13,257 research outputs found

    Black hole evaporation based upon a q-deformation description

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    A toy model based upon the qq-deformation description for studying the radiation spectrum of black hole is proposed. The starting point is to make an attempt to consider the spacetime noncommutativity in the vicinity of black hole horizon. We use a trick that all the spacetime noncommutative effects are ascribed to the modification of the behavior of the radiation field of black hole and a kind of q-deformed degrees of freedom are postulated to mimic the radiation particles that live on the noncommutative spacetime, meanwhile the background metric is preserved as usual. We calculate the radiation spectrum of Schwarzschild black hole in this framework. The new distribution deviates from the standard thermal spectrum evidently. The result indicates that some correlation effect will be introduced to the system if the noncommutativity is taken into account. In addition, an infrared cut-off of the spectrum is the prediction of the model.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    ATP binding to a multisubunit enzyme: statistical thermodynamics analysis

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    Due to inter-subunit communication, multisubunit enzymes usually hydrolyze ATP in a concerted fashion. However, so far the principle of this process remains poorly understood. In this study, from the viewpoint of statistical thermodynamics, a simple model is presented. In this model, we assume that the binding of ATP will change the potential of the corresponding enzyme subunit, and the degree of this change depends on the state of its adjacent subunits. The probability of enzyme in a given state satisfies the Boltzmann's distribution. Although it looks much simple, this model can fit the recent experimental data of chaperonin TRiC/CCT well. From this model, the dominant state of TRiC/CCT can be obtained. This study provided a new way to understand biophysical processes by statistical thermodynamics analysis

    Dynamical vacuum energy, holographic quintom, and the reconstruction of scalar-field dark energy

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    When taking the holographic principle into account, the vacuum energy will acquire dynamical property that its equation of state is evolving. The current available observational data imply that the holographic vacuum energy behaves as quintom-type dark energy. We adopt the viewpoint of that the scalar field models of dark energy are effective theories of an underlying theory of dark energy. If we regard the scalar field model as an effective description of such a holographic vacuum theory, we should be capable of using the scalar field model to mimic the evolving behavior of the dynamical vacuum energy and reconstructing this scalar field model according to the fits of the observational dataset. We find the generalized ghost condensate model is a good choice for depicting the holographic vacuum energy since it can easily realize the quintom behavior. We thus reconstruct the function h(Ï•)h(\phi) of the generalized ghost condensate model using the best-fit results of the observational data.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; references updated, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    An extended hybrid density functional (X3LYP) with improved descriptions of nonbond interactions and thermodynamic properties of molecular systems

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    We derive here the form for the exact exchange energy density for a density that decays with Gaussian-type behavior at long range. This functional is intermediate between the B88 and the PW91 exchange functionals. Using this modified functional to match the form expected for Gaussian densities, we propose the X3LYP extended functional. We find that X3LYP significantly outperforms Becke three parameter Lee–Yang–Parr (B3LYP) for describing van der Waals and hydrogen bond interactions, while performing slightly better than B3LYP for predicting heats of formation, ionization potentials, electron affinities, proton affinities, and total atomic energies as validated with the extended G2 set of atoms and molecules. Thus X3LYP greatly enlarges the field of applications for density functional theory. In particular the success of X3LYP in describing the water dimer (with Re and De within the error bars of the most accurate determinations) makes it an excellent candidate for predicting accurate ligand–protein and ligand–DNA interactions

    Tachyon field inspired dark energy and supernovae constraints

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    The tachyon field in cosmology is studied by applying the generating function method to obtain exact solutions. The equation of state parameter of the tachyon field is w=−1+ϵϕ2˙w=-1+\epsilon\dot{\phi^2}, which can be expressed as a function in terms of the redshift zz. Based on these solutions, we propose some tachyon-inspired dark energy models to explore the properties of the corresponding cosmological evolution. The explicit relations between Hubble parameter and redshift enable us to test the models with SNe Ia data sets easily. In the current work we employ the SNe Ia data with the parameter A\mathcal{A} measured from the SDSS and the shift parameter R\mathcal{R} from WMAP observations to constrain the parameters in our models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; v2: accepted by IJMP

