52 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic performance of a floating breakwater as an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter

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    Combined floating breakwater and wave energy converter systems have the potential to provide a cost-effective solution to offshore power supply and coastal protection. This will make wave energy economically competitive and commercial-scale wave power operations possible. This paper investigates the hydrodynamic features of wave energy converters that meet the dual objectives of wave energy extraction and attenuation for such a combined system. A two-dimensional numerical model was established using Star-CCM+ commercial software based on viscous Computational Fluid Dynamics theory to investigate the hydrodynamic performance of an oscillating buoy Wave Energy Converter (WEC) type floating breakwater under regular waves. The model proposed in this paper was verified with published experimental results. The hydrodynamics of symmetric and asymmetric floaters were investigated to demonstrate their wave attenuation and energy extraction performance, including square bottomed, triangular bottomed (with and without a baffle plate), and the Berkley Wedge. The asymmetric floaters were found to have higher power conversion efficiency and better wave attenuation performance, especially the Berkeley Wedge bottom device and the triangular-baffle bottom device. The triangular-baffle bottom device with a simpler geometry achieved similar wave attenuation and energy extraction performance characteristics to that of the Berkeley Wedge device. The maximum energy conversion efficiency of the triangular-baffle bottom floater reached up to 93%, an impressive WEC device among many designs for wave energy conversion. There may be a great potential for this newly proposed triangular-baffle bottom WEC type of floater to be an ideal coastal structure for both coastal protection and wave energy extraction

    Effects of narrow gap wave resonance on a dual-floater WEC-breakwater hybrid system

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    The effects of gap wave resonance on the performance of a dual-floater hybrid system consisting of an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter (WEC) and a floating breakwater are important for the design of such a hybrid system. This paper investigates the gap wave resonance by employing a two-dimensional numerical wave flume developed using the Star-CCM + software. The maximum wave elevation in the WEC-breakwater gap and the effects of the gap wave resonance on the performance of the dual-floater hybrid system were studied. The influence of the WEC motion and the geometrical parameters of the hybrid system on the maximum wave elevation were analyzed. The maximum gap wave elevation is essentially controlled by the vertical velocity of the free surface in the WEC-breakwater gap. The gap wave resonance was found to significantly improve the wave energy extraction performance of the hybrid system. This allowed the maximum conversion efficiency to exceed the well-known limit of 0.50 for a symmetric body in single degree-of-freedom motion. The wave resonance frequencies in the WEC-breakwater gap decreased with the increase of the gap width and the WEC draft. Due to the energy extraction of the WEC, the horizontal and vertical forces on the breakwater were reduced by up to 0.79 and 0.59, respectively

    Hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system combining a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter

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    The high cost of power generation impedes commercial-scale wave power operations. The objective of this work is to provide a cost-sharing solution by combining wave energy extraction and coastal protection. A two-dimensional numerical wave tank was developed using Star-CCM+ Computational Fluid Dynamics software to investigate the hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system consisting of a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter (WEC), and was compared with published experimental results. The differences between the hydrodynamic performance of the hybrid system, a single WEC and a single breakwater were compared. Wave resonance in the WEC-breakwater gap has a significant impact on system performance, with the hybrid system demonstrating both better wave attenuation and wave energy extraction capabilities at low wave frequencies, i.e., wider effective frequency. Forces on the breakwater were generally reduced due to the WEC. Wave resonance in the narrow gap has an adverse effect on the energy efficiency of the hybrid system with an asymmetric WEC, while a beneficial effect with a symmetric WEC. The wave energy conversion efficiency of hybrid system can be improved by increasing the draft and width of the WEC and decreasing the distance between the WEC and the breakwater. The findings of this paper make wave energy economically competitive and commercial-scale wave power operations possible

    Hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system combining a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter

