9,343 research outputs found

    Distributed Stochastic Optimization over Time-Varying Noisy Network

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    This paper is concerned with distributed stochastic multi-agent optimization problem over a class of time-varying network with slowly decreasing communication noise effects. This paper considers the problem in composite optimization setting which is more general in noisy network optimization. It is noteworthy that existing methods for noisy network optimization are Euclidean projection based. We present two related different classes of non-Euclidean methods and investigate their convergence behavior. One is distributed stochastic composite mirror descent type method (DSCMD-N) which provides a more general algorithm framework than former works in this literature. As a counterpart, we also consider a composite dual averaging type method (DSCDA-N) for noisy network optimization. Some main error bounds for DSCMD-N and DSCDA-N are obtained. The trade-off among stepsizes, noise decreasing rates, convergence rates of algorithm is analyzed in detail. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to analyze and derive convergence rates of optimization algorithm in noisy network optimization. We show that an optimal rate of O(1/T)O(1/\sqrt{T}) in nonsmooth convex optimization can be obtained for proposed methods under appropriate communication noise condition. Moveover, convergence rates in different orders are comprehensively derived in both expectation convergence and high probability convergence sense.Comment: 27 page

    Residential On-Site Carsharing and Off-Street Parking Policy in the San Francisco Bay Area, Research Report 11-28

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    In light of rising motorization, transportation planners have increasingly supported alternatives to the indiscriminate use of the car. Off-street parking policy and carsharing have emerged as credible alternatives for discouraging car ownership. This report explores an initiative that could connect these policy fields and build on their synergy: the provision of on-site carsharing service in residential developments. It evaluates the performance of on-site carsharing programs in the San Francisco Bay Area by interviewing developers, planners, and carsharing service providers. Interviews were conducted in four Bay Area cities that support the provision of carsharing as an alternative to the private automobile. Based on these interviews, this report identifies the principal factors contributing to the success or failure of on-site carsharing: the unbundling status of off-street parking in residential developments; ties to off-street parking standards; financial constraints; and the level of coordination among stakeholders. The interviews revealed that on-site carsharing has been accepted by developers, planners, and service providers, particularly in densely-populated, transit-rich communities. Nevertheless, there appears to be a gap between on-site carsharing programs and off-street parking standards, and between carsharing programs and carsharing business operations. The authors recommend that a few models for establishing carsharing policy be tested: a model designed to serve high-density cities with traditional carsharing; and another designed to serve moderately-dense communities, with new carsharing options (e.g., peer-to-peer). In the case of the latter, trip reduction can be achieved through the promotion of alternative modes along major corridors

    Amenity or Necessity? Street Standards as Parking Policy, Research Report 11-23

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    This paper explores the rationales underlying the use of minimum street width requirements to mandate street parking. A survey of 97 cities reveals that this mandate is not a technical necessity based on safety concerns or an amenity reflecting market demand, two common beliefs held by decision-makers. Many residents are likely unwilling to pay for street parking if it is unbundled from housing. The hidden parking policies should be made transparent and subject to public oversight, the double standard between private and public streets should be eliminated, and parking on residential streets should be optional

    New Approach on the General Shape Equation of Axisymmetric Vesicles

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    The general Helfrich shape equation determined by minimizing the curvature free energy describes the equilibrium shapes of the axisymmetric lipid bilayer vesicles in different conditions. It is a non-linear differential equation with variable coefficients. In this letter, by analyzing the unique property of the solution, we change this shape equation into a system of the two differential equations. One of them is a linear differential equation. This equation system contains all of the known rigorous solutions of the general shape equation. And the more general constraint conditions are found for the solution of the general shape equation.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, submit to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Multiparty Quantum Secret Sharing Based on Entanglement Swapping

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    A multiparty quantum secret sharing (QSS) protocol is proposed by using swapping quantum entanglement of Bell states. The secret messages are imposed on Bell states by local unitary operations. The secret messages are split into several parts and each part is distributed to a party so that no action of a subset of all the parties but their entire cooperation is able to read out the secret messages. In addition, the dense coding is used in this protocol to achieve a high efficiency. The security of the present multiparty QSS against eavesdropping has been analyzed and confirmed even in a noisy quantum channel.Comment: 5 page