    Constraints on Holographic Dark Energy from Latest Supernovae, Galaxy Clustering, and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Observations

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    The holographic dark energy model is proposed by Li as an attempt for probing the nature of dark energy within the framework of quantum gravity. The main characteristic of holographic dark energy is governed by a numerical parameter cc in the model. The parameter cc can only be determined by observations. Thus, in order to characterize the evolving feature of dark energy and to predict the fate of the universe, it is of extraordinary importance to constrain the parameter cc by using the currently available observational data. In this paper, we derive constraints on the holographic dark energy model from the latest observational data including the gold sample of 182 Type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) given by the three-year {\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} ({\it WMAP}) observations, and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The joint analysis gives the fit results in 1-σ\sigma: c=0.91−0.18+0.26c=0.91^{+0.26}_{-0.18} and Ωm0=0.29±0.03\Omega_{\rm m0}=0.29\pm 0.03. That is to say, though the possibility of c<1c<1 is more favored, the possibility of c>1c>1 can not be excluded in one-sigma error range, which is somewhat different from the result derived from previous investigations using earlier data. So, according to the new data, the evidence for the quintom feature in the holographic dark energy model is not as strong as before.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic field switching in parallel quantum dots

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    We show that the Coulomb blockade in parallel dots pierced by magnetic flux Φ\Phi completely blocks the resonant current for any value of Φ\Phi except for integer multiples of the flux quantum Φ0\Phi_0. This non-analytic (switching) dependence of the current on Φ\Phi arises only when the dot states that carry the current are of the same energy. The time needed to reach the steady state, however, diverges when Φ→nΦ0\Phi\to n\Phi_0.Comment: additional explanations added, Europhysics Letters, in pres

    Mutual selection in network evolution: the role of the intrinsic fitness

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    We propose a new mechanism leading to scale-free networks which is based on the presence of an intrinsic character of a vertex called fitness. In our model, a vertex ii is assigned a fitness xix_i, drawn from a given probability distribution function f(x)f(x). During network evolution, with rate pp we add a vertex jj of fitness xjx_j and connect to an existing vertex ii of fitness xix_i selected preferentially to a linking probability function g(xi,xj)g(x_i,x_j) which depends on the fitnesses of the two vertices involved and, with rate 1−p1-p we create an edge between two already existed vertices with fitnesses xix_i and xjx_j, with a probability also preferential to the connection function g(xi,xj)g(x_i,x_j). For the proper choice of gg, the resulting networks have generalized power laws, irrespective of the fitness distribution of vertices.Comment: ws-ijmpc.te

    Gamma rays and neutrinos from dark matter annihilation in galaxy clusters

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    The γ\gamma-ray and neutrino emissions from dark matter (DM) annihilation in galaxy clusters are studied. After about one year operation of Fermi-LAT, several nearby clusters are reported with stringent upper limits of GeV γ\gamma-ray emission. We use the Fermi-LAT upper limits of these clusters to constrain the DM model parameters. We find that the DM model distributed with substructures predicted in cold DM (CDM) scenario is strongly constrained by Fermi-LAT γ\gamma-ray data. Especially for the leptonic annihilation scenario which may account for the e±e^{\pm} excesses discovered by PAMELA/Fermi-LAT/HESS, the constraint on the minimum mass of substructures is of the level 102−10310^2-10^3 M⊙_{\odot}, which is much larger than that expected in CDM picture, but is consistent with a warm DM scenario. We further investigate the sensitivity of neutrino detections of the clusters by IceCube. It is found that neutrino detection is much more difficult than γ\gamma-rays. Only for very heavy DM (∼10\sim 10 TeV) together with a considerable branching ratio to line neutrinos the neutrino sensitivity is comparable with that of γ\gamma-rays.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures and 1 table; extended discussion about the uncertainties of concentration and subhalo models, figures replotted for better read; references updated; accepted for publication by Phys. Rev.
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