230 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Framework on the Peculiarity of Doing Business in China—An Extensive Review on HBSP China Business Cases

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    After reviewing 397 Asia-Pacific Region business cases studies, published by Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) from 2005 to 2013, and by comparing the 166 China cases and the 231 non-China cases, this paper proposes a theoretical framework, namely, the peculiarity of doing business in China. Despite their great contribution in fulfilling the urgent need for China case studies in business education, and revealing the pivotal role of business and government relationship as the vital challenge of doing business in China, however, the mechanism of how this relationship has been leveraged as a peculiar and decisive competitive advantage for indigenous business (inferior resources) to outperform those FDIs (superior resources) in China, has remained as an unanswered, or not even been acknowledged question. The combination of the three identified cognitive weaknesses has been the prevailed barrier, hindering Western scholars to acknowledge the peculiarity of doing business in China and to understand China politically-dominated and culturally-oriented business environment, and consequently, leading to the stereotyped application of Western framework of management in perceiving, observing and interpreting pseudo-socialist business environment and behaviors in China, in which, business is by nature NOT market-oriented like in those Western countries. The fact being ignored is that, the combination of government and Guanxi Network constitutes the backbone of business environment, in which, what you can do depends on who you know, is the core determinant of organizational and individual behaviors, supporting and protecting the peculiarly structured chain-of-beneficiaries in China. Lastly, given the lag between business education and practice, the proposed framework may timely serve to enrich the paradigm of international business management

    A Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation Method for CVPR 2023 VAND Workshop Challenge Tracks 1&2: 1st Place on Zero-shot AD and 4th Place on Few-shot AD

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    In this technical report, we briefly introduce our solution for the Zero/Few-shot Track of the Visual Anomaly and Novelty Detection (VAND) 2023 Challenge. For industrial visual inspection, building a single model that can be rapidly adapted to numerous categories without or with only a few normal reference images is a promising research direction. This is primarily because of the vast variety of the product types. For the zero-shot track, we propose a solution based on the CLIP model by adding extra linear layers. These layers are used to map the image features to the joint embedding space, so that they can compare with the text features to generate the anomaly maps. Besides, when the reference images are available, we utilize multiple memory banks to store their features and compare them with the features of the test images during the testing phase. In this challenge, our method achieved first place in the zero-shot track, especially excelling in segmentation with an impressive F1 score improvement of 0.0489 over the second-ranked participant. Furthermore, in the few-shot track, we secured the fourth position overall, with our classification F1 score of 0.8687 ranking first among all participating teams

    Lycorine reduces mortality of human enterovirus 71-infected mice by inhibiting virus replication

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    Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection causes hand, foot and mouth disease in children under 6 years old and this infection occasionally induces severe neurological complications. No vaccines or drugs are clinical available to control EV71 epidemics. In present study, we show that treatment with lycorine reduced the viral cytopathic effect (CPE) on rhabdomyosarcoma (RD) cells by inhibiting virus replication. Analysis of this inhibitory effect of lycorine on viral proteins synthesis suggests that lycorine blocks the elongation of the viral polyprotein during translation. Lycorine treatment of mice challenged with a lethal dose of EV71 resulted in reduction of mortality, clinical scores and pathological changes in the muscles of mice, which were achieved through inhibition of viral replication. When mice were infected with a moderate dose of EV71, lycorine treatment was able to protect them from paralysis. Lycorine may be a potential drug candidate for the clinical treatment of EV71-infected patients

    Iterative Few-shot Semantic Segmentation from Image Label Text

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    Few-shot semantic segmentation aims to learn to segment unseen class objects with the guidance of only a few support images. Most previous methods rely on the pixel-level label of support images. In this paper, we focus on a more challenging setting, in which only the image-level labels are available. We propose a general framework to firstly generate coarse masks with the help of the powerful vision-language model CLIP, and then iteratively and mutually refine the mask predictions of support and query images. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that our method not only outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised approaches by a significant margin, but also achieves comparable or better results to recent supervised methods. Moreover, our method owns an excellent generalization ability for the images in the wild and uncommon classes. Code will be available at https://github.com/Whileherham/IMR-HSNet.Comment: ijcai 202

    Self-supervised Likelihood Estimation with Energy Guidance for Anomaly Segmentation in Urban Scenes

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    Robust autonomous driving requires agents to accurately identify unexpected areas in urban scenes. To this end, some critical issues remain open: how to design advisable metric to measure anomalies, and how to properly generate training samples of anomaly data? Previous effort usually resorts to uncertainty estimation and sample synthesis from classification tasks, which ignore the context information and sometimes requires auxiliary datasets with fine-grained annotations. On the contrary, in this paper, we exploit the strong context-dependent nature of segmentation task and design an energy-guided self-supervised frameworks for anomaly segmentation, which optimizes an anomaly head by maximizing the likelihood of self-generated anomaly pixels. To this end, we design two estimators for anomaly likelihood estimation, one is a simple task-agnostic binary estimator and the other depicts anomaly likelihood as residual of task-oriented energy model. Based on proposed estimators, we further incorporate our framework with likelihood-guided mask refinement process to extract informative anomaly pixels for model training. We conduct extensive experiments on challenging Fishyscapes and Road Anomaly benchmarks, demonstrating that without any auxiliary data or synthetic models, our method can still achieves competitive performance to other SOTA schemes

    SFNet: Faster and Accurate Semantic Segmentation via Semantic Flow

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    In this paper, we focus on exploring effective methods for faster and accurate semantic segmentation. A common practice to improve the performance is to attain high-resolution feature maps with strong semantic representation. Two strategies are widely used: atrous convolutions and feature pyramid fusion, while both are either computationally intensive or ineffective. Inspired by the Optical Flow for motion alignment between adjacent video frames, we propose a Flow Alignment Module (FAM) to learn \textit{Semantic Flow} between feature maps of adjacent levels and broadcast high-level features to high-resolution features effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, integrating our FAM to a standard feature pyramid structure exhibits superior performance over other real-time methods, even on lightweight backbone networks, such as ResNet-18 and DFNet. Then to further speed up the inference procedure, we also present a novel Gated Dual Flow Alignment Module to directly align high-resolution feature maps and low-resolution feature maps where we term the improved version network as SFNet-Lite. Extensive experiments are conducted on several challenging datasets, where results show the effectiveness of both SFNet and SFNet-Lite. In particular, when using Cityscapes test set, the SFNet-Lite series achieve 80.1 mIoU while running at 60 FPS using ResNet-18 backbone and 78.8 mIoU while running at 120 FPS using STDC backbone on RTX-3090. Moreover, we unify four challenging driving datasets into one large dataset, which we named Unified Driving Segmentation (UDS) dataset. It contains diverse domain and style information. We benchmark several representative works on UDS. Both SFNet and SFNet-Lite still achieve the best speed and accuracy trade-off on UDS, which serves as a strong baseline in such a challenging setting. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/lxtGH/SFSegNets.Comment: IJCV-2023; Extension of Previous work arXiv:2002.1012