116 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of shaped charge jet penetrating a plate using smoothed particle hydrodynamics

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    The shaped charge jet has a stronger penetration effect onto the structure than normal charges. The SPH method with mesh-free and Lagrange properties has an advantage to solve extremely dynamic problems, such as large-deformation, moving interface and multiphase mixing and so on. Therefore, the SPH method is applied to simulate shaped charge detonation, jet formation and its penetration into a plate. And a SPH model of the shaped charge penetrating the plate is established. Firstly, the simulation of the shaped charge detonation is conducted to study the shock wave propagation and underwater explosion shock loading. Secondly, the formation of the metal jet is studied, and the jet velocity and the pressure are investigated in detail. Finally, the damage characteristics of the plate subjected to the metal jet and underwater explosion shock loading are discussed. The whole analysis and conclusions provide a reference for the structural design of shaped charge warheads

    Assessment of the Performance of Inverse Class-F Power Amplifiers in a Discrete Doherty Architecture

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    This work presents an assessment, at simulation and experimental levels, of the performance of inverse class-F power amplifiers in a Doherty architecture. Two connectorized amplifier modules, designed for standalone operation, are adopted to construct a quasi-balanced Doherty architecture exploiting 3-dB 90° hybrid couplers at the input and output to demonstrate the concept. The Doherty architecture shows competitive performance at 1.8 GHz, with 43 dBm output power and around 60% efficiency from saturation to 6 dB output power back-off. The performance is in line with the state of the art of integrated load-modulated amplifiers, demonstrating the validity of the approach

    Damage response of hull structure subjected to contact underwater explosion

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    A high-pressure shock wave was produced during a process near-field underwater explosion, which led to serious damage into structures. A Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) method is suitable for solving problems with large deformations. Hence, it is used to investigate pressure characteristics and dynamic response of hull structures subjected to near-field underwater explosion. Effect of free surface was taken into consideration. Propagation of shock wave in multi medium and its dynamic response to hull structures were analyzed

    Minimax Rates for High-dimensional Double Sparse Structure over â„“u(â„“q)\ell_u(\ell_q)-balls

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    In this paper, we focus on the high-dimensional double sparse structure, where the parameter of interest simultaneously encourages group-wise sparsity and element-wise sparsity in each group. By combining the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and its variants, we develop a novel lower bound technique for the metric entropy of the parameter space, specifically tailored for the double sparse structure over ℓu(ℓq)\ell_u(\ell_q)-balls with u,q∈[0,1]u,q \in [0,1]. We prove lower bounds on the estimation error using an information-theoretic approach, leveraging our proposed lower bound technique and Fano's inequality. To complement the lower bounds, we establish matching upper bounds through a direct analysis of constrained least-squares estimators and utilize results from empirical processes. A significant finding of our study is the discovery of a phase transition phenomenon in the minimax rates for u,q∈(0,1]u,q \in (0, 1]. Furthermore, we extend the theoretical results to the double sparse regression model and determine its minimax rate for estimation error. To tackle double sparse linear regression, we develop the DSIHT (Double Sparse Iterative Hard Thresholding) algorithm, demonstrating its optimality in the minimax sense. Finally, we demonstrate the superiority of our method through numerical experiments.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figure

    Damage response of steel plate to underwater explosion: Effect of shaped charge liner

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    © 2017 Elsevier LtdA shape of charge liners has a great effect on formation of a metal jet and its penetration into a target. In this paper, three different shapes of a charge liner, namely, conical, hemispherical and spherical-segment, are chosen to investigate their effect on damage response of a plate to underwater explosion. A Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) method based on mesh-free Lagrange formulation is applied to simulate an entire process of a shaped-charge detonation, formation of a metal jet as well as penetration on a steel plate. Initially, a SPH model of the shaped charge with a spherical-segment liner is developed, and its results are compared with experimental data to verify the effectiveness of this method. Then, numerical simulations of shaped charges with different liners are performed to study the damage characteristics of a steel plate subjected to underwater-explosion shock loading and the metal jet. It was found that for the shock wave the peak value of the radial pressure is larger than that of the axial pressure during the detonation process; the level of pressure in the spherical-segment case was higher than that of the other two cases. After the detonation, the metal jet was gradually produced under the effect of the detonation wave. Three types of the metal jet - a shaped charge jet (SCJ), a jetting projectile charge (JPC) and an explosive formed projectile (EFP) – were formed corresponding to three cases with conical, hemispherical and spherical-segment liners. The obtained results show that the velocity and length of the SCJ in the conical case are greater than that of the other cases, and it therefore may lead to a larger penetration depth. In addition, the EFP has a better motion stability for a velocity difference in the spherical case is lower than that of the other two cases. Subsequently, the shock wave arrives at the plate earlier than the metal jet, which will cause deformation of the plate. Due to higher pressure, the shock wave in the spherical-segment case has a stronger damaging effect on the plate than that in the other two cases. Finally, the metal jet reaches the plate causing a hole. Because of a wider jet head, the EFP results in a more serious damage to the plate. The suggested analysis and its results provide a reference for structural design of shaped charge warheads

    An intrinsic nonlinear Ohmic current

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    It is known that intrinsic currents in magnetic metals often appear in the direction perpendicular to the external field for linear and nonlinear responses. Distinct from three kinds of known nonlinear currents, namely, the Drude contribution, the Berry curvature dipole induced current and the Berry connection polarization induced current, here we report a intrinsic nonlinear current with breaking time-reversal symmetry. This new kind of intrinsic nonlinear current from the nontrivial Berry connection polarizability may emerge in the longitudinal or transverse direction, and both are dissipative Ohmic currents. We unveil 66 magnetic point group symmetries that can accommodate such nonlinear current, and possible candidate materials are proposed. This theory is also applied to observe the nonlinear current we proposed in one- and two-dimensional Dirac systems as examples

    SPH-BEM simulation of underwater explosion and bubble dynamics near rigid wall

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    A process of underwater explosion of a charge near a rigid wall includes three main stages: charge detonation, bubble pulsation and jet formation. A smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method has natural advantages in solving problems with large deformations and is suitable for simulation of processes of charge detonation and jet formation. On the other hand, a boundary element method (BEM) is highly efficient for modelling of the bubble pulsation process. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm, fully utilizing advantages of both SPH and BEM, was applied to simulate the entire process of free and near-field underwater explosions. First, a numerical model of the free-field underwater explosion was developed, and the entire explosion process– from the charge detonation to the jet formation–was analysed. Second, the obtained numerical results were compared with the original experimental data in order to verify the validity of the presented method. Third, a SPH model of underwater explosion for a column charge near a rigid wall was developed to simulate the detonation process. The results for propagation of a shock wave are in good accordance with the physical observations. After that, the SPH results were employed as initial conditions for the BEM to simulate the bubble pulsation. The obtained numerical results show that the bubble expanded at first and then shrunk due to a differences of pressure levels inside and outside it. Here, a good agreement between the numerical and experimental results for the shapes, the maximum radius and the movement of the bubble proved the effectiveness of the developed numerical model. Finally, the BEM results for a stage when an initial jet was formed were used as initial conditions for the SPH method to simulate the process of jet formation and its impact on the rigid wall. The numerical results agreed well with the experimental data, verifying the feasibility and suitability of the hybrid algorithm. Besides, the results show that, due to the effect of the Bjerknes force, a jet with a high speed was formed that may cause local damage to underwater structures
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