2 research outputs found

    The Influence of Dust on Quantitative Measurements of Black Carbon in Ice and Snow when Using a Thermal Optical Method

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    Accurate measurements of black carbon concentrations in snow and ice are essential to quantify its impact on glacial melting and sequential climate forcing via snow albedo. However, snow and ice contain dust that may severely bias the precision of the elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) measurements of filters with a thermal/optical method. To evaluate the effects of dust on black carbon analysis and to optimize filtration methods, meltwater from ice core and surface snow samples with variable dust content were filtered with different methods, including filtration of the entire material (including settling) and supernatant liquid, mechanical stirring and sonication, as well as utilization of single and double quartz filters. In this research, it is shown that dust can induce an extra decrease in optical reflectance during the 250 degrees C heating stage in the thermal/optical method and an improper OC and EC split. To address this problem, a correction procedure was suggested and used to revise the OC and EC results. The OC, EC, and TC concentration variations from different filtration methods along the ice core depth and along surface snow elevation were illustrated. These results indicate that black carbon and dust generally mix as agglomerates. The agglomerate structure will contribute to the underestimation of EC and OC in the measurement. However, carbonaceous matter can be efficiently detached from dust particles by ultrasonic agitation of the meltwater samples, which significantly improves carbon volatilization during the thermal/optical analysis.</p

    Post-depositional enrichment of black soot in snow-pack and accelerated melting of Tibetan glaciers

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    The post-depositional enrichment of black soot in snow-pack was investigated by measuring the redistribution of black soot along monthly snow-pits on a Tien Shan glacier. The one-year experiment revealed that black soot was greatly enriched, defined as the ratio of concentration to original snow concentration, in the unmelted snow-pack by at least an order of magnitude. Greatest soot enrichment was observed in the surface snow and the lower firn-pack within the melt season percolation zone. Black carbon (BC) concentrations as high as 400 ng g(-1) in the summer surface snow indicate that soot can significantly contribute to glacier melt. BC concentrations reaching 3000 ng g(-1) in the bottom portion of the firn pit are especially concerning given the expected equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) rise associated with future climatic warming, which would expose the dirty underlying firn and ice. Since most of the accumulation area on Tibetan glaciers is within the percolation zone where snow densification is characterized by melting and refreezing, the enrichment of black soot in the snow-pack is of foremost importance. Results suggest the effect of black soot on glacier melting may currently be underestimated.</p