3 research outputs found

    Seventy-Five Years (1940-2015) of Lehigh University\u27s Chemistry Department

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    The 75-years 1940 to 2015 have been exciting ones for the Department of Chemistry; new buildings, new programs, energetic young faculty, enhanced research image, and a far broader coverage of Chemistry than our ancestors ever presumed. Five chairs guided the department through its first 75-years but it took 11 chairs (with two of them serving twice) to manage the second 75-years. As one of the Lehigh founding departments in 1865 our first 75-years have already been covered. The reader is directed to a history written by Robert D. Billinger, A History of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1866-1941) which is available in original in the Lehigh Archives and as an on-line document. This sesquicentennial volume is also available in hardcopy with original illustrations in the archives or on-line