14 research outputs found

    Improved forest biomass estimation based on P-band repeat-pass PolInSAR data across different forest sites

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    The upcoming BIOMASS mission will provide P-band repeat-pass PolInSAR data from space for the improved mapping of global biomass. PolInSAR technique has been widely validated with the potential to invert forest height and estimate forest aboveground biomass (AGB). However, the robustness of PolInSAR-based AGB estimation across different sites still lacks full evaluation, especially for those with a varied forest type, heterogeneity (varied growth ratio between cover and height), and topographic relief. In this study, we concentrated on backscatter decomposition and forest height inversion, and developed a robust AGB estimation method that can be applied to different sites. Two dense and closed tropical forest sites (Paracou and Nouragues) and one open and heterogeneous boreal forest site (Krycklan) were selected as the study areas, and the corresponding airborne PolInSAR, LiDAR, and ground measured AGB data were used for validation and analysis. Results show that ground backscatter has the strongest correlation with AGB in boreal forests, but this correlation cannot be transferred to the tropical forests. Only canopy volume backscatter is almost free from topographic influence, and its relationship with AGB across three sites can be formulated using one exponential equation, producing the best estimation accuracy, with R2 of 0.79 and RMSE of 61.5 tons/ha (relative RMSE of 20.0 %). Multi-baseline PolInSAR retrieved forest height with little bias in spite of the presence of temporal decorrelation. One power equation can be used to correlate PolInSAR forest height with AGB across three different sites, and LOO (leave-one-out) validation shows the R2 of 0.85 and RMSE of 51.8 tons/ha (relative RMSE of 16.9 %). However, the RVoG-inverted PolInSAR FH was found to mainly represent the top forest height for open and heterogeneous forests, which means PolInSAR FH (forest height) lacks consideration for forest horizontal structure (e.g. forest density). In contrast, volume backscatter better captured forest density, and the proposed AGB model that combines PolInSAR FH and volume backscatter further improved the AGB estimation accuracy, especially for open forests: the plot-scale validation from all three sites shows R2 was improved from 0.79 (volume backscatter) and 0.85 (PolInSAR FH) to 0.89, and RMSE decreased from 61.5 and 51.8 to 45.2 (relative RMSE of 14.7 %) tons/ha; for region-scale validation, R2 was improved from 0.77 and 0.83 to 0.89, and RMSE decreased from 64.2 (relative RMSE of 39.0 %) and 54.5 (34.5 %) to 48.1 (29.4 %) tons/ha

    Forest Fuel Loads Estimation from Landsat ETM+ and ALOS PALSAR Data

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    Fuel load is the key factor driving fire ignition, spread and intensity. The current literature reports the light detection and ranging (LiDAR), optical and airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for fuel load estimation, but the optical and SAR data are generally individually explored. Optical and SAR data are expected to be sensitive to different types of fuel loads because of their different imaging mechanisms. Optical data mainly captures the characteristics of leaf and forest canopy, while the latter is more sensitive to forest vertical structures due to its strong penetrability. This study aims to explore the performance of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) data as well as their combination on estimating three different types of fuel load—stem fuel load (SFL), branch fuel load (BFL) and foliage fuel load (FFL). We first analyzed the correlation between the three types of fuel load and optical and SAR data. Then, the partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to build the fuel load estimation models based on the fuel load measurements from Vindeln, Sweden, and variables derived from optical and SAR data. Based on the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) method, results show that L-band SAR data performed well on all three types of fuel load (R2 = 0.72, 0.70, 0.72). The optical data performed best for FFL estimation (R2 = 0.66), followed by BFL (R2 = 0.56) and SFL (R2 = 0.37). Further improvements were found for the SFL, BFL and FFL estimation when integrating optical and SAR data (R2 = 0.76, 0.81, 0.82), highlighting the importance of data selection and combination for fuel load estimation

    Use of the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) to Characterize the Drying Trend in Southwest China from 1982–2012

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    In this study, the Standardized Precipitation Evaporation Index (SPEI) was applied to characterize the drought conditions in Southwest China from 1982–2012. The SPEI was calculated by precipitation and temperature data for various accumulation periods. Based on the SPEI, the multi-scale patterns, the trend, and the spatio-temporal extent of drought were evaluated, respectively. The results explicitly showed a drying trend of Southwest China. The mean SPEI values at five time scales all decreased significantly. Some moderate and severe droughts were captured after 2005 and the droughts were even getting aggravated. By examining the spatio-temporal extent, the aggravating condition of drought was further revealed. To investigate the performance of SPEI, correlation analysis was conducted between SPEI and two remotely sensed drought indices: Soil Moisture Condition Index (SMCI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI). The comparison was also conducted with the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The results showed that for both SMCI and VCI, the SPI and SPEI had approximate correlations with them. The SPEI could better monitor the soil moisture than the SPI in months with significant increase of temperature. The correlations between the VCI and SPI/SPEI were lower; nevertheless, the SPEI was slightly superior to the SPI

