21 research outputs found

    Towards a Simpler Lattice Gadget Toolkit

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    As a building block, gadgets and associated algorithms are widely used in advanced lattice cryptosystems. The gadget algorithms for power-of-base moduli are very efficient and simple, however the current algorithms for arbitrary moduli are still complicated and practically more costly despite several efforts. Considering the necessity of arbitrary moduli, developing simpler and more practical gadget algorithms for arbitrary moduli is crucial to improving the practical performance of lattice based applications. In this work, we propose two new gadget sampling algorithms for arbitrary moduli. Our first algorithm is for gadget Gaussian sampling. It is simple and efficient. One distinguishing feature of our Gaussian sampler is that it does not need floating-point arithmetic, which makes it better compatible with constrained environments. Our second algorithm is for gadget subgaussian sampling. Compared with the existing algorithm, it is simpler, faster, and requires asymptotically less randomness. In addition, our subgaussian sampler achieves an almost equal quality for different practical parameters. Overall these two algorithms provide simpler options for gadget algorithms and enhance the practicality of the gadget toolkit

    Improved Power Analysis Attacks on Falcon

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    Falcon is one of the three post-quantum signature schemes selected for standardization by NIST. Due to its low bandwidth and high efficiency, Falcon is seen as an attractive option for quantum-safe embedded systems. In this work, we study Falcon\u27s side-channel resistance by analysing its Gaussian samplers. Our results are mainly twofold. The first result is an improved key recovery exploiting the leakage within the base sampler investigated by Guerreau et al. (CHES 2022). Instead of resorting to the fourth moment as in former parallelepiped-learning attacks, we work with the second order statistics covariance and use its spectral decomposition to recover the secret information. Our approach substantially reduces the requirement for measurements and computation resources: 220 000220\,000 traces is sufficient to recover the secret key of Falcon 512 within half an hour with a probability of ≈25%\approx 25\%. As a comparison, even with 10610^6 traces, the former attack still needs about 1000 hours CPU time of lattice reduction for a full key recovery. In addition, our approach is robust to inaccurate leakage classification, which is another advantage over parallelepiped-learning attacks. Our second result is a practical power analysis targeting the integer Gaussian sampler of Falcon. The analysis relies on the leakage of random sign flip within the integer Gaussian sampling. This leakage was exposed in 2018 by Kim and Hong, but it is not considered in Falcon\u27s implementation and unexploited for side channel analysis until now. We identify the leakage within the reference implementation of Falcon on an ARM Cortex-M4 STM32F407IGT6 microprocessor. We also show that this single bit of leakage is in effect enough for practical key recovery: with 170 000170\,000 traces one can fully recover the key of Falcon-512 within half an hour. Furthermore, combining the sign leakage and the aforementioned leakage, one can recover the key with only 45 00045\,000 signature measurements in a short time. As a by-product, we also extend our power analysis to Mitaka which is a recent variant of Falcon. The same leakages exist within the integer Gaussian samplers of Mitaka, and they can also be used to mount key recovery attacks. Nevertheless, the key recovery in Mitaka requires much more traces than it does in Falcon, due to their different lattice Gaussian samplers

    Large Trajectory Models are Scalable Motion Predictors and Planners

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    Motion prediction and planning are vital tasks in autonomous driving, and recent efforts have shifted to machine learning-based approaches. The challenges include understanding diverse road topologies, reasoning traffic dynamics over a long time horizon, interpreting heterogeneous behaviors, and generating policies in a large continuous state space. Inspired by the success of large language models in addressing similar complexities through model scaling, we introduce a scalable trajectory model called State Transformer (STR). STR reformulates the motion prediction and motion planning problems by arranging observations, states, and actions into one unified sequence modeling task. With a simple model design, STR consistently outperforms baseline approaches in both problems. Remarkably, experimental results reveal that large trajectory models (LTMs), such as STR, adhere to the scaling laws by presenting outstanding adaptability and learning efficiency. Qualitative results further demonstrate that LTMs are capable of making plausible predictions in scenarios that diverge significantly from the training data distribution. LTMs also learn to make complex reasonings for long-term planning, without explicit loss designs or costly high-level annotations

    Cryptanalysis of the Peregrine Lattice-Based Signature Scheme

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    The Peregrine signature scheme is one of the candidates in the ongoing Korean post-quantum cryptography competition. It is proposed as a high-speed variant of Falcon, which is a hash-and-sign signature scheme over NTRU lattices and one of the schemes selected by NIST for standardization. To this end, Peregrine replaces the lattice Gaussian sampler in the Falcon signing procedure with a new sampler based on the centered binomial distribution. While this modification offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency and implementation, it does not come with a provable guarantee that signatures do not leak information about the signing key. Unfortunately, lattice-based signature schemes in the hash-and-sign paradigm that lack such a guarantee (such as GGH, NTRUSign or DRS) have generally proved insecure. In this paper, we show that Peregrine is no exception, by demonstrating a practical key recovery attack against it. We observe that the support of Peregrine signatures is a hidden transformation of some public distribution and still leaks information about the signing key. By adapting the parallelepiped-learning technique of Nguyen and Regev (Eurocrypt 2006), we show that the signing key can be recovered from a relatively small number of signatures. The learning technique alone yields an approximate version of the key, from which we can recover the exact key using a decoding technique due to Thomas Prest (PKC 2023). For the reference implementation (resp. the official specification version) of Peregrine-512, we fully recover the secret key with good probability in a few hours given around 25,000 (resp. 11 million) signature samples

