181 research outputs found

    The Rich Get Richer: Disparate Impact of Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has demonstrated its potential to improve the model accuracy for a variety of learning tasks when the high-quality supervised data is severely limited. Although it is often established that the average accuracy for the entire population of data is improved, it is unclear how SSL fares with different sub-populations. Understanding the above question has substantial fairness implications when different sub-populations are defined by the demographic groups that we aim to treat fairly. In this paper, we reveal the disparate impacts of deploying SSL: the sub-population who has a higher baseline accuracy without using SSL (the "rich" one) tends to benefit more from SSL; while the sub-population who suffers from a low baseline accuracy (the "poor" one) might even observe a performance drop after adding the SSL module. We theoretically and empirically establish the above observation for a broad family of SSL algorithms, which either explicitly or implicitly use an auxiliary "pseudo-label". Experiments on a set of image and text classification tasks confirm our claims. We introduce a new metric, Benefit Ratio, and promote the evaluation of the fairness of SSL (Equalized Benefit Ratio). We further discuss how the disparate impact can be mitigated. We hope our paper will alarm the potential pitfall of using SSL and encourage a multifaceted evaluation of future SSL algorithms.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 202

    Evaluating Fairness Without Sensitive Attributes: A Framework Using Only Auxiliary Models

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    Although the volume of literature and public attention on machine learning fairness has been growing significantly, in practice some tasks as basic as measuring fairness, which is the first step in studying and promoting fairness, can be challenging. This is because sensitive attributes are often unavailable due to privacy regulations. The straightforward solution is to use auxiliary models to predict the missing sensitive attributes. However, our theoretical analyses show that the estimation error of the directly measured fairness metrics is proportional to the error rates of auxiliary models' predictions. Existing works that attempt to reduce the estimation error often require strong assumptions, e.g. access to the ground-truth sensitive attributes or some form of conditional independence. In this paper, we drop those assumptions and propose a framework that uses only off-the-shelf auxiliary models. The main challenge is how to reduce the negative impact of imperfectly predicted sensitive attributes on the fairness metrics without knowing the ground-truth sensitive attributes. Inspired by the noisy label learning literature, we first derive a closed-form relationship between the directly measured fairness metrics and their corresponding ground-truth metrics. And then we estimate some key statistics (most importantly transition matrix in the noisy label literature), which we use, together with the derived relationship, to calibrate the fairness metrics. In addition, we theoretically prove the upper bound of the estimation error in our calibrated metrics and show our method can substantially decrease the estimation error especially when auxiliary models are inaccurate or the target model is highly biased. Experiments on COMPAS and CelebA validate our theoretical analyses and show our method can measure fairness significantly more accurately than baselines under favorable circumstances

    UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation

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    With the recent success of graph convolutional networks (GCNs), they have been widely applied for recommendation, and achieved impressive performance gains. The core of GCNs lies in its message passing mechanism to aggregate neighborhood information. However, we observed that message passing largely slows down the convergence of GCNs during training, especially for large-scale recommender systems, which hinders their wide adoption. LightGCN makes an early attempt to simplify GCNs for collaborative filtering by omitting feature transformations and nonlinear activations. In this paper, we take one step further to propose an ultra-simplified formulation of GCNs (dubbed UltraGCN), which skips infinite layers of message passing for efficient recommendation. Instead of explicit message passing, UltraGCN resorts to directly approximate the limit of infinite-layer graph convolutions via a constraint loss. Meanwhile, UltraGCN allows for more appropriate edge weight assignments and flexible adjustment of the relative importances among different types of relationships. This finally yields a simple yet effective UltraGCN model, which is easy to implement and efficient to train. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets show that UltraGCN not only outperforms the state-of-the-art GCN models but also achieves more than 10x speedup over LightGCN.Comment: Paper accepted in CIKM'2021. Code available at: https://github.com/xue-pai/UltraGC
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