    The impacts of spatial baseline on forest canopy height model and digital terrain model retrieval using P-band PolInSAR data

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    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (PolInSAR) has shown potential for the retrieval of a forest canopy height model (CHM) and the underlying solid earth digital terrain model (DTM). However, because of non-volume decorrelation and other unavoidable errors, the robustness of retrieval heights is sensitive to the spatial baseline of the selected InSAR pairs, which relates forest parameters to measured coherence. Within the context of the random volume over ground (RVoG) model and the three-stage inversion method, we aimed to quantify the influence of spatial baseline on the inversions at P-band, which are distinct from the inversions at higher frequency due to the non-negligible ground contributions. This information assists in optimal baseline selection and the development of robust inversion schemes. Assumptions about the extinction coefficient and additional DTM or DEM were used to reduce the influence of ground contribution on CHM and DTM inversion, respectively. Inversions from published airborne repeat-pass P-band PolInSAR data with four different spatial baselines were validated against LiDAR-derived DTM and CHM data. The results show that a longer spatial baseline performed better in DTM inversion. The longest baseline produced the best R2 of 0.995 and RMSE of 0.555 m, much better than the smallest baseline with an R2 of 0.794 and RMSE of 3.74 m. A threshold height could be identified that determines the overestimation and underestimation of CHM inversion due to the non-volume decorrelation. Different baselines produced different threshold heights, making CHM inversion only accurate for a limited range of forest height around the threshold. The optimal baseline produced a CHM with R2 of 0.605 and RMSE of 2.67 m. Additionally, we found that using multiple baselines has the potential to improve CHM inversion, improving the R2 to 0.827 and RMSE to 0.876 m in our study

    Retrieval of forest fuel moisture content using a coupled radiative transfer model

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    Forest fuel moisture content (FMC) dynamics are paramount to assessing the forest wildfire risk and its behavior. This variable can be retrieved from remotely sensed data using a radiative transfer model (RTM). However, previous studies generally treated the background of forest canopy as soil surface while ignored the fact that the soil may be covered by grass canopy. In this study, we focused on retrieving FMC of such forestry structure by coupling two RTMs: PROSAIL and PRO-GeoSail. The spectra of lower grass canopy were firstly simulated by the PROSAIL model, which was then coupled into the PRO-GeoSail model. The results showed that the accuracy level of retrieved FMC using this coupled model was better than that when the PRO-GeoSail model used alone. Further analysis revealed that low FMC condition fostered by fire weather condition had an important influence on the breakout of a fire during the study period.This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract No. 41471293 & 41671361), the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities (Contract No. ZYGX2012Z005) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Contract 2013AA12A302). The authors are grateful to Zhi Wen, Shi Qiu, Minfeng Xing and Dasong Xu for their assistances during the field campaigns

    A radiative transfer model-based method for the estimation of grassland aboveground biomass

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    This paper presents a novel method to derive grassland aboveground biomass (AGB) based on the PROSAILH (PROSPECT + SAILH) radiative transfer model (RTM). Two variables, leaf area index (LAI, m2m−2, defined as a one-side leaf area per unit of horizontal ground area) and dry matter content (DMC, gcm−2, defined as the dry matter per leaf area), were retrieved using PROSAILH and reflectance data from Landsat 8 OLI product. The result of LAI × DMC was regarded as the estimated grassland AGB according to their definitions. The well-known ill-posed inversion problem when inverting PROSAILH was alleviated using ecological criteria to constrain the simulation scenario and therefore the number of simulated spectra. A case study of the presented method was applied to a plateau grassland in China to estimate its AGB. The results were compared to those obtained using an exponential regression, a partial least squares regression (PLSR) and an artificial neural networks (ANN). The RTM-based method offered higher accuracy (R2 = 0.64 and RMSE = 42.67 gm−2)than the exponential regression (R2 = 0.48 and RMSE = 41.65 gm−2) and the ANN (R2 = 0.43 and RMSE = 46.26 gm−2). However, the proposed method offered similar performance than PLSR as presented better determination coefficient than PLSR (R2 = 0.55) but higher RMSE (RMSE = 37.79 gm−2). Although it is still necessary to test these methodologies in other areas, the RTMbased method offers greater robustness and reproducibility to estimate grassland AGB at large scale without the need to collect field measurements and therefore is considered the most promising methodology.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract No. 41471293 & 41671361),the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities (Contract No. ZYGX2012Z005) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Contract 2013AA12A302

