possible publicatio

    Broadcasting Quantum Fisher Information

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    It is well known that classical information can be cloned, but non-orthogonal quantum states cannot be cloned, and non-commuting quantum states cannot be broadcast. We conceive a scenario in which the object we want to broadcast is the statistical distinguishability, as quantified by quantum Fisher information, about a signal parameter encoded in quantum states. We show that quantum Fisher information cannot be cloned, whilst it might be broadcast even when the input states are non-commuting. This situation interpolates between cloning of classical information and no-broadcasting of quantum information, and indicates a hybrid way of information broadcasting which is of particular significance from both practical and theoretical perspectives.Comment: 5 pages. Improved version. Any comments is welcom

    AIMS: All-Inclusive Multi-Level Segmentation

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    Despite the progress of image segmentation for accurate visual entity segmentation, completing the diverse requirements of image editing applications for different-level region-of-interest selections remains unsolved. In this paper, we propose a new task, All-Inclusive Multi-Level Segmentation (AIMS), which segments visual regions into three levels: part, entity, and relation (two entities with some semantic relationships). We also build a unified AIMS model through multi-dataset multi-task training to address the two major challenges of annotation inconsistency and task correlation. Specifically, we propose task complementarity, association, and prompt mask encoder for three-level predictions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization capacity of our method compared to other state-of-the-art methods on a single dataset or the concurrent work on segmenting anything. We will make our code and training model publicly available.Comment: Technical Repor

    High-Quality Entity Segmentation

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    Dense image segmentation tasks e.g., semantic, panoptic) are useful for image editing, but existing methods can hardly generalize well in an in-the-wild setting where there are unrestricted image domains, classes, and image resolution and quality variations. Motivated by these observations, we construct a new entity segmentation dataset, with a strong focus on high-quality dense segmentation in the wild. The dataset contains images spanning diverse image domains and entities, along with plentiful high-resolution images and high-quality mask annotations for training and testing. Given the high-quality and -resolution nature of the dataset, we propose CropFormer which is designed to tackle the intractability of instance-level segmentation on high-resolution images. It improves mask prediction by fusing high-res image crops that provide more fine-grained image details and the full image. CropFormer is the first query-based Transformer architecture that can effectively fuse mask predictions from multiple image views, by learning queries that effectively associate the same entities across the full image and its crop. With CropFormer, we achieve a significant AP gain of 1.91.9 on the challenging entity segmentation task. Furthermore, CropFormer consistently improves the accuracy of traditional segmentation tasks and datasets. The dataset and code will be released at http://luqi.info/entityv2.github.io/.Comment: The project webiste: http://luqi.info/entityv2.github.io

    CA-SSL: Class-Agnostic Semi-Supervised Learning for Detection and Segmentation

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    To improve instance-level detection/segmentation performance, existing self-supervised and semi-supervised methods extract either task-unrelated or task-specific training signals from unlabeled data. We show that these two approaches, at the two extreme ends of the task-specificity spectrum, are suboptimal for the task performance. Utilizing too little task-specific training signals causes underfitting to the ground-truth labels of downstream tasks, while the opposite causes overfitting to the ground-truth labels. To this end, we propose a novel Class-Agnostic Semi-Supervised Learning (CA-SSL) framework to achieve a more favorable task-specificity balance in extracting training signals from unlabeled data. CA-SSL has three training stages that act on either ground-truth labels (labeled data) or pseudo labels (unlabeled data). This decoupling strategy avoids the complicated scheme in traditional SSL methods that balances the contributions from both data types. Especially, we introduce a warmup training stage to achieve a more optimal balance in task specificity by ignoring class information in the pseudo labels, while preserving localization training signals. As a result, our warmup model can better avoid underfitting/overfitting when fine-tuned on the ground-truth labels in detection and segmentation tasks. Using 3.6M unlabeled data, we achieve a significant performance gain of 4.7% over ImageNet-pretrained baseline on FCOS object detection. In addition, our warmup model demonstrates excellent transferability to other detection and segmentation frameworks.Comment: Appeared in ECCV202