15,796 research outputs found

    Coherent States in Field Theory

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    Coherent states have three main properties: coherence, overcompleteness and intrinsic geometrization. These unique properties play fundamental roles in field theory, especially, in the description of classical domains and quantum fluctuations of physical fields, in the calculations of physical processes involving infinite number of virtual particles, in the derivation of functional integrals and various effective field theories, also in the determination of long-range orders and collective excitations, and finally in the exploration of origins of topologically nontrivial gauge fields and associated gauge degrees of freedom.Comment: 33 page, Invited Article for a forthcoming Indian National Science Academy publicatio

    Light-Front QCD and Heavy Quark Systems

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    In this series of lectures, I shall begin with the current investigations on phenomenology of hadron dynamics to demonstrate the importance of solving hadronic bound states within the framework of light-front (LF) QCD. Then, I will describe the basic procedure how to formulate the canonical theory of LFQCD, including light-front quantization of QCD, light-front gauge singularity, and light-front two-component formalism. I will also present a complete one-loop QCD calculation in terms of the light-front time-ordering perturbation theory, in comparison with the usual covariant perturbative QCD calculation. Following thereby I will discuss the development of heavy-quark effective theory and the manifestation of heavy quark symmetry on the light-front. Finally, by applying recently developed similarity renormalization group approach to light-front heavy quark effective theory, I will show a rigorous derivation of quark confinement interaction from LFQCD and its application to solve heavy hadron bound states.Comment: lecture notes, 45 pages. Based on lectures delivered at the First International School on Light-Front Quantization and Non-Perturbative QCD, May 6 - June 2, 1996, International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.

    Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets versus Nonlinear Οƒ\sigma Model Without the Large S Limit

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    In this letter, I develop a new topologically invariant coherent state path integral for spin systems, and apply it to the quantum Heisenberg model on a square lattice. As a result, the quantum nonlinear Οƒ\sigma model for arbitrary values of spin can be directly obtained. The effective coupling constant and spin wave velocity are modified by gs=2Sd+TΞ›2SJg_s= {2\over S}\sqrt{d+{T_\Lambda\over 2SJ}} and cs=2JSad+TΞ›2SJc_s=2JSa \sqrt{d+{T_\Lambda\over 2SJ}}, where TΞ›T_\Lambda is a natural temperature scale for the reliability of the theory. The formulation can also be extended to other generalized coherent state path integrals.Comment: RevTex, 4page, no figur

    Quantum Nonlinear Sigma Model for Arbitrary Spin Heisenberg Antiferromagnets

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    In this Letter, we derive a quantum nonlinear sigma model (QNLSM) for quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets (QHA) with arbitrary S (spin) values. A upper limit of the low temperature is naturally carried out for the reliability of the QNLSM. The S dependence of the effective coupling constant and the spin wave velocity in the QNLSM are also obtained explicitly. The resulting spin wave velocity for 2-dim spin-1/2 QHA highly concurs with the experimental data of high TcT_c compound La2CuO4. The predicted correlation lengths for 2d QHA and spin-gap magnitudes for 1d QHA also agrees with the accurate numerical results.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor revision of the tex

    Decoherence suppression of open quantum systems through a strong coupling to non-Markovian reservoirs

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    In this paper, we provide a mechanism of decoherence suppression for open quantum systems in general, and that for "Schrodinger cat-like" state in particular, through the strong couplings to non-Markovian reservoirs. Different from the usual strategies of suppressing decoherence by decoupling the system from the environment in the literatures, here the decoherence suppression employs the strong back-reaction from non-Markovian reservoirs. The mechanism relies on the existence of the singularities (bound states) of the nonequilibrium retarded Green function which completely determines the dissipation and decoherence dynamics of open systems. As an application, we examine the decoherence dynamics of a photonic crystal nanocavity that is coupled to a waveguide. The strong non-Markovian suppression of decoherence for the optical cat state is attained.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Decoherence dynamics of Majorana qubits under braiding operations