    Woody vegetation cover, height and biomass at 25-m resolution across Australia derived from multiple site, airborne and satellite observations

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    Detailed spatial information on the presence and properties of woody vegetation serves many purposes, including carbon accounting, environmental reporting and land management. Here, we investigated whether machine learning can be used to combine multiple spatial observations and training data to estimate woody vegetation canopy cover fraction (‘cover’), vegetation height (‘height’) and woody above-ground biomass dry matter (‘biomass’) at 25-m resolution across the Australian continent, where possible on an annual basis. We trained a Random Forest algorithm on cover and height estimates derived from airborne LiDAR over 11 regions and inventory-based biomass estimates for many thousands of plots across Australia. As predictors, we used annual geomedian Landsat surface reflectance, ALOS/PALSAR L-band radar backscatter mosaics, spatial vegetation structure data derived primarily from ICESat/GLAS satellite altimetry, and spatial climate data. Cross-validation experiments were undertaken to optimize the selection of predictors and the configuration of the algorithm. The resulting estimation errors were 0.07 for cover, 3.4 m for height, and 80 t dry matter ha-1 for biomass. A large fraction (89–94 %) of the observed variance was explained in each case. Priorities for future research include validation of the LiDAR-derived cover training data and the use of new satellite vegetation height data from the GEDI mission. Annual cover mapping for 2000–2018 provided detailed insight in woody vegetation dynamics. Continentally, woody vegetation change was primarily driven by water availability and its effect on bushfire and mortality, particularly in the drier interior. Changes in woody vegetation made a substantial contribution to Australia's total carbon emissions since 2000. Whether these ecosystems will recover biomass in future remains to be seen, given the persistent pressures of climate change and land use

    Near real-time extracting Wildfire spread rate from Himawari-8 satellite data

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    Fire Spread Rate (FSR) can indicate how fast a fire is spreading, which is especially helpful for wildfire rescue and management. Historically, images obtained from sun-orbiting satellites such as Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used to detect active fire and burned area at the large spatial scale. However, the daily revisit cycles make them inherently unable to extract FSR in near real-time (hourly or less). We argue that the Himawari-8, a next generation geostationary satellite with a 10-min temporal resolution and 0.5–2 km spatial resolution, may have the potential for near real-time FSR extraction. To that end, we propose a novel method (named H8-FSR) for near real-time FSR extraction based on the Himawari-8 data. The method first defines the centroid of the burned area as the fire center and then the near real-time FSR is extracted by timely computing the movement rate of the fire center. As a case study, the method was applied to the Esperance bushfire that broke out on 17 November, 2015, in Western Australia. Compared with the estimated FSR using the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Grassland Fire Spread (GFS) model, H8-FSR achieved favorable performance with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.54, mean bias error of –0.75 m/s, mean absolute percent error of 33.20% and root mean square error of 1.17 m/s, respectively. These results demonstrated that the Himawari-8 data are valuable for near real-time FSR extraction, and also suggested that the proposed method could be potentially applicable to other next generation geostationary satellite data

    Near Real-Time Extracting Wildfire Spread Rate from Himawari-8 Satellite Data

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    Fire Spread Rate (FSR) can indicate how fast a fire is spreading, which is especially helpful for wildfire rescue and management. Historically, images obtained from sun-orbiting satellites such as Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were used to detect active fire and burned area at the large spatial scale. However, the daily revisit cycles make them inherently unable to extract FSR in near real­-time (hourly or less). We argue that the Himawari-8, a next generation geostationary satellite with a 10-min temporal resolution and 0.5–2 km spatial resolution, may have the potential for near real-time FSR extraction. To that end, we propose a novel method (named H8-FSR) for near real-time FSR extraction based on the Himawari-8 data. The method first defines the centroid of the burned area as the fire center and then the near real-time FSR is extracted by timely computing the movement rate of the fire center. As a case study, the method was applied to the Esperance bushfire that broke out on 17 November, 2015, in Western Australia. Compared with the estimated FSR using the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Grassland Fire Spread (GFS) model, H8-FSR achieved favorable performance with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.54, mean bias error of –0.75 m/s, mean absolute percent error of 33.20% and root mean square error of 1.17 m/s, respectively. These results demonstrated that the Himawari-8 data are valuable for near real-time FSR extraction, and also suggested that the proposed method could be potentially applicable to other next generation geostationary satellite data