    Single-cell and spatial transcriptomic investigation reveals the spatiotemporal specificity of the beta-defensin gene family during mouse sperm maturation

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    Abstract Low sperm motility is a significant contributor to male infertility. beta-defensins have been implicated in host defence and the acquisition of sperm motility; however, the regulatory mechanisms governing their gene expression patterns and functions remain poorly understood. In this study, we performed single-cell RNA and spatial transcriptome sequencing to investigate the cellular composition of testicular and epididymal tissues and examined their gene expression characteristics. In the epididymis, we found that epididymal epithelial cells display a region specificity of gene expression in different epididymal segments, including the beta-defensin family genes. In particular, Defb15, Defb18, Defb20, Defb25 and Defb48 are specific to the caput; Defb22, Defb23 and Defb26 to the corpus; Defb2 and Defb9 to the cauda of the epididymis. To confirm this, we performed mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) targeting certain exon region of beta-defensin genes, and found some of their expression matched the sequencing results and displayed a close connection with epididimosome marker gene Cd63. In addition, we paid attention to the Sertoli cells and Leydig cells in the testis, along with fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells in the epididymis, by demonstrating their gene expression profile and spatial information. Our study provides a single-cell and spatial landscape for analysing the gene expression characteristics of testicular and epididymal environments and has important implications for the study of spermatogenesis and sperm maturation

    Resilient Cooperative Localization Based on Factor Graphs for Multirobot Systems

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    With the advancement of intelligent perception in multirobot systems, cooperative localization in dynamic environments has become a critical component. However, existing multirobot cooperative localization systems still fall short in meeting high-precision localization requirements in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied environments. In this paper, we propose a factor-graph-based resilient cooperative localization (FG-RCL) algorithm for multirobot systems. This algorithm integrates measurements from visual sensors and Ultra-WideBand (UWB) to achieve accurate cooperative state estimation—overcoming the visibility issues of visual sensors within limited fields of view. We utilize the Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) algorithm to calculate the corresponding probabilities of multiple visual detection measurements between robots and assign them to their respective edges in the factor graph, thereby addressing the data association challenges in visual detection measurements. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the influence of visual detection measurement interference on the performance of cooperative localization. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms UWB-based and vision-based methods in terms of localization accuracy. The system is implemented using a factor-graph-based optimization approach, and it exhibits scalability and enables plug-and-play for sensors. Furthermore, it demonstrates resilience in abnormal situations

    BAMBI Promotes C2C12 Myogenic Differentiation by Enhancing Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling

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    Bone morphogenic protein and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI) is regarded as an essential regulator of cell proliferation and differentiation that represses transforming growth factor-β and enhances Wnt/β-catenin signaling in various cell types. However, its role in skeletal muscle remains largely unknown. In the current study, we found that the expression level of BAMBI peaked in the early differentiation phase of the C2C12 rodent myoblast cell line. Knockdown of BAMBI via siRNA inhibited C2C12 differentiation, indicated by repressed MyoD, MyoG, and MyHC expression as well as reductions in the differentiation and fusion indices. BAMBI knockdown reduced the activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, as characterized by the decreased nuclear translocation of β-catenin and the lowered transcription of Axin2, which is a well-documented target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Furthermore, treatment with LiCl, an activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, rescued the reduction in C2C12 differentiation caused by BAMBI siRNA. Taken together, our data suggest that BAMBI is required for normal C2C12 differentiation, and that its role in myogenesis is mediated by the Wnt/β-catenin pathway

    Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of Rocks and Fracability in Wunan Oilfield

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    The acoustic characteristics under P&S wave velocity of 56 samples from Low Youshashan Formation in Wunan Oilfield were tested by SCMS-E high temperature and high pressure core multi parameter test instrument, the measured velocity ratio of P wave and S wave is 1.32-1.67 and the conversion between the P and S wave velocity of rock sample was established. The corresponding dynamic elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio were obtained on the base of the elastic wave propagation theory formula. So, according to the transformation relationship between static and dynamic mechanical parameters, rock brittleness index is calculated and average value is only equal to 38. Therefore, it is difficult to form a fully developed network model during the hydraulic fracturing. These achievements provide a guiding significance for fracturing development at Low Youshashan Formation in Wunan Oilfield

    Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of Rocks and Fracability in Wunan Oilfield

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    The acoustic characteristics under P&S wave velocity of 56 samples from Low Youshashan Formation in Wunan Oilfield were tested by SCMS-E high temperature and high pressure core multi parameter test instrument, the measured velocity ratio of P wave and S wave is 1.32-1.67 and the conversion between the P and S wave velocity of rock sample was established. The corresponding dynamic elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio were obtained on the base of the elastic wave propagation theory formula. So, according to the transformation relationship between static and dynamic mechanical parameters, rock brittleness index is calculated and average value is only equal to 38. Therefore, it is difficult to form a fully developed network model during the hydraulic fracturing. These achievements provide a guiding significance for fracturing development at Low Youshashan Formation in Wunan Oilfield