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    The high cost of power generation impedes commercial-scale wave power operations. The objective of this work is to provide a cost-sharing solution by combining wave energy extraction and coastal protection. A two-dimensional numerical wave tank was developed using Star-CCM+ Computational Fluid Dynamics software to investigate the hydrodynamic performance of a dual-floater hybrid system consisting of a floating breakwater and an oscillating-buoy type wave energy converter (WEC), and was compared with published experimental results. The differences between the hydrodynamic performance of the hybrid system, a single WEC and a single breakwater were compared. Wave resonance in the WEC-breakwater gap has a significant impact on system performance, with the hybrid system demonstrating both better wave attenuation and wave energy extraction capabilities at low wave frequencies, i.e., wider effective frequency. Forces on the breakwater were generally reduced due to the WEC. Wave resonance in the narrow gap has an adverse effect on the energy efficiency of the hybrid system with an asymmetric WEC, while a beneficial effect with a symmetric WEC. The wave energy conversion efficiency of hybrid system can be improved by increasing the draft and width of the WEC and decreasing the distance between the WEC and the breakwater. The findings of this paper make wave energy economically competitive and commercial-scale wave power operations possible

    The MDM2 RING Domain and Central Acidic Domain Play Distinct Roles in MDM2 Protein Homodimerization and MDM2-MDMX Protein Heterodimerization

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    The oncoprotein murine double minute 2 (MDM2) is an E3 ligase that plays a prominent role in p53 suppression by promoting its polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. In its active form, MDM2 forms homodimers as well as heterodimers with the homologous protein murine double minute 4 (MDMX), both of which are thought to occur through their respective C-terminal RING (really interesting new gene) domains. In this study, using multiple MDM2 mutants, we show evidence suggesting that MDM2 homo- and heterodimerization occur through distinct mechanisms because MDM2 RING domain mutations that inhibit MDM2 interaction with MDMX do not affect MDM2 interaction with WT MDM2. Intriguingly, deletion of a portion of the MDM2 central acidic domain selectively inhibits interaction with MDM2 while leaving intact the ability of MDM2 to interact with MDMX and to ubiquitinate p53. Further analysis of an MDM2 C-terminal deletion mutant reveals that the C-terminal residues of MDM2 are required for both MDM2 and MDMX interaction. Collectively, our results suggest a model in which MDM2-MDMX heterodimerization requires the extreme C terminus and proper RING domain structure of MDM2, whereas MDM2 homodimerization requires the extreme C terminus and the central acidic domain of MDM2, suggesting that MDM2 homo- and heterodimers utilize distinct MDM2 domains. Our study is the first to report mutations capable of separating MDM2 homo- and heterodimerization

    Essential Role of the B23/NPM Core Domain in Regulating ARF Binding and B23 Stability

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    How cells coordinate inhibition of growth and division during genotoxic events is fundamental to our understanding of the origin of cancer. Despite increasing interest and extensive study, the mechanisms that link regulation of DNA synthesis and ribosomal biogenesis remain elusive. Recently, the tumor suppressor p14(ARF) (ARF) has been shown to interact functionally with the nucleolar protein B23/NPM (B23) and inhibit rRNA biogenesis. However, the molecular basis of the ARF-B23 interaction is hitherto unclear. Here we show that a highly conserved motif in the B23 oligomerization domain is essential for mediating ARF binding in vivo. Mutagenesis of conserved B23 core residues (L102A, G105A, G107A) prevented B23 from interacting with ARF. Modeling of the B23 core indicated that substitutions in the GSGP loop motif could trigger conformational changes in B23 thereby obstructing ARF binding. Interestingly, the GSGP loop mutants were unstable, defective for oligomerization, and delocalized from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm. B23 core mutants displayed increased ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. We conclude that the functional integrity of the B23 core motif is required for stability, efficient nucleolar localization as well as ARF binding

    Identification of overlapping but distinct cAMP and cGMP interaction sites with cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3A by site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling based on crystalline PDE4B

