136 research outputs found

    Generalized Delayed Feedback Model with Post-Click Information in Recommender Systems

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    Predicting conversion rate (e.g., the probability that a user will purchase an item) is a fundamental problem in machine learning based recommender systems. However, accurate conversion labels are revealed after a long delay, which harms the timeliness of recommender systems. Previous literature concentrates on utilizing early conversions to mitigate such a delayed feedback problem. In this paper, we show that post-click user behaviors are also informative to conversion rate prediction and can be used to improve timeliness. We propose a generalized delayed feedback model (GDFM) that unifies both post-click behaviors and early conversions as stochastic post-click information, which could be utilized to train GDFM in a streaming manner efficiently. Based on GDFM, we further establish a novel perspective that the performance gap introduced by delayed feedback can be attributed to a temporal gap and a sampling gap. Inspired by our analysis, we propose to measure the quality of post-click information with a combination of temporal distance and sample complexity. The training objective is re-weighted accordingly to highlight informative and timely signals. We validate our analysis on public datasets, and experimental performance confirms the effectiveness of our method.Comment: NeurIPS'2

    Beyond Probability Partitions: Calibrating Neural Networks with Semantic Aware Grouping

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    Research has shown that deep networks tend to be overly optimistic about their predictions, leading to an underestimation of prediction errors. Due to the limited nature of data, existing studies have proposed various methods based on model prediction probabilities to bin the data and evaluate calibration error. We propose a more generalized definition of calibration error called Partitioned Calibration Error (PCE), revealing that the key difference among these calibration error metrics lies in how the data space is partitioned. We put forth an intuitive proposition that an accurate model should be calibrated across any partition, suggesting that the input space partitioning can extend beyond just the partitioning of prediction probabilities, and include partitions directly related to the input. Through semantic-related partitioning functions, we demonstrate that the relationship between model accuracy and calibration lies in the granularity of the partitioning function. This highlights the importance of partitioning criteria for training a calibrated and accurate model. To validate the aforementioned analysis, we propose a method that involves jointly learning a semantic aware grouping function based on deep model features and logits to partition the data space into subsets. Subsequently, a separate calibration function is learned for each subset. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves significant performance improvements across multiple datasets and network architectures, thus highlighting the importance of the partitioning function for calibration

    The Capacity and Robustness Trade-off: Revisiting the Channel Independent Strategy for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

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    Multivariate time series data comprises various channels of variables. The multivariate forecasting models need to capture the relationship between the channels to accurately predict future values. However, recently, there has been an emergence of methods that employ the Channel Independent (CI) strategy. These methods view multivariate time series data as separate univariate time series and disregard the correlation between channels. Surprisingly, our empirical results have shown that models trained with the CI strategy outperform those trained with the Channel Dependent (CD) strategy, usually by a significant margin. Nevertheless, the reasons behind this phenomenon have not yet been thoroughly explored in the literature. This paper provides comprehensive empirical and theoretical analyses of the characteristics of multivariate time series datasets and the CI/CD strategy. Our results conclude that the CD approach has higher capacity but often lacks robustness to accurately predict distributionally drifted time series. In contrast, the CI approach trades capacity for robust prediction. Practical measures inspired by these analyses are proposed to address the capacity and robustness dilemma, including a modified CD method called Predict Residuals with Regularization (PRReg) that can surpass the CI strategy. We hope our findings can raise awareness among researchers about the characteristics of multivariate time series and inspire the construction of better forecasting models.Comment: under revie

    Few-Shot Learning with a Strong Teacher

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    Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to train a strong classifier using limited labeled examples. Many existing works take the meta-learning approach, sampling few-shot tasks in turn and optimizing the few-shot learner's performance on classifying the query examples. In this paper, we point out two potential weaknesses of this approach. First, the sampled query examples may not provide sufficient supervision for the few-shot learner. Second, the effectiveness of meta-learning diminishes sharply with increasing shots (i.e., the number of training examples per class). To resolve these issues, we propose a novel objective to directly train the few-shot learner to perform like a strong classifier. Concretely, we associate each sampled few-shot task with a strong classifier, which is learned with ample labeled examples. The strong classifier has a better generalization ability and we use it to supervise the few-shot learner. We present an efficient way to construct the strong classifier, making our proposed objective an easily plug-and-play term to existing meta-learning based FSL methods. We validate our approach in combinations with many representative meta-learning methods. On several benchmark datasets including miniImageNet and tiredImageNet, our approach leads to a notable improvement across a variety of tasks. More importantly, with our approach, meta-learning based FSL methods can consistently outperform non-meta-learning based ones, even in a many-shot setting, greatly strengthening their applicability

    Unlocking the Transferability of Tokens in Deep Models for Tabular Data

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    Fine-tuning a pre-trained deep neural network has become a successful paradigm in various machine learning tasks. However, such a paradigm becomes particularly challenging with tabular data when there are discrepancies between the feature sets of pre-trained models and the target tasks. In this paper, we propose TabToken, a method aims at enhancing the quality of feature tokens (i.e., embeddings of tabular features). TabToken allows for the utilization of pre-trained models when the upstream and downstream tasks share overlapping features, facilitating model fine-tuning even with limited training examples. Specifically, we introduce a contrastive objective that regularizes the tokens, capturing the semantics within and across features. During the pre-training stage, the tokens are learned jointly with top-layer deep models such as transformer. In the downstream task, tokens of the shared features are kept fixed while TabToken efficiently fine-tunes the remaining parts of the model. TabToken not only enables knowledge transfer from a pre-trained model to tasks with heterogeneous features, but also enhances the discriminative ability of deep tabular models in standard classification and regression tasks

    A Model or 603 Exemplars: Towards Memory-Efficient Class-Incremental Learning

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    Real-world applications require the classification model to adapt to new classes without forgetting old ones. Correspondingly, Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) aims to train a model with limited memory size to meet this requirement. Typical CIL methods tend to save representative exemplars from former classes to resist forgetting, while recent works find that storing models from history can substantially boost the performance. However, the stored models are not counted into the memory budget, which implicitly results in unfair comparisons. We find that when counting the model size into the total budget and comparing methods with aligned memory size, saving models do not consistently work, especially for the case with limited memory budgets. As a result, we need to holistically evaluate different CIL methods at different memory scales and simultaneously consider accuracy and memory size for measurement. On the other hand, we dive deeply into the construction of the memory buffer for memory efficiency. By analyzing the effect of different layers in the network, we find that shallow and deep layers have different characteristics in CIL. Motivated by this, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, denoted as MEMO for Memory-efficient Expandable MOdel. MEMO extends specialized layers based on the shared generalized representations, efficiently extracting diverse representations with modest cost and maintaining representative exemplars. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets validate MEMO's competitive performance. Code is available at: https://github.com/wangkiw/ICLR23-MEMOComment: Accepted to ICLR 2023 as a Spotlight Presentation. Code is available at: https://github.com/wangkiw/ICLR23-MEM
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