56,207 research outputs found

    Evolution of magnetic component in Yang-Mills condensate dark energy models

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    The evolution of the electric and magnetic components in an effective Yang-Mills condensate dark energy model is investigated. If the electric field is dominant, the magnetic component disappears with the expansion of the Universe. The total YM condensate tracks the radiation in the earlier Universe, and later it becomes wy1w_y\sim-1 thus is similar to the cosmological constant. So the cosmic coincidence problem can be avoided in this model. However, if the magnetic field is dominant, wy>1/3w_y>1/3 holds for all time, suggesting that it cannot be a candidate for the dark energy in this case.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, minor typos correcte

    Yang-Mills condensate dark energy coupled with matter and radiation

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    The coincidence problem is studied for the dark energy model of effective Yang-Mills condensate in a flat expanding universe during the matter-dominated stage. The YMC energy ρy(t)\rho_y(t) is taken to represent the dark energy, which is coupled either with the matter, or with both the matter and the radiation components. The effective YM Lagrangian is completely determined by quantum field theory up to 1-loop order. It is found that under very generic initial conditions and for a variety of forms of coupling, the existence of the scaling solution during the early stages and the subsequent exit from the scaling regime are inevitable. The transition to the accelerating stage always occurs around a redshift z(0.30.5)z\simeq (0.3\sim 0.5). Moreover, when the Yang-Mills condensate transfers energy into matter or into both matter and radiation, the equation of state wyw_y of the Yang-Mills condensate can cross over -1 around z2z\sim 2, and takes on a current value 1.1\simeq -1.1. This is consistent with the recent preliminary observations on supernovae Ia. Therefore, the coincidence problem can be naturally solved in the effective YMC dark energy models.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure

    The State Equation of the Yang-Mills field Dark Energy Models

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    In this paper, we study the possibility of building Yang-Mills(YM) field dark energy models with equation of state (EoS) crossing -1, and find that it can not be realized by the single YM field models, no matter what kind of lagrangian or initial condition. But the states of 1<ω<0-1<\omega<0 and ω<1\omega<-1 all can be naturally got in this kind of models. The former is like a quintessence field, and the latter is like a phantom field. This makes that one can build a model with two YM fields, in which one with the initial state of 1<ω<0-1<\omega<0, and the other with ω<1\omega<-1. We give an example model of this kind, and find that its EoS is larger than -1 in the past and less than -1 at the present time. We also find that this change must be from ω>1\omega>-1 to <1<-1, and it will go to the critical state of ω=1\omega=-1 with the expansion of the Universe, which character is same with the single YM field models, and the Big Rip is naturally avoided.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. minor typos correcte

    Possible discovery of the r-process characteristics in the abundances of metal-rich barium stars

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    We study the abundance distributions of a sample of metal-rich barium stars provided by Pereira et al. (2011) to investigate the s- and r-process nucleosynthesis in the metal-rich environment. We compared the theoretical results predicted by a parametric model with the observed abundances of the metal-rich barium stars. We found that six barium stars have a significant r-process characteristic, and we divided the barium stars into two groups: the r-rich barium stars (Cr>5.0C_r>5.0, [La/Nd]\,<0<0) and normal barium stars. The behavior of the r-rich barium stars seems more like that of the metal-poor r-rich and CEMP-r/s stars. We suggest that the most possible formation mechanism for these stars is the s-process pollution, although their abundance patterns can be fitted very well when the pre-enrichment hypothesis is included. The fact that we can not explain them well using the s-process nucleosynthesis alone may be due to our incomplete knowledge on the production of Nd, Eu, and other relevant elements by the s-process in metal-rich and super metal-rich environments (see details in Pereira et al. 2011).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Discussion on Event Horizon and Quantum Ergosphere of Evaporating Black Holes in a Tunnelling Framework

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    In this paper, with the Parikh-Wilczek tunnelling framework the positions of the event horizon of the Vaidya black hole and the Vaidya-Bonner black hole are calculated respectively. We find that the event horizon and the apparent horizon of these two black holes correspond respectively to the two turning points of the Hawking radiation tunnelling barrier. That is, the quantum ergosphere coincides with the tunnelling barrier. Our calculation also implies that the Hawking radiation comes from the apparent horizon.Comment: 8 page