239 research outputs found

    Zero Sets for Spaces of Analytic Functions

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    We show that under mild conditions, a Gaussian analytic function F\boldsymbol F that a.s. does not belong to a given weighted Bergman space or Bargmann-Fock space has the property that a.s. no non-zero function in that space vanishes where F\boldsymbol F does. This establishes a conjecture of Shapiro (1979) on Bergman spaces and allows us to resolve a question of Zhu (1993) on Bargmann-Fock spaces. We also give a similar result on the union of two (or more) such zero sets, thereby establishing another conjecture of Shapiro (1979) on Bergman spaces and allowing us to strengthen a result of Zhu (1993) on Bargmann-Fock spaces.Comment: 17 p

    Surprise probabilities in Markov chains

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    In a Markov chain started at a state xx, the hitting time τ(y)\tau(y) is the first time that the chain reaches another state yy. We study the probability Px(τ(y)=t)\mathbf{P}_x(\tau(y) = t) that the first visit to yy occurs precisely at a given time tt. Informally speaking, the event that a new state is visited at a large time tt may be considered a "surprise". We prove the following three bounds: 1) In any Markov chain with nn states, Px(τ(y)=t)nt\mathbf{P}_x(\tau(y) = t) \le \frac{n}{t}. 2) In a reversible chain with nn states, Px(τ(y)=t)2nt\mathbf{P}_x(\tau(y) = t) \le \frac{\sqrt{2n}}{t} for t4n+4t \ge 4n + 4. 3) For random walk on a simple graph with n2n \ge 2 vertices, Px(τ(y)=t)4elognt\mathbf{P}_x(\tau(y) = t) \le \frac{4e \log n}{t}. We construct examples showing that these bounds are close to optimal. The main feature of our bounds is that they require very little knowledge of the structure of the Markov chain. To prove the bound for random walk on graphs, we establish the following estimate conjectured by Aldous, Ding and Oveis-Gharan (private communication): For random walk on an nn-vertex graph, for every initial vertex xx, \[ \sum_y \left( \sup_{t \ge 0} p^t(x, y) \right) = O(\log n). \

    On multiple peaks and moderate deviations for supremum of Gaussian field

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    We prove two theorems concerning extreme values of general Gaussian fields. Our first theorem concerns with the concept of multiple peaks. A theorem of Chatterjee states that when a centered Gaussian field admits the so-called superconcentration property, it typically attains values near its maximum on multiple near-orthogonal sites, known as multiple peaks. We improve his theorem in two aspects: (i) the number of peaks attained by our bound is of the order exp(c/σ2)\exp(c / \sigma^2) (as opposed to Chatterjee's polynomial bound in 1/σ1/\sigma), where σ\sigma is the standard deviation of the supremum of the Gaussian field, which is assumed to have variance at most 11 and (ii) our bound need not assume that the correlations are non-negative. We also prove a similar result based on the superconcentration of the free energy. As primary applications, we infer that for the S-K spin glass model on the nn-hypercube and directed polymers on Zn2\mathbb{Z}_n^2, there are polynomially (in nn) many near-orthogonal sites that achieve values near their respective maxima. Our second theorem gives an upper bound on moderate deviation for the supremum of a general Gaussian field. While the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality implies a sub-Gaussian concentration bound for the supremum, we show that the exponent in that bound can be improved under the assumption that the expectation of the supremum is of the same order as that of the independent case.Comment: 25 pages; The title of the paper is revise