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    Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A) hydrolyzes cAMP to AMP, but is competitively inhibited by cGMP due to a low kcat despite a tight Km. Cyclic AMP elevation is known to inhibit all pathways of platelet activation, and thus regulation of PDE3 activity is significant. Although cGMP elevation will inhibit platelet function, the major action of cGMP in platelets is to elevate cAMP by inhibiting PDE3A. To investigate the molecular details of how cGMP, a similar but not identical molecule to cAMP, behaves as an inhibitor of PDE3A, we constructed a molecular model of the catalytic domain of PDE3A based on homology to the recently determined X-ray crystal structure of PDE4B. Based on the excellent fit of this model structure, we mutated nine amino acids in the putative catalytic cleft of PDE3A to alanine using site-directed mutagenesis. Six of the nine mutants (Y751A, H840A, D950A, F972A, Q975A, and F1004A) significantly decreased catalytic efficiency, and had kcat/Km less than 10% of the wild-type PDE3A using cAMP as substrate. Mutants N845A, F972A, and F1004A showed a 3- to 12-fold increase of Km for cAMP. Four mutants (Y751A, H840A, D950A, and F1004A) had a 9- to 200-fold increase of Ki for cGMP in comparison to the wild-type PDE3A. Studies of these mutants and our previous study identified two groups of amino acids: E866 and F1004 contribute commonly to both cAMP and cGMP interactions while N845, E971, and F972 residues are unique for cAMP and the residues Y751, H836, H840, and D950 interact with cGMP. Therefore, our results provide biochemical evidence that cGMP interacts with the active site residues differently from cAMP

    Adenomatoid Tumor of the Adrenal Gland: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature

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    Adenomatoid tumor (AT) is an uncommon benign neoplasm of mesothelial origin, usually occurring in the female and male genital tracts. Extragenital localization such as the adrenal gland is extremely rare. Until now, only 39 cases of adrenal AT have been reported in the English literature. Here we report two novel cases of adrenal AT that occurred in male patients aged 30 and 31 years. The tumors were discovered incidentally by computed tomography (CT). Macroscopically, the tumors were unilateral and solid, and the greatest dimension of the tumors was 3.5 and 8.0 cm, respectively. Histologically, the tumors consisted of angiomatoid, cystic, and solid patterns and infiltrated the adrenal cortical or medullary tissue. The tumor cells had low nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, with no pathological mitosis or nuclear pleomorphism. Thread-like bridging strands and signet-ring-like cells could be seen. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for epithelial markers (AE1/AE3, CK7) and mesothelial markers (D2-40, calretinin, and WT-1). The Ki-67 index was approximately 1 and 2%, respectively. The differential diagnosis of adrenal AT includes a variety of benign and malignant tumors. The patients had neither local recurrence nor distant metastasis at 21 and 8 months after removal of the tumor. In the literature review, we comprehensively summarized the clinical, morphological, immunohistochemical, and prognostic features of adrenal AT. Adrenal ATs are morphologically and immunophenotypically identical to those that occur in the genital tracts. Combining the histology with immunohistochemical profiles is very supportive in reaching the diagnosis of this benign tumor, helping to avoid misdiagnosis and overtreatment

    Crystallographic and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Impact of Peptide Binding to the Second PDZ Domain of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1E

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    PDZ (PSD95/Discs large/ZO-1) domains are ubiquitous protein interaction motifs found in scaffolding proteins involved in signal transduction. Despite the fact that many PDZs show a limited tendency to undergo structural change, the PDZ family has been associated with long-range communication and allostery. One of the PDZ domains studied most in terms of structure and biophysical properties is the second PDZ (“PDZ2”) domain from protein tyrosine phophatase 1E (PTP1E, also known as PTPL1). Previously we showed through NMR relaxation studies that binding of the RA-GEF2 C-terminal peptide substrate results in long-range propagation of side-chain dynamic changes in human PDZ2 [Fuentes, et al., J. Mol. Biol. (2004), 335, 1105-1115]. Here, we present the first X-ray crystal structures of PDZ2 in the absence and presence of RA-GEF2 ligand, solved to resolutions of 1.65 and 1.3 Å, respectively. These structures deviate somewhat from previously determined NMR structures, and indicate that very minor structural changes in PDZ2 accompany peptide binding. NMR residual dipolar couplings confirm the crystal structures to be accurate models of the time-averaged atomic coordinates of PDZ2. The impact on side-chain dynamics was further tested with a C-terminal peptide from APC, which showed near-identical results to that of RA-GEF2. Thus, allosteric transmission in PDZ2 induced by peptide binding is conveyed purely and robustly by dynamics. 15N relaxation dispersion measurements did not detect appreciable populations of a kinetic structural intermediate. Collectively, for ligand binding to PDZ2, these data support a lock-and-key binding model from a structural perspective and an allosteric model from a dynamical perspective, which together suggest a complex energy landscape for functional transitions within the ensemble