270,139 research outputs found

    The mean velocity of two-state models of molecular motor

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    The motion of molecular motor is essential to the biophysical functioning of living cells. In principle, this motion can be regraded as a multiple chemical states process. In which, the molecular motor can jump between different chemical states, and in each chemical state, the motor moves forward or backward in a corresponding potential. So, mathematically, the motion of molecular motor can be described by several coupled one-dimensional hopping models or by several coupled Fokker-Planck equations. To know the basic properties of molecular motor, in this paper, we will give detailed analysis about the simplest cases: in which there are only two chemical states. Actually, many of the existing models, such as the flashing ratchet model, can be regarded as a two-state model. From the explicit expression of the mean velocity, we find that the mean velocity of molecular motor might be nonzero even if the potential in each state is periodic, which means that there is no energy input to the molecular motor in each of the two states. At the same time, the mean velocity might be zero even if there is energy input to the molecular motor. Generally, the velocity of molecular motor depends not only on the potentials (or corresponding forward and backward transition rates) in the two states, but also on the transition rates between the two chemical states

    The angular momentum of a magnetically trapped atomic condensate

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    For an atomic condensate in an axially symmetric magnetic trap, the sum of the axial components of the orbital angular momentum and the hyperfine spin is conserved. Inside an Ioffe-Pritchard trap (IPT) whose magnetic field (B-field) is not axially symmetric, the difference of the two becomes surprisingly conserved. In this paper we investigate the relationship between the values of the sum/difference angular momentums for an atomic condensate inside a magnetic trap and the associated gauge potential induced by the adiabatic approximation. Our result provides significant new insight into the vorticity of magnetically trapped atomic quantum gases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    Universal behavior of giant electroresistance in epitaxial La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films

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    We report a giant resistance drop induced by dc electrical currents in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 epitaxial thin films. Resistance of the patterned thin films decreases exponentially with increasing current and a maximum drop shows at the temperature of resistance peak Tp. Variation of resistance with current densities can be scaled below and above Tp, respectively. This work can be useful for the future applications of electroresistance.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Laser-catalyzed spin-exchange process in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We show theoretically that it is possible to optically control collective spin-exchange processes in spinor Bose condensates through virtual photoassociation. The interplay between optically induced spin exchange and spin-dependent collisions provides a flexible tool for the control of atomic spin dynamics, including enhanced or inhibited quantum spin oscillations, the optically-induced ferromagnetic-to-antiferromagnetic transition, and coherent matter-wave spin conversion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Long-Ranged Orientational Order in Dipolar Fluids

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    Recently Groh and Dietrich claimed the thermodynamic state of a dipolar fluid depends on the shape of the fluid's container. For example, a homogeneous fluid in a short fat container would phase separate when transferred to a tall skinny container of identical volume and temperature. Their calculation thus lacks a thermodynamic limit. We show that removal of demagnetizing fields restores the true, shape independent, thermodynamic limit. As a consequence, spontaneously magnetized liquids display inhomogeneous magnetization textures.Comment: 3 pages, LaTex, no figures. Submitted as comment to PRL, May 199

    Precision era of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect: simulations, analytical models and observations and the power to constrain reionization

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    The kinetic SZ effect, which is the dominant CMB source at arc-minute scales and ν∼217\nu \sim 217 Ghz, probes the ionized gas peculiar momentum up to the epoch of reionization and is a sensitive measure of the reionization history. We ran high resolution self-similar and Λ\LambdaCDM hydro simulations and built an analytical model to study this effect. Our model reproduces the Λ\LambdaCDM simulation results to several percent accuracy, passes various tests against self-similar simulations, and shows a wider range of applicability than previous analytical models. Our model in its continuous version is free of simulation limitations such as finite simulation box and finite resolution and allows an accurate prediction of the kinetic SZ power spectrum ClC_l. For the WMAP cosmology, we find l2Cl/(2π)≃0.91×10−12[(1+zreion)/10]0.34(l/5000)0.23−0.015(zreion−9)l^2C_l/(2\pi)\simeq 0.91 \times 10^{-12} [(1+z_{\rm reion})/10]^{0.34}(l/5000)^{0.23-0.015(z_{\rm reion}-9)} for the reionization redshift 6<zreion<206<z_{\rm reion}<20 and 3000<l<90003000<l<9000. The corresponding temperature fluctuation is several μ\muK at these ranges. The dependence of ClC_l on the reionization history allows an accurate measurement of the reionization epoch. For the Atacama cosmology telescope experiment, ClC_l can be measured with ∼1\sim 1% accuracy. ClC_l scales as (Ωbh)2σ84∼6(\Omega_b h)^2 \sigma_8^{4\sim 6}. Given cosmological parameters, ACT would be able to constrain zreionz_{\rm reion} with several percent accuracy. Some multi-reionization scenarios degenerate in the primary CMB temperature and TE measurement can be distinguished with ∼10σ\sim 10 \sigma confidence.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. We corrected the primary CMB power spectrum we used. We added discussions about the effects of lensing and relativistic SZ correctio. We withdraw a claim about the patchy reionizatio
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