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    We study the decoherence dynamics of Majorana qubit braiding operations in a topological superconducting chain (TSC) system, in which the braiding is performed by controlling the electron-chemical potentials of the TSCs and the couplings between them. By solving rigorously the Majorana qubit dynamics, we show how the Majorana qubit coherence is generated through bogoliubon correlations formed by exchanging Majorana zero modes (MZMs) between two TSCs in braiding operations. Using the exact master equation, we demonstrate how MZMs and also the bogoliubon correlations dissipate due to charge fluctuations of the controlling gates at both the zero and finite temperatures. As a result, Majorana qubit coherence and the fermion parity conservation cannot be immune from local perturbations during braiding operations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Supplementary material

    Exact homogeneous master equation for open quantum systems incorporating initial correlations

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    We show that the exact master equation incorporating initial correlations for open quantum systems, within the Nakajima-Zwanzig operator-projection method, is a homegenous master equation for the reduced density matrix. We also derive explicitly the exact master equation for a large class of bosonic and fermionic open quantum systems incorporating initial correlations, the resulting master equation is homogenous. We find that the effects of the initial correlations can be fully embedded into the fluctuation dynamics through the exact homogenous master equation. Also a generalized nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem incorporating the initial correlations is obtained.Comment: 5 page

    Non-Markovian entanglement dynamics of noisy continuous variable quantum channels

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    We investigate the entanglement dynamics of continuous-variable quantum channels in terms of an entangled squeezed state of two cavity fields in a general non-Markovian environment. Using the Feynman-Vernon influence functional theory in the coherent-state representation, we derive an exact master equation with time-dependent coefficients reflecting the non-Markovian influence of the environment. The influence of environments with different spectral densities, e.g., Ohmic, sub-Ohmic, and super-Ohmic, is numerically studied. The non-Markovian process shows its remarkable influences on the entanglement dynamics due to the sensitive time-dependence of the dissipation and noise functions within the typical time scale of the environment. The Ohmic environment shows a weak dissipation-noise effect on the entanglement dynamics, while the sub-Ohmic and super-Ohmic environments induce much more severe noise. In particular, the memory of the system interacting with the environment contributes a strong decoherence effect to the entanglement dynamics in the super-Ohmic case.Comment: The final versio

    Non-equilibrium theory of charge qubit decoherence in the quantum point contact measurement

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    A non-equilibrium theory describing the charge qubit dynamics measured by a quantum point contact is developed based on Schwinger-Keldysh's approach. Using the real-time diagram technique, we derive the master equation to all orders in perturbation expansions. The non-Markovian processes in the qubit dynamics is naturally taken into account. The qubit decoherence, in particular, the influence of the tunneling-electron fluctuation in the quantum point contact with a longer time correlation, is studied in the framework. We consider the Lorentzian-type spectral density to characterize the channel mixture of the electron tunneling processes induced by the measurement and determine the correlation time scale of the tunneling-electron fluctuation. The result shows that as the quantum point contact is casted with a narrower profile of the spectral density, tunneling electrons can propagate with a longer time correlation and lead to the non-Markovian processes of the qubit dynamics. The qubit electron in the charge qubit will be driven coherently. The quantum point contact measurement with the minimum deviation of the electron tunneling processes prevents the qubit state from the decoherence.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Transport Theory for Photonic Networks

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    In this paper, we develop a quantum transport theory to describe photonic transport in photonic networks. The photonic networks concerned in the paper consist of all-optical circuits incorporating photonic bandgap waveguides and driven resonators. The photonic transport flowing through waveguides are entirely determined from the exact master equation of the driven resonators. The master equation of the driven resonators is obtained by explicitly eliminating all the waveguide degrees of freedom while the back-reactions between resonators and waveguides are fully taken into account. The relations between the driven photonic dynamics and photocurrents are obtained. The non-Markovian memory structure and quantum coherence and decoherence effects in photonic transport are also fully included. This quantum transport theory unifies two fundamental nonequilibrium approaches, the Keldysh's nonequilibrium Green function technique and the Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach, together to make the investigation of the transient quantum photonic transport become more powerful. As an illustration, the theory is applied to the transport phenomena of a driven nanocavity coupled to two waveguides in photonic crystals. The controllability of photonic transport through the driven resonator is demonstrated.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures (the paper is extended, more references are added
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