38 research outputs found

    Action-Conditioned Contrastive Policy Pretraining

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    Deep visuomotor policy learning achieves promising results in control tasks such as robotic manipulation and autonomous driving, where the action is generated from the visual input by the neural policy. However, it requires a huge number of online interactions with the training environment, which limits its real-world application. Compared to the popular unsupervised feature learning for visual recognition, feature pretraining for visuomotor control tasks is much less explored. In this work, we aim to pretrain policy representations for driving tasks using hours-long uncurated YouTube videos. A new contrastive policy pretraining method is developed to learn action-conditioned features from video frames with action pseudo labels. Experiments show that the resulting action-conditioned features bring substantial improvements to the downstream reinforcement learning and imitation learning tasks, outperforming the weights pretrained from previous unsupervised learning methods. Code and models will be made publicly available

    Model-based Offline Policy Optimization with Adversarial Network

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    Model-based offline reinforcement learning (RL), which builds a supervised transition model with logging dataset to avoid costly interactions with the online environment, has been a promising approach for offline policy optimization. As the discrepancy between the logging data and online environment may result in a distributional shift problem, many prior works have studied how to build robust transition models conservatively and estimate the model uncertainty accurately. However, the over-conservatism can limit the exploration of the agent, and the uncertainty estimates may be unreliable. In this work, we propose a novel Model-based Offline policy optimization framework with Adversarial Network (MOAN). The key idea is to use adversarial learning to build a transition model with better generalization, where an adversary is introduced to distinguish between in-distribution and out-of-distribution samples. Moreover, the adversary can naturally provide a quantification of the model's uncertainty with theoretical guarantees. Extensive experiments showed that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines on widely studied offline RL benchmarks. It can also generate diverse in-distribution samples, and quantify the uncertainty more accurately.Comment: Accepted by 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI 202

    CAT: Closed-loop Adversarial Training for Safe End-to-End Driving

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    Driving safety is a top priority for autonomous vehicles. Orthogonal to prior work handling accident-prone traffic events by algorithm designs at the policy level, we investigate a Closed-loop Adversarial Training (CAT) framework for safe end-to-end driving in this paper through the lens of environment augmentation. CAT aims to continuously improve the safety of driving agents by training the agent on safety-critical scenarios that are dynamically generated over time. A novel resampling technique is developed to turn log-replay real-world driving scenarios into safety-critical ones via probabilistic factorization, where the adversarial traffic generation is modeled as the multiplication of standard motion prediction sub-problems. Consequently, CAT can launch more efficient physical attacks compared to existing safety-critical scenario generation methods and yields a significantly less computational cost in the iterative learning pipeline. We incorporate CAT into the MetaDrive simulator and validate our approach on hundreds of driving scenarios imported from real-world driving datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that CAT can effectively generate adversarial scenarios countering the agent being trained. After training, the agent can achieve superior driving safety in both log-replay and safety-critical traffic scenarios on the held-out test set. Code and data are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/cat.Comment: 7th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023

    Baby's CoThought: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Reasoning in Compact Models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable performance on a variety of natural language understanding (NLU) tasks, primarily due to their in-context learning ability. This ability could be applied to building babylike models, i.e. models at small scales, improving training efficiency. In this paper, we propose a "CoThought" pipeline, which efficiently trains smaller "baby" language models (BabyLMs) by leveraging the Chain of Thought prompting of LLMs. Our pipeline restructures a dataset of less than 100M in size using GPT-3.5-turbo, transforming it into task-oriented, human-readable texts that are comparable to the school texts for language learners. The BabyLM is then pretrained on this restructured dataset in a RoBERTa fashion. In evaluations across 4 benchmarks, our BabyLM outperforms the vanilla RoBERTa in 10 linguistic, NLU, and question-answering tasks by more than 3 points, showing a superior ability to extract contextual information. These results suggest that compact LMs pretrained on small, LLM-restructured data can better understand tasks and achieve improved performance.Comment: CoNLL 2023 BabyLM Challeng

    Propagation of elastic solitons in chains of pre-deformed beams

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    International audienceWe use a combination of experiments, numerical analysis and theory to investigate the nonlinear dynamic response of a chain of precompressed elastic beams. Our results show that this simple system offers a rich platform to study the propagation of large amplitude waves. Compression waves are strongly dispersive, whereas rarefaction pulses propagate in the form of solitons. Further, we find that the model describing our structure closely resembles those introduced to characterize the dynamics of several molecular chains and macromolecular crystals, suggesting that our macroscopic system can provide insights into the effect of nonlinear vibrations on molecular mechanisms

    MetaDrive: Composing Diverse Driving Scenarios for Generalizable Reinforcement Learning

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    Driving safely requires multiple capabilities from human and intelligent agents, such as the generalizability to unseen environments, the safety awareness of the surrounding traffic, and the decision-making in complex multi-agent settings. Despite the great success of Reinforcement Learning (RL), most of the RL research works investigate each capability separately due to the lack of integrated environments. In this work, we develop a new driving simulation platform called MetaDrive to support the research of generalizable reinforcement learning algorithms for machine autonomy. MetaDrive is highly compositional, which can generate an infinite number of diverse driving scenarios from both the procedural generation and the real data importing. Based on MetaDrive, we construct a variety of RL tasks and baselines in both single-agent and multi-agent settings, including benchmarking generalizability across unseen scenes, safe exploration, and learning multi-agent traffic. The generalization experiments conducted on both procedurally generated scenarios and real-world scenarios show that increasing the diversity and the size of the training set leads to the improvement of the generalizability of the RL agents. We further evaluate various safe reinforcement learning and multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms in MetaDrive environments and provide the benchmarks. Source code, documentation, and demo video are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/metadrive . More research projects based on MetaDrive simulator are listed at https://metadriverse.github.ioComment: Source code, documentation, and demo video are available at https://metadriverse.github.io/metadrive . More research projects based on MetaDrive simulator are listed at https://metadriverse.github.i

    GAN Inversion: A Survey

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    GAN inversion aims to invert a given image back into the latent space of a pretrained GAN model, for the image to be faithfully reconstructed from the inverted code by the generator. As an emerging technique to bridge the real and fake image domains, GAN inversion plays an essential role in enabling the pretrained GAN models such as StyleGAN and BigGAN to be used for real image editing applications. Meanwhile, GAN inversion also provides insights on the interpretation of GAN's latent space and how the realistic images can be generated. In this paper, we provide an overview of GAN inversion with a focus on its recent algorithms and applications. We cover important techniques of GAN inversion and their applications to image restoration and image manipulation. We further elaborate on some trends and challenges for future directions

    Dense Feature Aggregation and Pruning for RGBT Tracking

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    How to perform effective information fusion of different modalities is a core factor in boosting the performance of RGBT tracking. This paper presents a novel deep fusion algorithm based on the representations from an end-to-end trained convolutional neural network. To deploy the complementarity of features of all layers, we propose a recursive strategy to densely aggregate these features that yield robust representations of target objects in each modality. In different modalities, we propose to prune the densely aggregated features of all modalities in a collaborative way. In a specific, we employ the operations of global average pooling and weighted random selection to perform channel scoring and selection, which could remove redundant and noisy features to achieve more robust feature representation. Experimental results on two RGBT tracking benchmark datasets suggest that our tracker achieves clear state-of-the-art against other RGB and RGBT tracking methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1811.0985